Oh how horrible (sheila)
only character who expresses genuine motion towards sucide of Eva,
i felt rotten about it at the time
informal adjective “rotten”,
remorse for actions, due to lack of maturaity.
conveyin message maturity is proportional to level of social responsability,
i suppose we are nice people
rherotorical device,
sarcastic tone,
all need to become more socially responsible.
nothing can be done, shes dead!!
you and i are not the same people
gained maturity since intial engagement with gerald,
perception of g has changed,
no longer ignore injustice
now i really feel engaged
S=obessed with MATEIRAL objects. needs PHYSICAL TOKEN, marriage is
COMMITED to relationship
but these girls arent cheap people-they people
P demostrates S INSTANEOUS RECONGISATION Inspector message, objects to fathers DEHUMANASING AND CAPTISLIST apporauch to buisness.
there are million and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths
Smith= roots in working class, from BLACKSMITH, P does to demostrate her class is fundemental, she cannot escape. common name symbolise =universality of suffering of working class, forgoten and neglected by wealthy.
died in misery and agony-haying life
after confession,
I reminds eva=died,
graphic adjectives, “misery”,
encourage audience to emphaise with e, visualising pain and suffering of Bs
P intensifies S guilt’s as enjoyment of life, is expense of others.
young and fresh and charming and altogether out of place down there
"fresh" connotation of desire, G views as sexual intent from start, connotations of purity as out of place, a euphemism, that she is virgin. also misogynistic objectification,
we done a great deal of useful work
Mrs birling role is not held for care, for influence
finacial aid is reserved for deserving case, how lives of working class are controlled by wealthy.
very pretty
a girl of that sort wouldnt refule money
assumes as she is lower class,
inherently greedy.
eva=moral force, never takes stolen marry, not marry
eric, just for wealth, contrast to E, steals money, and B arranging S marriage for money.
you ought to like this port, gerald”
verb ought,
reveals Mr birling insecurity about social class,
hesistant to command G like would to eric.
a man has to mind his own buisness and look after himself
speaks in 3rd person
attempt to create philosophical element his speech.
B=philosophy that no care for others, as it doesn’t impact him at this point, seen as selfish, inconsiderate and pompous.