install-upgrade-client-systems Flashcards
AppLocker advances the app control features and functionality of Software Restriction Policies
Assigned Access 8.1
Assigned access is a feature in Windows 8 that gives a standard user account access to just one Windows Store app. Not only can the user can’t download additional apps, they can’t even open other programs or navigate away from the app.
It is a drive security and encryption program that protects drive content and data from any offline attack.
. Each client has a cache and acts as an alternate source for content that devices on its own network request
Business Store
a place of business usually owned and operated by a retailer but sometimes owned and operated by a manufacturer or by someone other than a retailer in which merchandise is sold primarily to ultimate consumers.
Clean Installation
A completely new installation of an operating system or application on a computer. In a clean install of an OS, the hard disk is formatted and completely erased. … Installing an OS on a new computer or installing an application for the first time is automatically a clean install. Contrast with “in-place upgrade.”
Client Hyper-V
Microsoft Client Hyper-V is a type-1 hypervisor for the Windows 8. x and Windows 10 operating systems (OSes) that allows users to run multiple operating systems inside a virtual machine (VM).
Ultimately, the “cloud” is just a metaphor for the internet.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. The program which handles the interface is called a command-line interpreter or command-line processor.
a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees “good” and “bad” … stand at opposite ends of a continuum instead of describing the two halves of a line
Cortana is a virtual assistant developed by Microsoft which uses the Bing search engine to perform tasks such as setting reminders and answering questions for the user
Credential Guard
Credential Guard is a virtualization-based isolation technology for LSASS which prevents attackers from stealing credentials that could be used for pass the hash attacks. Credential Guard was introduced with Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system.
Current Branch for Business
Starting with Windows 10, the Current Branch (CB) is the latest Windows update, whereas the Current Branch for Business (CBB) is deployed a few months after the CB to ensure that it has been more thoroughly tested in the user environment.
Desktop PC
A desktop computer is a personal computer designed for regular use at a single location on or near a desk or table due to its size and power requirements
Device Driver
More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system. Without drivers, the computer would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer
Device Guard
Device Guard is a Windows 10 security feature that enables virtualization-based security by using the Windows Hypervisor to support security services on the device. The Device Guard policy enables security features such as secure boot, UEFI lock, and virtualization.
also known as Unified Remote Access, is a VPN-like technology that provides intranet connectivity to client computers when they are connected to the Internet.
Encryption File System(EFS)
The Encrypting File System on Microsoft Windows is a feature introduced in version 3.0 of NTFS that provides filesystem-level encryption.
enterprise mode internet explorer (emie)
a compatibility mode that runs on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 devices, lets websites render using a modified browser configuration that’s designed to emulate either Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Windows Internet Explorer 8.
graphical user interface (GUI)
The graphical user interface is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.
Group Policy Management
built-in Windows administration tool that enables administrators to manage Group Policy in an Active Directory forest and obtain data for troubleshooting Group Policy.
Hardware interrupts (IRQ)
hardware signal sent to the processor that temporarily stops a running program and allows a special program, an interrupt handler, to run instead.
High Touch Installations (HTI)
An operating system installation method in which you use an installation DVD or USB drive and manually install the operating system on every computer. You must then also manually configure each system.
Hybrid Computer
computers that exhibit features of analog computers and digital computers
Joining to a Domain Kernel Mode
Kernel mode has full access to the hardware and system resources of the computer. The kernel mode stops user-mode services and applications from accessing critical areas of the operating system that they should not have access to.
a computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling
Lite Touch Installation (LTI)
high-volume deployment strategy for small to midsized organizations that combines the use of MDT with Windows Deployment Services, a server role of Windows Server 2008 and later that allows new computers to be deployed through network-based installation.
restores user state from the data store.
Long-Term Servicing Branch
specialized edition of Windows 10 Enterprise that promises the longest intervals between feature upgrades of any version of the operating system
Private Catalog
enables developers and cloud admins to make their solutions discoverable to their own organization’s internal enterprise users
Remote Desktop
software or operating system feature that allows a personal computer’s desktop environment to be run remotely on one system, while being displayed on a separate client device.
virtual application solution that allows users to run windows-based applications regardless of what operating system they are using.
collects information about the application settings and user data components from the . xml files that are specified on the command line
mobile device that combines cellular and mobile computing functions into one unit.
mobile device, typically with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single, thin and flat package
Text User Interface (TUI)
retronym describing a type of user interface common as an early form of human–computer interaction, before the advent of graphical user interfaces
upgrade installation
process of replacing a product with a newer version of the same product.
User Experience Control & Lockdown User Interface (UI)
the interaction and experience users have with a company’s products and services
User Mode
when the operating system is running a user application such as handling a text editor
User State Migration Tool(USMT)
command line utility program developed by Microsoft that allows users comfortable with scripting languages to transfer files and settings between Windows PCs
Returns a list of supported cryptographic algorithms (AlgIDs) on the current system
Virtual Desktops
describe ways in which the virtual space of a computer’s desktop environment is expanded beyond the physical limits of the screen’s display area through the use of software
Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Education, Enterprise)
series of operating systems developed by Microsoft and released as part of its Windows NT family of operating systems.
Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
small program that you can can be downloaded from here and executed to download the Windows 10 ISO file that you can later use to create a Windows 10 installation DVD or USB, either to start a new Windows 10 installation or to repair an existing one.
Windows Deployment Services
server technology from Microsoft for network-based installation of Windows operating systems.
Windows Hello
biometrics-based technology that enables Windows 10
windows Spotlight
feature included by default in Windows 10 that downloads pictures and advertisements automatically
Windows To Go
feature in Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8.1
Windows Update for Business
allows you to keep Windows 10-based devices in your organization always up-to-date with the latest security defenses and Windows features when these devices connect directly to the Windows Update (WU) service.
shorthand for 64-bit processor architecture
refers to 32-bit Intel processors,
Zero Touch Installation (ZTI)
high-volume deployment strategy for midsize to large organizations that combines the use of MDT with System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), which is part of the System Center family of products from Microsoft.