Inspection Flashcards
How can you identify a Victorian house?
Built prior to 1901 Patterned bricks Built in terraces Barge boards – distinctive decorative wooden panel, popular in Victorian period. Bay and sash windows Enclosed stone or brick porches Date stone High ceilings and good-sized rooms Multiple fireplaces
What is a barge board
Long, straight boards fitted in an inverted V-shape to the gable end of the roof of your property.
Covers exposed ends of the roof rafter offering protection
What defects might you expect in a Victorian Property
Penetrating dampness
Rising damp
what is rising damp?
The upward movement of moisture through capillary action into the structure
what is capillary action
Process where liquids move vertically or horizontally (against gravity) in tight spaces.
tell me about the property you inspected in Brockley?
1, Property type 2, address 3, purpose of inspection 4, construction 5, age 6, Potential problems (defects, contamination, asbestos) 7, notes taken 8, valuation impact
- Victorian period end of terrace house.
- Situated in a predominantly residential area in South East London.
- Assisting a senior colleagues valuation on a right to buy case
- Solid brick walls, replacement concrete tiles with Dutch gable, replacement uPVC windows
- pre 1900s Victorian
- cracking caused by nearby tree
- cracks visible on 2 of 3 storeys, in particularly below window frames
- costly remedial work may be needed, adjustment if worse than standard for road
Can you name 3 pros and 3 cons of a pitch tiled roof?
\+ve Traditional appearance Low maintenance Efficient water run off Longer life span Increased durability due to strong quality materials Gives loft space
- ve
- Costly compared to flat roofs
- Weight can make it not suitable as need good foundation
- difficult installation
- tiles are brittle
what is the function of a roof?
Keep out rain, snow and wind
Deny access to pests
Insulate and prevent warmth being lost
What is a warm roof?
Roof that has insulation as a key part of its structure
What is a cold roof?
Roof that does not include insulation in its structure
tell me a little bit about flat roofs
Generally defined as having a pitch less than 15 degrees
A fully flat roof would not allow rainwater to drain away
Cheaper than pitched roofs
tell me a little bit about pitched roofs
Pitch of at least 15 degrees
Typically 40-50 degrees, can go as high as 70.
name 3 roof material types for pitched roofs and tell me a little bit about them
Clay – can be moulded to different sizes
Slate – generally rectangular in shape
Concrete – available in wide range of colours and shapes, tend to be heavier than slate or clay
Thatch – uses organic materials such as wheat straw, water reed and sedge
What tile can be used to round the edge of a hipped roof?
Ridge tile or hip tile
Would you expect the house you inspected in Hythe to have a cold roof?
Yes, majority of houses with pitched roofs will have a cold roof.
Insulation is laid on the floor of the loft area, immediately above the ceiling of the upstairs rooms of the house. This means that the roof space is at close to outside air temperature.
This is fine for most houses unless they are looking to use the loft area as an extra room.
Where two sides of a roof meet is called what?
The ridge
pros and cons of flat roofs
cheaper upfront cost than pitched alternatives
quicker build due to simple structure
- ve
- more maintenance required
- more likely to hold water
what external features did you make note of at the house in Brockley?
- Roof – concrete tiled tiled roof
- Render – naked brick with barge board and Dutch gable
- Brickwork – english bond
- Chimney flashing – replacement lead flashing
- Windows – UPVC
What is brick render?
Type of cladding for the exterior of a brick building.
purpose of rendered brick
- Protect house walls from bad weather
- Attractive appearance
Did you exclude anything in your inspection of the Shop in Croydon?
Staff toilets
Store with height less than 1.5m
structural walls
tell me about the inspection you did in for the House in Hythe?
1, Property type
2, address
3, purpose of inspection
4, construction
5, age
6, Potential problems (defects, contamination, asbestos)
7, notes taken
8, valuation impact
1, The property was a mid-terrace dwelling
2, located in a semi rural area of Hythe in east Kent.
3, I inspected for IHT purposes as the returned value was significantly lower than my desk top valuation
4, traditional cavity brick construction with pebble dash render
5, 1950s
6, Leaking roof, damage to flashing and internal ceilings, causing damp
7, extremely dated features
8, Adjusted comparables and i advised my client that the returned value was reasonable having regard to the condition of the property observed on inspection
How can you check if a mezzanine is a mezzanine and not a floor part of the structure?
Check if there are pillars/columns underneath it
Is it bolted to the wall on the side or the floor?
Is there give in the floor if I jump up and down
Ask the occupier / building manager
what do you know following the CPD event you attended on Defects, specifically in relation to damp.
Dampness is most common problem in housing
Well insulated, heated and ventilated houses less likely to have a problem
Condensation, Rising damp, penetrating damp
Damp can be caused when there is no damp proof course (DPC) or it is defective
Damp can be resolved using: DPC Injection silicon, Dry rods or physical insertion
what is condensation
The inside air condenses and forms droplets which are often seen on walls and/or windows.
occurs when the air outside is colder than the air inside.
how can you prevent condensation
Ensure adequate ventilation using windows and extractor fans
how can homeowners prevent rising damp
Before purchasing a house find out if it has a damp proof course and membrane. If it doesn’t have one or is defective build a new one.
Ensure that the level of garden soil directly next to the house does not rise higher than the level of the damp-proof barriers.
Ensure that rainwater goods are well designed and maintained.
what are rainwater goods
Gutters and downpipes
carry water away from a building to prevent it from entering the building or running down the walls
what is a damp proof course?
Physical barrier that prevents water moving up a wall, protecting against rising damp.
Plastic DPCs are installed into the wall in the construction phase.
What is penetrating damp?
Any water that leaks through the wall, roof or ceiling; this type of damp spreads horizontally.
What can cause penetrative damp?
Leaking roof (loose/broken tiles, damaged flashing) Defective gutters (loose or blocked) Leaking downpipes Damaged exterior walls (cracks to pointing, cladding, render or pebbledash) Poorly fit doors or windows Leaking interior pipes
how can you spot penetrating damp
Damp brown stain patches internally on the wall or ceiling
Large bubbles appearing in the plaster
Resolution tips for penetrating damp?
Seek out a RICS accredited building surveyor
Ask neighbours if experiencing similar problems
Regularly check roof
Ensure exterior pointing and paintwork is applied properly.
What is pointing
The process of finishing mortar joints in a brick or stone masonry construction
What types of asbestos are there? Full names? Tell me a bit about them.
White – Chrysotile
Most used form of asbestos. It can be found in the roofs, ceilings, walls and floors of homes and businesses.
Manufacturers also used for insulation for pipes, ducts and appliances.
Brown – Amosite
Used in cement sheets and pipe insulation. It can also be found in insulating board and ceiling tiles.
Blue – Crocidolite
Most dangerous due to extremely small fibres
Used to insulate steam engines. It was also used in some spray-on coatings, ceiling tiles, pipe insulation, plastics and cement products.
What are some value significant factors for woodland?
Access, risks, potential uses, covenants and restrictions, ground quality and contamination
Planning policy
How did you amend the rateable value on the Shop in Croydon following your inspection?
I agreed a reduction based on the subject rent supported by my findings on inspection, i determined that the subject would acheive a lower rent due to the lack of pavement space.
What inspection advice did you provide for the house in Brockley? and why?
I advised my senior colleague that the subjects property’s condition should be considered alongside comprables and it may be determined an adjustment is necessary
I further advised that a structural survey should be carried out due to the apparent presence of structural cracking.
How do you decide what PPE you need?
Risk assessment
Ask occupier / building manager
Speak with experienced colleagues
Common sense approach – be prepared
What advice have you given from an inspection?
Reval 2023 - advised senior management of value significant factors to consider and how to group properties for Valuation.
House, Brockley - obtain a structural survey
House, Hythe - an adjustment for damage would be necessary therefore returned value acceptable
what would you expect from a CAT A office
New or comprehensive refurbishment Good location Good access Welcoming, open, bright lobby/reception Air con – fresh air supply Full access raised floors with floor boxes Suspended ceilings 2 passenger lifts 2.5Kn – 3.0 floor loading (kilo newton) Excellent BREEAM rating 8-10 square metres per person (general workspace density) Good natural light (300-500 lux average) Cat A lighting Well-being features (e.g. plants) Appropriate ceiling hight of 2.6m – 2.8m Ceiling void of 350mm and a raised floor void of 150mm Double glazed windows
What different types of fit out are there?
Shell and core – where the common parts of the building are completed, office floor area/retail areas are left as a shell ready for fit out by the occupier
Category A fit out – where the interior basics are installed grade A spec including new/refurbished building, Full access raised floors, Suspended ceilings, DG windows, lighting
Category B fit out – leaves the space tailor-made to suit the occupant, from custom features to branded finishes
Includes partitions and doors, IT infrastructure, power points and air con, floor finishes, cafes, kitchen areas, furniture, branded material and décor.
what do you mean by shell?
Area has not been fit out by occupier.
It will have a floor, walls, windows and roof but no interior improvements
It may have heating, ventilation, air con, basic plumbing and electrics (may be called warm shell – be aware and careful)
What is an easement?
Having an easement on your property means that a third party (an individual or a utility company for example) has a right to use your property for a particular purpose. This could be passing by foot or with vehicles over your property
how can you tell if a wall is solid?
Solid walls will be very hard, if you tap on the wall whilst moving your hand around it is unlikely that you will see any flex or hear any hollow areas or voids
What do you know about Portal Frame buildings
first developed during the Second World War and became popular in the 1960s.
Used to create wide-span enclosures such as; warehouses, agricultural buildings, entertainment and sport venues, factories, large retail units
They were originally used because of their structural efficiency, meaning that large spaces could be enclosed with little use of materials and for a low cost.
Portal frames are a type of structural frame, that, in their simplest form, are characterised by a beam (or rafter) supported at either end by columns, however, the joints between the beam and columns are ‘rigid’ so that the bending moment in the beam is transferred to the columns.
What else can cause cracking?
- new builds setting
- vibrations
- dried plaster
- subsidence - downwards movement
When can cracking be an issue?
Wider cracks of more than 5 millimetres
Diagonal cracks
Cracks above door frames
Cracks through which you can see sunlight
For Revaluation 2023 tell some advice you gave regarding industrial property? and why?
I advised industrial property with trade counters demand situation around retail property and therefore have a greater reliance upon location than the so called ‘big shed’ industrials. This led to the trade based industrial acheiving a higher rent generally. This is not something acknowleged prior to Reval 2023.
Advised on high value areas and why
What notes did you make on the House in Biggin Hill.
Made a note of nearby comparables also with a flat roof.
When have you considered environment issues?
House in Hythe - had original windows cause lead to increased outgoing and energy use.
Have you come accross any access issues?
Shop in Croydon - reduced pavement, if car parked outside could cause difficulty for wheelchair access.
What is japanese knotweed?
Intrusive weed that can cause damage to structures if close enough (3m) to be dangerous.
How to identify Japanese Knotweed?
Heart shaped leaves with zig zag pattern on stems
new growth looks like asparagus
What is Asbestos?
Harmful building material used in the mid 1900s, banned in 1999
What is asbestos used in? (5)
- cement
- insulation
- roof tiles
- floor tiles
- spray coating
Types of Asbestos?
- blue
- brown
- white
Latest guidance for inspections?
RICS Surveying Safely (2019)
What is the BEAMS team?
Built environment and minerals surveyors
Can you name some common defects with traditional construction methodology?
- dampness
- masonry pointing failiure
- rain water goods
- subsidence
- cracking
Tell me about damp
- rising damp as a result of lack of DPC or DPM
- penetrating damp from issues with envelope
- condensation from internal issues
- can rot timber
What are some potential defects with flat roofs?
- cracking under heat, sorted by white chippings or sun reflecting paint
- water ponding
Tell me a bit about non-traditional construction.
- popular after 1918
- usually local authority buildings / houses
- due to lack of skilled labour and materials
- pre fabricated
- still used today
- some forms unmortgageable and require remediation
What do you know about framed construction?
- most commonly steel or concrete
- pad or tile foundations
- Steel originated early 1900s with concrete post WWs
- can incorporate a range of claddings
- internal can accomodate range of uses
Are you aware of any common defects with framed construction?
- concrete - flat roof defects
- corroded cladding fixings
- concrete carbonisation
- sulphate attack - expansion
Can you name some site considerations you have made on inspection?
- tree proximity
- water courses
- access
- invasive species
- contamination
- pollution
What age building was the shop in Croydon? How could you tell?
Georgian terraced building - flat building surface, tall / long window frames evenly spaced and rounded brick lintels
What type of property was the house in Biggin Hill?
1960s terraced estate style, cavity brick walls under flat roof
What type of property was the house in Hythe?
It was 1950s terraced house, cavity brick covered in pebble dash, concrete tiled roof, single glazed aluminium windows
What steps did you take in the Risk Assessment?
1) Identify the hazards
2) Decide who may be harmed and how.
3) Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
4) Record the findings and implement them.
5) Review the assessment and update if necessary.
6) Advise those affected of the outcome.
Is there legislation relating to asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
What is contamination?
Contamination occurs when a property has hazards such as asbestos, lead or other substances, chemicals in storage which have leaked, contaminated water supplies and contaminated air-conditioning systems,
What Key Legislation relates to contamination?
Environmental Protection Act 1990.
What are deleterious materials?
High Alumina Cement, Woodwool Shuttering, Calcium Chloride – materials that can degrade with age, causing structural issues.
What guidance and legislation relates to Japanese Knotweed?
- RICS Japanese Knotweed and Residential Property, Guidance Note, 1st edition, January 2022.
- Environmental Protection Act 1990.
What is the difference between inherent and latent defects?
Latent – Fault that could not be discovered by a reasonably through inspections
Inherent – Defect in design or material which has always been present.
Ideal office size in Industrial units?
5-10% of total area
PPE Examples
- gloves
- hi vis
- goggles
- steel toe boots
- hard hat
- mask
- hazmat suit
What are some value significant factors?
Location, Dimensions, Access, Constructions, Age, Accommodation, Amenities, Quality, Specification, Repair, Planning Use, Hazards, Sustainability.
When would you not generally use zoning for retail?
Restaurant, retail warehouse, supermarket, concession at train station
What advice did you give for the house in Hythe and why?
I advised my client that the returned value was reasonable based on my inspection findings. I determined it was necessary to make an adjustment for condition for the subject in the context of comparable evidence.
Issues with brickwork?
- cracking in pointing
- efflorescence - salts on brick work, water reaction
- spalling - damage to face of brick caused by weather
Hazardous materials?
Materials than can be harmful to health
What is the life span of a flat roof?
15-20 years
Types of flat roof covering?