How many singers do you hear at the opening of Hildegard’s Alleluia?
more than one
What describes the text setting in Hildegard’s Alleluia, O virga mediatrix?
a mix of neumatic and melismatic
After singing the opening “Alleluia,” the choir continues with new music. How is this new music different from the opening music?
the new music begins on higher pitches than the opening music
Which choice below accurately describes Hildegard’s Alleluia?
no instruments used
What describes the relationship between the different voices of the choir in Hildegard’s Alleluia?
all voices sing one melody (monophonic texture)
Monophony is single-line texture, or melody without accompaniment. It doesn’t matter how many people are playing or singing that melody. When you hear one melody without accompaniment, like this Alleluia, you are listening to monophonic texture.
it is longer than the choral “Alleluia” section
In the verse, Hildegard uses only one melody to express the text. (Remember, monophonic texture has no harmony, and chant has no notated rhythm.) The verse’s final text line refers to the Virgin Mary’s chastity (“pudoris tui”).
with higher pitches
The form of the first two sections can be written as A-B: the “Alleluia” section followed by the verse. After finishing the verse, the choir sings the opening “Alleluia” section.
How many singers do you hear in this recording of Kalenda maya?
Which of the following instruments plays in the opening of Kalenda maya? Which do not?
in excerpt:
- strummed string instrument
- percussion instrument
not present:
- brass
- double-reed instrument
which of the following describe the melody of the vocal line in the first stanza of Kalenda Maya? Which do not?
- falls downward at the closing of each phrase
- rises upward at the beginning of each phrase
does not describe:
- rises upward at the closing of each phrase
- falls downward at the beginning of each phrase
Listen to the first stanza of Kalenda maya and then complete the sentences
Although the medieval manuscripts of Kalenda maya provide the poem and melody of the song, the notation of rhythm had not yet become standardized, leaving interpretation up to the performer. This recording is performed in a dance-like triple meter, although other interpretations are possible.
The instrument performing the main melody in the opening of Kalenda maya is the strummed guitar.
Listen to the following two excerpts from Kalenda maya and match them to the correct descriptions.
- vocal melody is mostly conjunct
- the instrumental melody is mostly conjunct
Drag and drop the appropriate words to describe the melody of Kaldenda maya.
The vocal melody is mostly conjunct, moving in a small range and wavelike motion.