Instrumental Techniques Flashcards
Harp like- a chord with the notes spread out in time
Very high
An extra, very fast grace note
A type of ornament
Basso continuo
Continuous bass accompaniment
A bocca chiusa
Wordless humming in a choral piece
Translates to mouth closed
Calls for a horn to be muted by hand
Translates to closed
Cancels col legnk and pizzicato
Translates to with the bow
Colla voce
A note to accompanists to play with (in time with) the singer, especially when slowing for textual effect
Translates to with the voice
Col legno
Translates to with the wood
Calls for bowed instrument to be struck with the wood rather than the hair of the bow
Translates to coloration
Elaborate ornamentation of a vocal line
Translates to glide
A sweeping glide from one pitch to another
Translates to tied together
A series of notes played with a smooth connection between them
Con sordino
With mute
Calls for mute to be applied, esp. To string instruments
Senza sordino
Without mute
Calls for mute to be removed