Input Control 2 Flashcards
What is a radio control, and how does it work?
A radio control limits the web page visitor to only one choice from a list of choices. Each choice is preceded by a radio or option button, which typically appears as a circle.
What is a checkbox control, and how does it behave by default?
A checkbox control allows a web page visitor to select more than one choice from a list of choices. By default, all checkboxes are deselected.
What is the purpose of the Submit button, and why must a form include it?
The Submit button sends the information to the appropriate location for processing. A web page form must include a Submit button.
What does the Reset button do, and why must a form include it?
The Reset button clears any input that was entered in the form, resetting the input controls back to the default. A web page form must also include a Reset button.
What is the <input></input> tag used for?
The <input></input> tag is used to create the above data input controls.
What is a select control, and how does it help visitors?
A select control creates a selection menu from which the visitor selects one or more choices. It prevents the visitor from having to type information into a text or textarea field.
What is a textarea control, and when is it useful?
A textarea control creates a field that allows multiple lines of input. Textarea fields are useful when detailed input is required from or desired by a web page visitor.