Instrument Translations Flashcards
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for an English horn?
Corno Inglese, Englisch Horn, cor anglais
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a trombone?
trombone, Posaune, trombone
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a euphonium?
baritone saxhorn, Baryton, basse à pistons
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a viola?
viola, Bratche, alto
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a harp?
arpa, Harfe, harpe
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for bells or chimes?
campane, Glocken, cloches
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a clarinet?
clarinetto, Klarinette, clarinette
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a field drum?
tamburo, Rührtrommel, tambour
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a snare drum?
tamburo, kleine Trommel, tambour or caisse claire
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for cowbells?
campanelli di bacca, Heerdenglocken, grelots de vaches
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a tuba?
tuba di basso, Basstuba, tuba basse
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a saxophone?
sassophone, Saxophon, saxophone
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a wood block?
cassa di legno, Holzkaste, bloc de bois
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for triangle?
triangolo, Triangel, triangle
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for a vibraphone?
vibrafono, Vibraphon, vibraphone
What is the Italian, German, and French translation for timpani?
timpani, Pauken, timbales