Insanity Flashcards
What is everyone in the criminal justice system presumed to be?
Sane - we have freewill and can choose a course of action, so we cannot blame people who do not have this ability
What is insanity also known as?
Insane automatism - little to do with medical definition of insanity, given a legal definition
What type of defence is insanity?
General defence, used for any crime, including a summary offence (R v Horseferry Road Magistrates’ Court ex parte K 1996)
What will the verdict be with a successful plea of insanity?
Special verdict - ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’
Before the Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to plead) Act 1991 what was a successful plea of insanity lead to?
Compulsory detention in a mental hospital, where they could only be released on authority of the Home Secretary
What has the 1991 act been replaced with?
Domestic violence crime and victims act 2004
Under the 2004 act what can the judge make?
a hospital order, a supervision order or an absolute discharge
When is a judge allowed to make a hospital order under the 2004 act?
Only with medical evidence, for safety of public and defendant as this is in line with the Human Rights Act 1998
What is the burden of proof within insanity?
Defence must prove insanity, the prosecution can also call evidence to try and prove the D is insane where he/she has not pleaded insanity
If a D raises defence of automatism what can the judge raise?
Issues of insanity
What is automatism?
Separate defence to insanity describing a state of unconsciousness, defined in Bratty v Attorney General for N. Ireland 1963, a successful plea results in an acquittal
Where were the rules on insanity laid down?
M’Naughten 1843 (attempt to murder Conservative PM but killed secretary by mistake - paranoia), known as the M’Naughten rules
What are the 3 principles that must be proven to claim insanity from the M’Naughten rules?
Defect of reason
Caused by a disease of the mind
So D did not know what he was doing ot did not know that what he was doing was wrong
What does a defect of reason mean?
Complete loss of reasoning power - mere forgetfulness or absentmindedness will not do
Which case illustrates a defect of reason?
R v Clarke 1972
D stole from supermarket during an absentminded state, argued it came from her diabetes and depression as the minor mental illness can produce this, so convicted
On appeal conviction quashed as she was not deprived of reasoning powers, just failed to use them but did not have mens rea for theft
What is ‘disease of the mind’?
Legal term, not medical, so doctors would not call many of these ‘diseases of the kind’ but legally it is malfunctioning of the mind - could come from within the body too
What case illustrates disease of the mind?
R v Kemp 1957 (hardening arteries caused temporary blackouts and attacked wife with a hammer causing serious injury) court said there was no distinction between a disease of the mind and a disease of the body affecting the mind
What did Lord Devlin say about a disease of the mind?
“Condition of the brain is irrelevant and so is the question whether the condition is curable or incurable, transitory or permanent”
What was held in R v Coley 2013?
Intoxicants which are voluntarily taken cannot cause a ‘psychotic episode’ suitable for the defence, he was a cannabis user
What are the two judicial theories that have been developed?
Continuing danger theory - is the D still a danger to the public and is s/he likely to be violent
Internal cause/factor and external cause/factor theory
What is the continuing danger theory and which case best describes it?
Bratty v Attorney General for Northern Ireland 1963 - D strangled a girl with stocking and claimed it happened in an epileptic seizure - HOL allowed it and Lord Denning said “any mental disorder which has manifested itself in violence and is prone to recur is a disease of the mind” - principle guided by public policy and need to protect society from dangerous individuals
Which case confirmed the ruling in Bratty 1963?
R v Sullivan 1984 - D kicked and seriously injured friend during epileptic seizure, pleaded automatism but trial judge said insanity was appropriate, he appealed but his conviction was upheld
Epilepsy was a disease of the mind because during a seizure mental faculties could be impaired
What case can we use from Canada as persuasive precedent for ‘an out of body’ experience?
Rabey 1977 - the stress of day to day life causing someone to act criminally will not be allowed as an external cause
What case made the distinction between the internal/external factor theory?
R v Quick 1973 - hypoglycaemic attack bought on by not eating after he took insulin and attacked a patient in hospital where he worked causing GBH - this was an EXTERNAL factor as the cause of his state was from externally taking insulin and failing to eat
What case compares with R v Quick 1973?
R v Hennessy 1989 - diabetic charged with driving a car whilst disqualified, had not taken insulin for 3 days due to stress and depression and suffered from hyperglycaemia, he was convicted of insanity as NOT taking the insulin was an internal cause of his state
What case can be used to talk about sleepwalking being an internal cause in insanity?
R v Burgess 1991 - hit female friend with bottle and video recorder after falling asleep watching a film, charged with unlawful wounding, judge said appropriate defence was insanity and returned the special verdict
What must the defence prove that the defendant lacked at the time of the offence?
knowledge as to ‘the nature and quality of the act, or if he did know it, that he didn’t know that what he was doing was wrong’
What case holds that the nature of the act is physical not moral?
Codere 1916 - cut his wife’s throat thinking it was a loaf of bread
What type of knowledge must you have that your act was wrong?
Legal knowledge not moral knowledge - R v Windle 1952 killed suicidal wife with overdose of 100 aspirins, when arrested he said “suppose they’ll kill me for this”, despite suffering from mental illness himself he knew he was breaking the law so convicted of murder
What case confirmed the decision in R v Windle 1952?
R v Johnson 2007 - schizophrenic who stabbed neighbour and medical evidence showed he knew what he had done was legally wrong, defence denied
What is outdated about the defence of insanity?
It stems from 1842 case of M’Naughten and takes little account of medical and psychiatric progress since 1843
What is the problem about the definition of insanity?
It is legal rather than medical - medical science now recognizes that the mind includes emotions and the personality
Why is insanity an all or nothing approach?
There is no verdict of partially insane - harsh and potentially unjust
What is the problem with both psychiatrists and juries telling the defendants state at the time of the offence?
They lack a reliable means of telling if they were insane at the exact time, psychatrists may disagree amoungst themselves but it is the jury, not doctors, who have the last say
What is the issue with stereotypes in this defence?
People who use the defence for reasons such as sleepwalking (burgess) or epilepsy (Bratty and Sullivan) are not actually insane but the stigma is attached
Why is the internal/external factor theory harsh?
Because it is absurd to apply the M’Naughten rules to diabetes
What seems a sensible ruling they have taken in Canada towards sleepwalking?
The deference of automatism could be considered to charges of murder and attempted murder when sleepwalking (Parks 1992)
What more recent case have the courts taken a generous approach to the issue of sleepwalking?
R v Thomas 2009 - longstanding sleep disorder and during a nightmare he thought he was attacking an intruder in his camper-van but in fact strangling wife of 40 years, case was dismissed as prosecution could gather no evidence he was insane
When will the defence of insanity not be available until parliament make changes to the law themselves?
When you know your actions are legally wrong even if you believe them to be morally right - R v Windle 1952
What does the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 fit better in with than the previous act?
Human Rights Act 1998 as the previous rules were in breach of this
What did the British Medical Association recommend to the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment 1953?
That the M’Naughten rules should be abolished or amended so they are in line with current medical knowledge
What did the 1975 Butler Committee recommend replacing the insanity verdict with?
‘Not guilty on evidence of medical disorder’
Would remove the sigma of being labelled insane
What did the Law Commission in 2013 suggest in their ‘Criminal Liability’ discussion paper?
There should be a special verdict of ‘not criminally responsible by reason of recognised medical condition’.
The defence would be available where;
D suffered from a registered medical condition AND
At the time of the offence he lacked criminal capacity ti rationally form a judgement about the relevant conduct or circumstances, or understand the wrongfulness of the relevant conduct or control their physical acts in relation to the charge