Inspector calls Flashcards
The quote
clue: Mr Birling orentation on responsibility
C A A T N… A M H T M H O B A L A H A H O - A
Community and all that nonsense… A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own- and -
Birling is erroneuos in the statements he makes
T G D W W. N W W… A W T T M A S T D. E T L A N T G B W
The Germans don’t want war. Nobody wants war… And why? There’s too much at stake these days. Everything to lose and nothing to gain by war.
The war quotation holds more strongly for priestly’s purpose as priestly founded the campaign for nuclear disbarment he is an anti war writer.
How does priestly show this sentiment in the play
He is making the case that capitalism needs war. It needs to build demand to get people buying.
How does priestly spur the audience to antipathise Mr birling even further using the war quote
By creating the erroneous claim that no one will gain anything. During the war which was untrue since there was a large scandal at the time where people made massive amounts of money from the war.
How does priestly point out Mr B’s stupidity during war quote + an inference to this
From the false claims of war
almost pointing out that hes lucky to have a successful business since he does not understand how business and capitalism works
this is an easy quote remember it
unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
how is this quote used a political metaphor
The titanic sank when people believed it was impossible. He is using this as an example to show the immense and powerful political powers of the capitalist party as they have just successfully defended Britain from Nazism but like the titanic they can also be sunk
Why does Birling not learn the lesson of Eva’s death
Priestly is trying to explain in his play the second world war is not the fault of politicians and international relations but it is the fault of the arrogant business men like Birling and the ruling classes. The sacrificed their sons to die in the first world war and they did not learn the lesson of that sacrifice and allowed the conditions of war to permeate through the two decades after 1920. So those in authority did not learn the lesson of the 1st world war which is why birling does not learn the lesson of Eva’s death
Quote for when Birling does not learn the lesson of Eva’s death
N L A T P O T - T F Y G W K I A. A T C E T A J
Now look at the pair of them - the famous younger generation who know it all. And they can’t even take a joke.
Now look at the pair of them - the famous younger generation who know it all. And they can’t even take a joke.
What is priestly paralleling with Eva’s death with this quote
the deaths of the 1st world war
What is the effect of the phone running at the end of the play and their being a second inspector
priestly is emphasizing the parallel of this new death and the deaths of the second world war