Instructions to name that task Flashcards
Tap a card, Remember the picture, find the matching picture,Find the other pairs in as few tries as possible
Picture Matching/ Match Picture
Tap a card, Remember the face, Find the matching face, Find the other pairs in as few tries as possible
Face Matching/ Match faces
Tap a card, Remember the word, Find the matching word,Find the other pairs in as few tries as possible
Written Word Matching/Match written words
Watch the sequence of colored cards. Remember the pattern tap on the cards in the same order
Pattern Recreation/Repeat a pattern
Are these the same shape but Rotated
Mental Rotation/Decide if shapes are the same
Read the clock, Tap the correct time
Clock Reading/Read a clock
Read the Calendar, Read the question, tap the correct answer
Calendar Reading/Read a calendar
Drag the word to the boxes in alphabetical order.
Written Word ordering/Alphabetize written words
Read the question, Look at the map, Tap the correct answer
Map Reading/Read a Map
Drag the pictures to the boxes in alphabetical order.
Picture Ordering/Alphabetize Pictures
Count the money, Type the amount in the bottom box
Currency/Count Money
Decide what number is the missing, type the answer
Number Pattern/ Solve number patterns
Read and solve the problem, Type the answer
Word Problem/Solve word problems
Read the question, Look at the clock, solve the problem
Clock Math/ Do Clock Math
Read the question, figure out the answer, Type the answer
Functional Math/ Do Everyday math
Add the numbers
Addition/ Add
Subtract the numbers
Multiply the numbers
Divide the numbers
Tap both play buttons, decide if both words are the same or different
Minimal Pairs same or Different/Hear word differences
Listen to sound, drag the matching letter to the box
Sound to letter matching, pick letters to match sound
Read the letter, tap both play buttons, drag the matching sound to the box
Letter to sound matching/pick sounds to match letters
Listen to question answer yes or no
Spoken sound identification
Read the question, play the sound, drag the answer to the box
Minimal pairs with written cues/Read word descriptions
Play the description, play the word choices, Drag the answer to the box
Minimal pairs with spoken cue/Hear word descriptions
Count the syllables you hear.
Spoken Syllable identification/Count Syllables you hear
Listen to words, Decide if they rhyme or now
Spoken Rhyming/ Identify rhymes you hear
Look at the picture, listen to the question, tap yes or no
Picture Sound Identification/Identify picture sounds
Look at the picture, listen to the question, tap yes or no
Picture Rhyming/Identify picture rhymes
Does this word have two syllables
Picture Syllable Identification/ Count picture syllables
Listen to the instructions, drag the picture to the correct response
Auditory Command/Follow instructions you hear
Tap a card, Tap other cards to find the matching word, Find all other pairs in as few times as possible
Spoken word matching/ Match words you hear
Press play, Answer the questions that appear
Voicemail/ Understand voicemail
Press play, Answer the questions that appear
Inference Voicemail/Infer from Voicemail
Press play, Answer the questions that appear
Spoken Short Story/Understand stories you hear
tap to hear the sound, in as few tries as possible, find the matching sound
Environmental sound Matching/Match Sounds
Listen to the numbers, tap start, Say the numbers, tap stop
Repeat number sequences/ Remember and say the numbers
Tap when the word is the same one you heard right before
Spoken Word n back memory/Remember spoken word order