Inspector Calls Flashcards
How is Mr Birling presented as a capitalist?
He says ‘man has to mind his own business and look after himself.’
What is the inspector’s role in the play?
To be Priestley’s mouthpiece and display socialistic views.
What is the highest class system called?
Aristocrats (Mrs Birling)
Why does Mr Birling fire Eva Smith?
Because she asked for a slight pay rise. Shows Mr Birling’s a capitalist.
Why does Mrs Birling not help Eva?
Because she says she is Mrs Birling.
How does Priestley creates an atmosphere of interrogation?
As soon as the inspector enters the lighting becomes brighter like a spot light.
When was the play set and when was it actually written?
Set in 1912
Written in 1945
What is an example of biblical language in the Inspectors final speech?
“Fire, blood and aguish”-Hell
What were the roles of women in 1912?
Women were expected to stay at home and cook and clean in the house while the man went out to work.
How does Mr Birling make himself sound arrogant at the start of the play?
He says that the titanic is “unsinkable” and that a war will never happen. But the audience know that WW1 happened and that the titanic sank on its first voyage.