Inspection Flashcards
What does it mean to be ‘safe’ on an inspection? Why is it important?
Take steps to minimise the risk of harm on an inspection. Important for ensuring the health and wellbeing of yourself and others who may be affected.
How do you ensure your safety on an inspection?
- Charged mobile phone
- Plan an escape route
- Implement a call back system with office
- Make calendar available to colleagues
- Make sure you know who you are meeting
- Be aware of aggressive occupants and dogs
- Follow your instinct
What is the guidance of RICS Surveying Safely 2nd Ed
Effective 1st Feb 2019.
Global GN.
Basic good practice principles.
Corporate and individual responsibilities.
Corporate responsibilities:
Line management structure, staff training, company policies & procedures, clear accountability, insurance, adequate resources. Investigate incidents.
Personal responsibilities:
Responsible for own H&S and anyone under your care. Duty to comply with company policies &b procedures. Report breaches in good time, personal risk assessment, wear PPE, do staff training.
What is Savills Lone Working Policy
“An employee who undertakes work by themselves on behalf of the company”
- MUST carry a charged mobile phone at all times
- MUST notify the departmental secretary or nominated person on arrival at site and on departure (Buddie System)
- If the lone worker fails to contact the departmental secretary after the estimated departure time, the department secretary MUST contact the lone worker on their mobile;
- Outlook calendar entry; address, start/end time, who meeting, contact details
VISITS TO EMPTY BUILDINGS: these should be made by a minimum of two employees
RICS VPS 2 ‘Inspections, investigations and record’ in Red Book
INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS: Inspections must be carried out to the extent necessary to produce a valuation that is professionally adequate for its purpose.
- TOE – must agree the extent of inspection
- REVALUATION WITHOUT REINSPECTION: only if valuer is satisfied no material changes since last assignment. TOE must state this assumption has been made. Interval for professional judgment. Regular vas, re-inspection not necessary every time.
VALUATION RECORDS: details of inspections must be clearly and accurately recorded under VPS2.
What is a ‘proper record’ of an inspection?
Required under VPS2 of Red Book - Audit trail; legible, unambiguous notes that allow an effective response to any future enquiries. Retained in appropriate business format. Photographs.
What would you find in the ToE about an inspection? What requirements are there for what to include?
VPS 1 ‘Terms of engagement (scope of work)’ in Red Book:
- When settling the terms of engagement, must agree the extent to which the subject asset is to be inspected and any investigation to be made
- Record any limitations or restrictions
VPS 2 ‘Inspections, investigations and records’ in Red Book
- extent necessary to produce a professionally adequate valuation
What sort of property characteristics might you note?
EXTERNAL: Type of construction, condition, site boundaries, access, car parking, no. of storeys, situation, roof type, defects, contamination.
INTERNAL: specification, fit-out, layout, current use, condition, no. of cores, defects, contamination.
What due diligence do you carry out prior to an inspection?
Desk top review; situation, location, plan route, arrange access via client.
Risk assessment.
Prepare items to take; print plans, inspection proforma, charged camera, disto and spare battery, pen and paper, charged mobile phone, PPE (if required).
What are the signs of contamination? How would you account for the existence of contamination whilst determining the value of a development site?
DESKTOP: radon (.gov map of radon affected areas), consider site’s previous uses
VISIBLE SIGNS: evidence of chemicals, oil spill, presence of tanks.
VALUE: Deduct the cost to remediate from the gross site value. Don’t provide advice until specialist report is commissioned. Caveat the advice citing reliance on reports and special assumption.
When carrying out an external inspection, what should you take note of?
- Method of construction
- Repair and condition of the exterior
- Car parking/access/loading arrangements
- Defects/structural movement
Check site boundaries with OS map and/or Title Plan
When carrying out an internal inspection, what should you take note of?
- Layout and specification - - flexibility and obsolescence
- Repair and maintenance
- Defects
- Services – age and condition
- Statutory compliance – asbestos, building regulations, H&S, Equality Act, Fire and planning
- Fixtures and fittings and improvements made
Compliance with lease obligations
What residential H&S guidance is there and what are its principles?
Health and safety for residential property managers, 1st Ed. GUIDANCE NOTE.
Sets out practical guidance about H&S matters relating to residential properties, incl. BTR and HMOs. Also applies to agency sales of houses and flats, letting of single or multiple flats and residential blocks or otherwise working with residential property.
PRINCIPLES: more aimed at properties are meeting statutory obligations as well as good practice H&S e.g. gas and electrical safety requirements, carbon monoxide detectors, fire safety etc.
Hertfordshire, residential unit - what are the signs of damp?
Depends on the type of damp. Penetrating; through e.g. a wall. Re-point, cut off water source.
Wet/ soft timber, high damp meter reading, fungal growth & musty smell
Hertfordshire, residential unit - What are the types of damp?
- Condensation; identified by black mould growth and visible condensation. REMEDY: ventilation and heating.
- Wet rot; timber decay, slimy and soft/wet timber
- Dry rot; fungal attack, to masonry and timber
- Rising damp; damp patches start at base of wall and move up. Typically up to 1.5m from ground level. Floor/wall coverings wet/lifting. REMEDY: replace plaster, inject a DPC.
Penetrating; through e.g. a wall. Re-point, cut off water source.
What are the health implications?
Damp causes the structural strength of a property/garage to be compromised. Cement was showing signs of deteiration and bricks were sodden. Collapsing wall would cause personal and financial damage.
What did you do on site during your inspection when damp was suspected?
Signs of damp; water ingress to the walls (visibilly sodden)
- Took photographs and notes
- Established suspected cause whilst on site
- Informed client by phone after the inspection
- Informed the client by email with photographs
- Included in the agency report
Remedies to the damp advised?
Instruct a building surveyor to investigate the issue further. Identify the water ingress, cut off water source and repoint the wall/roof. Remove any structural compromised bricks.
Herts, residential unit - Tell me about the specification/condition of the building you inspected.
The specification was average; new lino flooring to living room, painted walls, standard specification kitchen with a freestanding fridge and built-in oven. Condition average, newly with a fair amount of wear and tear to be expected.
Which areas of the Red Book relate to inspections?
VPS 2 and VPGA 8
When were the Control of Asbestos Regulations last updated? What do they say?
- Good condition ACMs can be left in place
- Duty to manage ACMs in commercial buildings if you’re responsible for its maintenance
Works to ACMs must be by a licensed contractor, and some works are notifiable.
Under the asbestos regulations, who is the duty holder?
Owner of the premises if vacant, or the tenant if holding a REPAIRING LEASE
What are the requirements for asbestos?
A commercial property must have an asbestos management plan if asbestos is present
Asbestos Register required and must be checked against known materials once per year
What are the 3 types of asbestos?
Chrysotile (white) – Banned 1999
Amosite (brown) – Banned 1985
Crocidolite (blue) – Banned 1985; MOST DANGEROUS
What are the health risks of asbestos?
Asbestosis, which can lead to lung cancer. Breather in fibres when Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) disturbed.
Asbestos – where is it found?
Asbestos cement Toilet seats and cisterns Decorative coatings (artex) Ceiling tiles Vinyl floor tiles Guttering and downpipes Insulation (not generally in industrial)
Types of survey for asbestos?
- Management Asbestos Survey
- Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey
How do you identify Japanese Knotweed? What is it?
Invasive plant, damages foundations. Not easy to control, specialist contractor required to remove.
Purple/green hollow stem similar to bamboo, green shield-shaped leaves, small white flowers in late summer.
What are the requirements in relation to Japanese knotweed?
& RICS Guidance?
Legal: Environmental Protection Act 1990; only properly licensed contractors can remove and dispose.
If landowner ignores and allows to spread – ASBO and fines up to £2,500
RICS Information Paper on Japanese Knotweed and Residential Property, 2015.
What legislation is there on contamination?
Environmental Protection Act 1990: Part 2A, which sets out the system for identifying and remediating contamination.
Must carry out a risk assessment.
Must assess POSSIBILITY of harm to human health and pollution of controlled waters.
A Remediation Notice can be served to force landowner to remediate, but not necessary if they take steps on their own.
General principle: polluter pays for remediation
What legislation is there on contamination?
- Environmental Protection Act 1990: Part 2A, which sets out the system for identifying and remediating contamination.
- Must carry out a risk assessment.
- Must assess POSSIBILITY of harm to human health and pollution of controlled waters.
- A Remediation Notice can be served to force landowner to remediate, but not necessary if they take steps on their own.
- General principle: polluter pays for remediation
How do you identify contamination
- Desktop study on previous use, radon, local history, planning register. During inspection; oil spills, subsidence, chemicals, tanks.
- Environmental assessment; identify nature and extent
- Environmental assessment; Remediation options and monitoring
What RICS guidance is there on contamination?
RICS Guidance Note, ‘Contamination, the Environment and Sustainability’ 2010
- Reiterates legal duties under Environmental Protection Act and lays guidance on identifying contamination on inspections, and recommending further investigations to the client.
- PII – surveyors must ensure claims arising from contamination are covered by their PII policy OR include a caveat OR decline the work.
What is Land remediation relief?
A form of tax relief from corporation tax. Allows a claim up to 150% corporation tax for qualifying expenses incurred by companies cleaning up land acquired from a third party in a contaminated state.
What legislation and RICS guidance is there for asbestos?
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Control of Asbestos Regs 2012
- HSE Codes of Practice
Asbestos and its implications for surveyors and their clients 3rd Ed GN (expired and new revision coming)
What do you do if asbestos is present in the building?
Conduct risk assessment; risk of harm?
Notify client and advise them of their duties. Advise that a that a survey is carried out, asbestos register made and asbestos management plan in place
Advise that they seek specialist advice and any works must be by specialist contractor
Consider impact on value / pricing
What are the surveyor’s responsibilities regarding asbestos?
Statutory; H&S at Work Act – reasonable care for themselves and others
If identified or suspected on inspection, report irrespective of scope of engagement
Advise that they seek specialist advice and that occupants are advised immediately (if significant risk)
What is the process for carrying out an inspection?
- Consider my personal safety, and those for whom I have a duty of care
- Inspect the local area
- Inspect the property externally
- Inspect the property internally
What are the different purposes you might carry out an inspection for?
Development Consultancy
Property management
What are deleterious materials and what are some examples?
Materials that can degrade with age, causing structural problems. Signs include age of building & construction e.g. concrete frames from the 1960s, and brown staining on concrete.
Examples include High Alumina Cement.
What are hazardous material and what are some examples?
A material that is harmful to health.
Examples include; asbestos and lead piping.
What are the differences between an inherent, a patent and a latent defect?
Inherent: has always been present, and is a defect in the design or original construction of the building, e.g. misplaced reinforcement.
Patent: a defect that could have reasonably been identified on an inspection, e.g. rising damp.
Latent: a defect that could not have reasonably been identified on an inspection; e.g. problems with the foundations that may not show signs for several years.
What are common defects and their causes?
Movement (causing subsidence, heave, shrinkage cracking in new plasterwork, settlement cracks)
Water (causing rot and damp)
Deterioration of building materials (causing structural issues)
In period buildings: typical to see spalling, wet and dry rot, tile slippage on the roof, damp at GF level, water ingress around door and window openings, cavity wall tie failure (bulging wall and horizontal cracks).
Modern buildings: roof leaks, cracking in brickwork from settlement
What’s the difference between a defect and repair?
Defect: something that is faulty in some way
Disrepair: is as a result of failure to maintain
What would you suspect from horizontal cracking? Vertical cracking?
Horizontal: wall tie failure (which also can cause bulging)
Vertical: caused by settlement, subsidence and heave
Cornwall Terrace Mews - How big was the crack?
1mm larger than a hairline crack.
Cornwall Terrace Mews - construction
Masonry cavity wall construction.
Witchford - what are the signage planning implications?
Town and Country Planning Regulations 2007 - planning consent is required for non-residential boards over 2sqm (flat) & 2.3sqm (v board). Residential boards is 0.5sqm (flat) and 0.6sqm (v board).
Witchford - What’s the difference between heras fencing and traditional hoarding. What are the benefits of heras?
Heras - temporary fencing intended for use on construction sites. Branded nylon covers enhance aesthetics.
Benefits: - Easy to install, move as and when, clean nylon covers.
- Cheaper and reusable(for future developments). Green credentials - in line with clients obejecitves.
Traditional timber hoarding - Excavated and concreted.
- Heavy to install, hazardous sharp edges and nails can injure.
- Not cost efficient - specialist installers required.
- Time-Consuming- this contributes to increased costs. Consider common graffiti and the hours of labour increase.
- Difficult to apply advertising graphics, vinyl or crezon panels are costly and time consuming.
- Wasteful - often this hoarding ends up in landfill.
If you came across defects on inspection, what would you do?
I would follow the four-step process;
- Take photographs of the defects.
- Try to establish the cause of the damage whilst on site
- Inform your client of your investigations.
- Recommend specialist advice from BS or structural engineer.
Why do you walk the boundary of a site?
To check the title document correctly reflects the physical land boundary.
What is a Mews House
A building in a row or courtyard that was used for carriages or garage with living quarters above for large high value houses in the twentieth century.