ensures VALIDITY in gathering of data
types of quantitative instrumentation (requires response in numerical nature) [6]
tests or test instrument, performance based, pen and paper exam, questionnaire, interview, observation
components of instrumentation [7]
actual instrument used, purpose of the instrument, developer of the instrument, number of sections in the instrument, response format, scoring of the response, reliability and validity of the study
collection techniques [3]
adapt, modify, create
(Type of Collection Technique) Philippine Statistics Agency records
Documentary Analysis
(Type of Collection Technique)
Opinions are elicited simultaneously
types of interview [3]
unstructured, structured, semi-structured
(Type of Collection Technique)
Must be done in a quiet inconspicuous manner
type of observation that uses checklist
type of observation wherein the researcher observed phenomena as it is
(Type of Collection Technique)
Physical data from the subjects
Physiological measures
(Type of Collection Technique)
Gather information from a person through question/statement that require response or reactions
Psychological Tests