Instrumentation Flashcards
A-D converter size?
8 bit minimum, 16 bit best
How many Bits in a Byte?
8 bits=1 Byte
How many steps in an 8 bit A-D converter?
2*8 (power) =256 steps
Over Amplify could result in?
Waveform Clipping
Sensitivity defined in?
uV/div (microvolts per division)
With regards to sensitivity, do smaller or larger numbers result in greater amplification?
Gain equals?
sensitivity equals?
The recording gain must be set to match … of the A-D converter for the most effective averaging?
vertical resolution
Of a differential amplifier, input 1: Cz= 0.75 uV and input 2: A1= -0.21 uV, what is the output?
0.96 uV
In order for Common Mode Rejection to work?
The resistance’s are equal between two electrodes
What is the minimum Common mode rejection ratio?
10,000 to 1 or 80 dB
What would the common mode rejection ratio be if the CMRR was 120 dB?
1,000,000 to 1
Key Factor in common mode rejection?
Electrode impedance balance
Salt Bridges never cause 60 cycle artifact? True or False
Too much electrolyte (salt jelly) spread between two electrode may cause 60 cycle artifact or cancellation (flat lines)?
What would be the impedance of an electrolyte or salt bride?
less than 100 ohms
In SSEPs, active electrodes must be in the negative or positive input?
negative input
In BAERs, the active electrode must be in the negative or positive input?
positive input
Best filter that causes no phase shift?
Digital Filter
High Frequency Filters cause?
Phase Lag (the lower the filter, the later the latency)
Low Frequency Filter cause?
Phase Lead (the lower the filter, the later the latency)
If filters are changed during the case you must?
Reset Baseline
High Filter to Low Filter Ratio
When frequency equals filter setting?
70 % amplitude and 30 % attenuation
I’m collecting my EEG at 1-70 Hz, what percentage of a 1Hz waveform will I see?
70% amplitude and 30% attenuation
Troubleshooting 60 hz in all channels?
Check impedance 1st then adjust rep rate by .1/sec but not evenly divisible into 60, then check ground.
Most common cause of 60 cycle artifact?
unequal electrode impedances
If you see 16.6 ms in the question, the answer is?
60 Hz Cycle
The Ultrasonic Aspirator (CUSA) produces?
Low amplitude-fast activity
Plug equipment into?
Hospital-grade outlets
What is the most common cause of 60 cycle artifact?
High electrode impedances
Identify colors of 120v, neutral, and ground wire in an electrical cord?
120v = black neutral = white ground = green
Capacitance Coupling
Electrical Noise
Inductive Coupling
Magnetic noise
Capacitance and Inductive Coupling reduced with?
braided electrodes
Primary step in troubleshooting Evoked potentials or EEG?
View the raw signal or incoming EEG
The Ratio of the amplitude of the stimulus locked components to the amplitude of the unrelated components?
The EP can be identified when the S:N is … or better?
If an evoked potential has a voltage of 10 uV and the associated noise has a voltage of 50 uV, what is the signal-to-noise after 100 averaged responses?
10/50 = 1/5 & N=100
1/5 (square root 100) = 1/5 (10) =10/5 = 2/1
answer 2:1
Signal averaging results in
Reduction in the amplitude of the noise only
post stimulus delay (positive delay) used to?
get rid of stimulus artifact
If you are recording with electrodes of different metals, what might you expect to record?
Bias potentials from the differential amplification of the different charge of each metal
Best recording electrodes?
Subdermal electrodes are more susceptible to noise due to having a higher impedance compared to surface electrodes. True or False
Does impedance testing polarize the electrodes?
By using alternating current, impedance testing does not polarize the electrode.
Constant Current Stimulation
As impedance increases at stimulation site, voltage output increases to maintain stim intensity.
Artifact rejection rejects signals based on?
Does Bipolar electrocautery saturate the amplifier?
Risk for patients with indwelling devices, arm to heart, <100uA
If you get a shock from the equipment?
Disconnect the patient