Inspection L2 Flashcards
What is an inspection?
An inspection is an examination of a site on the ground.
How do you stay safe on an inspection?
I ensure PPE is worn where necessary and undertake inspections in line with my company Lone Working policy when necessary.
What is the mandatory guidance to follow on VPS2 on inspection?
Inspections and investigations must always be carried out to the extent necessary to produce a valuation that is professionally adequate for its purposes. The valuer must take reasonable steps to verify the information relied on in the preparation of the report, and if not already agreed, with any assumptions made.
Why would you take photographs?
To refer back to when undertaking the valuation of the site.
Why are inspections important?
Then enable you to get a better understanding of the site and pick up any factors affecting value which may not be seen via desktop due diligence.
What are the 4 elements of an inspection?
- Pre-attendance (H&S)
- Local Area
- Externals
(4. Internals)
What might you be looking for?
Invasive species - Japanese Knotweed
What is Japanese Knotweed?
A purple/green stem with green leaves and white flowers
Which RICS document refers to Japanese Knotweed?
Japanese Knotweed and Residential Property 2022
If you identified Japanese Knotweed what would you do?
Seek specialist advice - can affect the valuation as banks will not lend if it is present
What is contaminated land and give an example of contamination.
Contaminated land is land which has been impacted by a pollutant, which may have a pathway to a property user (or receptor).
Eg. Potton Haulage Yard - oil drums/ diesel/petrol
What due diligence can you undertake in regards to contamination?
Desktop study to find out past uses
What are the 3 types of ground investigation report
Phase 1 - Desktop
Phase 2 - Intrusive
Phase 3 - Remediation
What’s the typical construction of New Build houses?
Brick and block construction
pitched roof
clay tiles
gable ends
strip foundation
What would you do if you ofund a well-trodden path dissecting a site?
Trespassers - speak to my client - how long have they been walking on there
Put up a sign stating permissive footpath