Insects + Their Environment Flashcards
Define ‘behavior’
What 2 factors determine behavior?
What are environmental stimuli, and what are 4 types?
What are olfactory cues?
How do insects smell?
What are olfactory cues that regulate interactions between organisms called?
What are 2 types of these?
What are pheromones?
What are some examples?
What are allelochemicals?
What are 2 types of these and an example of each type?
How do insects detect gustatory cues?
Compare how polyphages and monophages are affected by gustatory cues.
What are a few examples of tactile cues on plants?
What receptors do insects use to detect these cues?
What 3 major behaviors are essential to insect survival?
How are these behaviors activated?
Describe the steps leading up to a target behavior, and the senses used in each step.
mating behavior follows same pattern: mate habitat location –> mate recognition –> mate acceptance
What do taxis and kinesis mean?
What are the 2 main factors related to host acceptance?
Give 3 examples of each.
protein is in form of nitrogen
alkaloid molecules have N in their structure
What are 6 examples of physical traits that can be used for defense?