Inspection of Tongue Coating Flashcards
Color of the Tongue Coating
Grey (Interior Syndrome; cold or heat)
Black (Internal heat or extreme internal cold)
White Thin Coating
Exterior or cold syndrome
White Thin and slippery coating
External pathogen invasion caused by wind-cold
White, slippery, and sticky coating
Existence of internal wetness-phlegm
If there’s tooth mark; Phlegm+damp
White tender and slippery coating that can be scraped completely
Interior deficiency cold syndrome
rootless coating; Yang Def.
White coating on a crimson tongue
Containment of dampness by hidden heat
Thicker coating means strong pathogens; sudden onset means better prognosis
White coating like a layer of accumulated white powder
Serious filthy turbidity in epidemic febrile diseases
White thick dry and cracked coating with sharply contoured granules like sand
Sudden and violent onset of internal heat accompanied with extreme exhaustion of body fluids
(Tongue body would be red; Yin Def.)
Yellow Thin Coating
Interior or heat syndrome
Light yellow coating is still moist
External pathogen begins to invade the interior
Yellow thick, dry coating
Exuberance of internal heat and body fluids have been consumed
Scorching yellow, dry, and cracked coating
The extreme exuberance of internal heat and body fluids have been deplete.
Yellow, slippery, and greasy coating
Accumulation of damp-heat in SP & ST
Internal heat complicated by phlegm-turbidity
Grey and dry coating
Exuberance of heat and the depletion of body fluids
Grey and moist coating
Internal obstruction due to Cold-Dampness
Def. can make Stagnation- that’s why it’s not pale white anymore