Instrument Solutions to support monitoring and logging Flashcards
Where would an exception logged with the following end up?
var client = new TelemetryClient(); client.TrackException(ex);
Application Insights
Where should the instrumation key be store in the app be?
What should you use to capture performance from multiple geographies?
URL ping test in Application Insights
What command would you run to get all requests for /Home/Index that succeeded?
| where ResultCode ==
| where Name ==
GET Home/Index
What command would you use to get the latest 10 events from records call SecurityEvent?
| top 10 by TimeGenerated
How would you find SecurityEvents that are Level 10 or greater and happened within the last 30 minutes?
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30m)
| where toint(Level) >= 10
How would find the average of the CounterValue for results Perf that were generated within the last hour, for each computer?
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| summarize avg(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName
How would you find the average memory (Available MBytes) of the Computer ContosoAzADDS2
by hour over the last 7 days?
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where Computer == “ContosoAzADDS2”
| where CounterName == “Available MBytes”
| summarize avg(CounterValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
What method call do you need to make to the services to enable Application Insights?
What would you use to figure out how many users came back after some changes were implemented?
What is a session in App Insights?
A session is a period of activity by a user, terminated by a period of inactivity of more than half an hour
What is the use for funnel?
Finding how many users follow a path. E.g. Looking at ticket info, and then closing the ticket
What use does impact have in analytics?
Determine how load times and other properties affect product sales. E.g. what property effects clicking which button
What should you use rentention for?
Which events influnce users to return to your website
How should you send telemetry from a WebApp?
Add the app insights javascript to your webpage