Inspector Calls Flashcards
Whats important about the lighting
Described as pink or rose at the started, which shows the rose tinted spectacles which they had in society. Lighting changes when insoector enters
Significance of Inspectors entrance
He is let in by Edna who is of the working class, imspector gives a voice of the working class
What does inspector say to Birlimg about priveleges
“Punlic men have responsibilities aswell as priveleges”
What does Mrs Birling say to Edna at start of the play
“Ill ring to the drawing room when we want” tea - naturally assumes that she will be awake
What does Sheilla call Eric to do with drinking
What does birling say about business to Gerald
Perhaps there will be a time when Birling and Co. And crofts limited are no lomger competing but working as one. Mr Birling sees their marriage as a business opportunity
Birling capitalist thought he says to Gerald to do with costs
Lower costs higher prices
Dramatic irony - birling to eric
Asks about war and he says there “isn’t a chance of war” also about the “titanic” being “unsinkable” .
What does Birling think that Geralds mum thinks
I have a feeling that your mother thinks you could have done better than my girl
What does Birling show of to Gerald
“Knighthood” “spell as Lord Mayor”
Irony about trouble
“As long as we keep out of trouble for the next few months”
Birling about bees
Everybody has to look after everybody else like we are all mixed up like bees in a hive , community and all that nonsense
What does birling say about community
Community and all that nonsense
Birling about business
A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own “ - ambiguity of business
Whats mysterious about inspectors name
Goule - Ghost - super-natural
What does the insoector say about 1 person in terms of his enquiry?
“One person and one line of enquiry at a time” -indicated that all of the Birlings and Gerald are involved. Foreshadows future events
Eric saying to berling about what he would have done to Eva
“Id have let her stay” “why shouldn’t they try for higher wages”
Birling earth quote and inspectors responss
“If you donkt come down sharply on some of these people they will soon be asking for the earth” “but its better to ask for the earth than to take it”
Birling name dropping constable quote
“I play golf with the chief constable”
Sheillas first question about Eva
“Was she pretty?”
Inspector to sheilla - jeoulousy
“You might be said to have been jealous of her?” “Yes, I suppose so”
Sheillas quote aboit girls and labour
“But these birls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people” - de-humanising, faith in younger generation
Mr birling on responsibility
“If we were all responsible, for everything that happened to everybody we had anything to do with it, it would be very awkward wouldn’t it” - ironic in comparison to the whole play
Who does Mrs Birlimg blame quote
“First the girl herself… secondly, I blame the young man who was the father of the child… he should be made an example of” - irony