Inspection Flashcards
You inspected a property in Birstall, what was the potential issues with having shrubs?
There could have been invasive species within the shrub and therefore I advised my client to have an ecologist to confirm that this was not the case.
What are examples of invasive species?
There are over 2000 invasive species in the UK which are on a list and include Japanese Knotweed
What is Japanese Knotweed?
A fast growing, aggressive weed
What recommendations did you give to solve issues at Birstall?
I recommended a qualified ecologist was instructed to confirm that no invasive species were present and then to have the shrub removed to ensure they were compliant with the lease agreement.
You mentioned that a leisure unit in Middlesbrough had water ingress visible and provided potential options to solve the issue. What were those options?
I advised my client that they could instruct a qualified contractor to carry out investigation surveys and put any issues right or that we could agree that a Tenant take the agreement on a FRI lease and negotiate a rent-free period for them to resolve the issues.
You inspected a football club in Grimsby and noted issues with the order of the rooftop itself and debris. What were the potential safety issues?
The debris could have flown off the roof. This had already been the case and a football match had to be postponed due to debris coming off the telecoms equipment.
What considerations did you give at the Grimsby FC inspection?
Considerations were given on the rooftop to not stand anywhere which did not have steel grillage and perimeter fencing to ensure that I was in a safe position on the rooftop.
You assisted on the inspection of several residential properties, what measuring standards did you use?
What is included/excluded in IPMS2 for residential properties?
Area comprising more than 50% of the floor-to-ceiling height for each wall section
Were there any other safety concerns when carrying out the inspection on a residential property?
Yes, as the properties were tenanted - this was mitigated by giving appropriate notice to the Tenants to advise of the date/time of the inspection. I was with a colleague but we had the addresses in our calendars and a colleague in the office on hand to ensure they were aware of where we are and who we are meeting.
What is Fisher Germans lone working procedure?
Ensure that the address and times are in your diary, we have a team whatsapp chat to ensure we inform when we leave/arrive and of any delays during the visit.
What do you do prior to going out on site searches?
I carry out a desktop investigation and complete RAMS for my visit
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What PPE do you wear for a site visit to a rooftop telecoms site?
Steel toe capped boots, high vis jacket, appropriate clothing for the weather conditions, pen and paper, tape measure if required and climbing harness if I am need to climb ladders.
What responsibilities does an occupier have if there is something dangerous in their premises?
Under the Occupier Liability Act 1957 (duty of care to all lawful visitors that they are reasonably safe on site) and Occupiers Liability Act 1984 (duty of care to trespasses that they are reasonably safe on site)
What are the 2 types of damp?
Penetrating and rising
What is effluorescent?
Salt in brickwork coming out
How could you spot water ingress externally?
Broken or blocked gutters, cracks, loose/missing tiles
Eldon Garden Shopping Centre, what was your measurement procedure on the day?
I used a laser measurement device, pen and paper. I zoned the unit when back in the office.
What is zoning?
6.1m back zone A and then back as per that
Why is the frontage most valuable?
As that gets the most footfall and is the area that most people see first
Do you always zone retail property?
It would depend on the comparable evidence, so yes I would zone it but I might have to analyse on a £ per sq ft
Do you zone all retail properties?
No, you would not zone a supermarket or a retail warehouse
What is storage in zoning?
What is first floor in a shop zoned as?
Any instances where the zone is greater than 6.1m?
Yes, in London on the more valuable locations they are zoned by 10.2m
How do you ensure a disto is accurate?
Have them calibrated by the manufacturer annually and measuring a known distance in between
What is excluded in NIA?
Columns, areas under 1.5m in head height and window space is excluded - balconies are also excluded
What measurement basis would you use for an office?
Explain what IPMS 1,2 and 3
1 - GEA
2 - GIA
3 - NIA
How did you measure the telecoms site
With a tape measure and to GEA
How would you measure a site?
A trundle wheel or pro maps?
Limitations of using a trundle wheel?
Might not walk in a straight line and the land topography
What is the current RICS measuring standards?
Code of measuring practice 2015 and RICS Property measurement 2018
What is included in code of measuring practice?
What IPMS do you use for measurement of properties?
IPMS 3 for offices and IPMS 3 B for residential on an agency and valuation purpose
Disadvantages of using a disto?
Laser does not work effectively in daylight and measuring against a window will not work. also difficult to measure shorter distances with no end point
How do you know the scale plans are accurate
Do a couple of check measurements on site to ensure that it is accurate
What could you look for externally to identify why water ingress has occured?
Cracks, blocked/broken gutters, loose/missing tiles, defective windows
two types of damp?
Penetrative and rising
What does VPS stand for?
Valuation Practice Statement
What is VPS1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?
1 - terms of engagement
2 - Inspections
3 - Valuation reports
4 - Bases of value, assumptions and special assumptions
5 - Valuation approaches and methods