Inspector calls Flashcards
like bees in a hive - community and all that nonsense” B*
- sanctimonious
- presents views as fact
- shouldn’t be disputed
- capitalism
How is Eva smith marginalised?*
- Disregarded by the upper class represented by the birlings.
- treated like she’s inferior
We are in for a time of steadily increasing prosperity
Birlings confidence
“The way some of these cranks talk and write now, you’d think everybody has to look after everybody else
Birling on society
“but these girls aren’t cheap labour - they re people”
Shiela’s recognition
it’s the only time I’ve ever done anything like that, and Yll never, never do it again to anybody
Shiela’s regret
we all started like that - so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began asking us questions
Sheila’s on the inspector
“he’s beon steadily drinking too much for the last two years”
Sheila on eric
unsinkable absolutely unsinkable
mr birling
The sharp ring of a front door bell
inspector enters
A man has to make his own way- has too look after himself and his family too
mr birling
Clothes mean something quite different to a woman
mr birling
young and fresh
when you’re married youll realise
mrs birling
we are members of one body
the point is you dont seem to have learned anything
if men will not learn that lesson they will learn it in fire blood and anguish*
inspector - polysyndeton “and”.
prolonged consequences for their actions
semantic field of hell
eternal punishment
girls of that class*
mrs birling - patriarchy and capitalism
I am not defending him
mr birling
wretched girls suicide
mr birling
a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own
i cant accept any responsibility
lower costs and higher prices
I accept no blame for it
mrs birling
There are millions of eva smiths and john smiths still with us
I think you did something terribly wrong- and i think that you are going to spend the rest of your life regretting it.
she was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd for a girl in her position
mrs birling defending herself
well i was in a state when a chap easily turns nasty
but each of you helped to kill her. remember that.
“I’m talking as a hard-headed, practical man of business… there isn’t a chance of war”
mr birling
“It’s my duty to keep labour costs down”
mr birling
“She’d had a lot to say – far too much – so she had to go”
mr B
“Probably a Socialist or some sort of crank”
“When you’re married you’ll realize that men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business”
mrs B
“You know of course that my husband was Lord Mayor only two years ago and that he’s still a magistrate”
mrs b
“I’m very sorry. But I think she had only herself to blame”
mrs b
“Unlike the other three, I did nothing I’m ashamed of”
mrs b
“Go and look for the father of the child. It’s his responsibility”
mrs b
“I accept no blame at all”; “I blame the young man who was the father of the child”
mrs b
“You’re not the type – you don’t get drunk”
mrs b
“I was the only one of you who didn’t give in to him”
mrs b
“I’ve been so happy tonight. Oh I wish you hadn’t told me”
“I think it was a mean thing to do. Perhaps that spoilt everything for her”
“Why – you fool – he knows. Of course he knows”
“You and I aren’t the same people who sat down to dinner here”
“Between us we drove that girl to suicide”
“It’s what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters”
“You lot may be letting yourself out nicely, but I can’t… we did her in all right”
“She didn’t want me to marry her… In a way, she treated me as if I were a kid”
“…you’re not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble”
“For God’s sake – don’t say anything to the inspector”
“I didn’t install here there so that I could make love to her”
“Is there anything else you want to know – that you ought to know?”
“I think Miss Birling ought to be excused any more of this questioning”
“There are a lot of young women living that sort of existence
“We have to share something. If there’s nothing else, we’ll have to share our guilt”
“You’ll be able to divide the responsibility between you when I’ve gone”
“Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges”