Instruments Flashcards
Gas Filled Detectors
Ionization Chamber
Proportional Counters
G-M Counter
Ionization Region
Pulse size depends on energy of incident radiation, not applied voltage
Operates under the Bragg-Gray Principle to determine absorbed dose
Used for high energy alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
Proportional Region
Pulse height depends on energy of incident radiation and has a linear relationship with the voltage applied
Depends on Townsend Avalanche effect
Used to detect less energetic particles
Typically uses P-10 Gas
P-10 Gas
90% Argon, 10% methane, fill gas
Gas Ionization Regions
Recombination Ionization Proportional Limited Proportional Geiger-Mueller Continuous Discharge
Limited Proportional Region
Avalanche effect begins to increase, causing less discrimination of the incident radiation energy
Geiger-Mueller Region
Avalanche effect reaches maximum, charge collected is constant (log scale), and cannot distinguish between incident radiation energy
Energy required to create and electron-ion pair
35 eV
Scintillation Detectors
Scintillation material absorbs radiation energy and emits visible light
The visible light is focused into a photocathode
The photocathode is a metal surface that undergoes the photoeletric effect and ejects photoelectrons
Photoelectrons enter the photomultiplier tube
Dynodes in PMT are held at increasing voltage potentials that exponentially increase the number of photoelectrons
Size of current photons depends on number of photoelectrons
Semiconductor Detectors
Small band gap between conduction band and valence band in semiconductor materials
Consist of P-type and N-type semiconductors pressed together
Region in between the semiconductors is called the Depletion Region
Reverse bias applied by connecting P to - and N to +
Radiation enters depletion region creating an electron-hole pair
Electrons move through the circuit creating a current pulse
# of electron-hole pairs depends on energy of incident radiation
Current pulse depends on number of electron-hole pairs
Ionization Chamber
Radiation interacts with a fill gas and produces ion pairs along its track
A voltage is applied creating an electric field in the gas
Free electrons migrate toward the electrode and positive ions migrate to the negatively charged wall
Once collected at the electrode, a steady current is produced
Current is measured corresponding to number of ion-pairs formed that corresponds to energy of incident radiation
Proportional Counter
Ionization chamber operated at a higher voltage to encourage the avalanche effect.
Allows the detection of lower energy radiation
Can distinguish between particles of different energies
Pulse from avalanche arriving at the electrode is linearly proportional to the number of ORIGINAL ion pairs and gas multiplication factor
Geiger-Mueller Counter
Operated in pulse mode
Each pulse has the same amplitude
Gamma rays will interact with the wall, liberating electrons that will then ionize the gas
Gas should have low electron affinity like proportional counters
Organic Scintillators
Based on excitation at the molecular level
Molecule de-excites by emitting prompt fluorescent light.
Inorganic Scintillators
Crystal lattice structure that creates electron-hole pairs when excited. When the electron returns to the valence band it emits light.