Inport OOD Flashcards
What are the unique characteristics of the #3 SSDG?
- above the waterline
- STBD exhaust is aft of frame 76, ensure fenders don’t block
- runs off of day tanks
- has no bilge
- has its own ASW
What is the response for an active shooter?
- call base
- call 911
- run, hide, or fight
- try to secure brow
- muster everyone (if safe)
Where are the battle dress stations located?
- mess deck
- ships store
- HSC office
- ships office
What are the concerns of ballasting and de-ballasting?
- can’t be done import
- while u/w need to be aware of what is being dumped and effect on environment
What equipment do we have to dewater FMMR?
- main drainage
- ASW System
- portable dewatering equipment
- put in to ballast tanks
What wording would you use to notify Fed Fire if fighting a fire in FMMR and needing to escape?
Go STBD side aft and go through the WTD and transit all the way up to exit
What permission do you need to enter a void or confined space? Concerns?
- CO’s permission
- safety
- only one entry/exit point
Who is our Family Advocacy Specialist?
- LT Perry (D14)
- will refer to acting FAS
What are the reporting options for sexual assault/harassment? Who can receive them?
- VA, SARC, Chaplin, HSC
- 100% confidential
- anyone who wears blue
- VA goes to SARC/XO
- XO takes report up the chain of command
Who works for the OOD?
Everyone except the CO and XO
When do you sign the DC Closure Log?
When you close a fitting
Who certifies potable water?
HSC - Medical personnel
What is liberty risk?
An individual whose behavior on/off duty indicates he/she lacks maturity to behave appropriately
What are the levels of Liberty risk?
A- liberty granted in foreign port for a limited time
B- liberty w/escort for a specific amount of time
C- not authorized liberty
What is the location of the escape trunks?
AMR - Port aft
What is the location of the escape trunks?
AMR - port aft by wardroom
FMMR - art port/STBD ( incinerator room)
AMMR - fwd port/STBD (laundry room2/ECR)
What actions are taken if a crew member returns to the ship drunk?
- ensure safety
- if aggressive get assistance/possibly handcuff
- escort/guard
- notify duty section
How do we energize the fire main if we lose power?
Must rug 2 P100 pumps in tandem
How do we respond to a runaway ship colliding at frame 52?
- frame is between AMMR and FMMR
- possibility of loosing two machinery spaces
What is the proper response to a hot RSL? What temp is considered hot?
- log in red ink and ammo must be artificially cooled until below 100 degrees f
- only CO can authorize magazine sprinkler activation (OOD import)
110F - 120F replace after 500 hrs
120F - 130F replace after 200 hrs
130F + turn in to nearest ammo facility
How do you respond to a sexual assault?
- determine type of escort
- ensure victim is safe
- ask if medical attention/ambulance is needed
- ask if suspect is present
- advise you preserve undergarments, do not shower
What actions should you take if CIC is found unlocked?
- post a Guard
- notify CO, CSO, and OPS
- secure the brow and front gate
- inventory
What actions shall be taken for Halo Carbon Alarm?
- contact EOW
- secure door/hatch to space (initial boundary)
- contact GPOW to pipe toxic gas bill, location/type of gas
- report to QD and begin making pipes/plotting
What is the import RRT? (Rapid Response Team)
- RPE (Repair Party Electrician)
- security watchstander
How to ring on 2star Admiral D14?
Admiral Lunda
6 bells
Command D14 Arriving
Who receives a bell stinger?
Only the CO
What do you do if CGIS agent wanted to come onboard to speak with a junior member?
- allow entry to ship
- verify credentials
- notify command
- should know in advance
What are the traverse bulkheads and fire zones?
9, 10, 16, 22, 28, 36, 44, 52, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88
Traverse bulkhead fire zones
28, 52, 76
Can the OOD authorize a fitting to be opened longer than 24hrs?
Yes, must be closed and re-opened at 23hrs and 59 min
When is potable water safe? When must it be treated?
- when HSC declares it safe
- once a week (bacteria)
- once daily (chlorine)
- when it doesn’t meet chlorine or bacteria guidelines
Who is the CO’s boss?
When is the shore tie safe?
When it’s fully connected and deemed safe by EMC or EM’s
What constitutes emergency leave?
- American Red Cross Message (will not be delayed when unavailable)
- E-Leave TONO will be provided in case of death within immediate family to include spouse’s immediate family
How do you check out the galley after evening meal?
- refer to galley checkout list
- sweep,swan, ensure oven is off
What actions do you take upon discovery of a pollution sheen?
- notify base
- call CO
- contact National Response Center
- call sector
MKC Reyes
How/where are the gun bags placed?
- every 10ft or every 10sec from anywhere on the ship
What are ways to communicate recall in foreign port?
- PAPA flag
- ships whistle
- anything to draw attention to ship
- phone calls
How long can fitting 8E be logged open?
23hrs 59 min
What are your actions for non-main space fires?
- initial actions
- portable extinguisher
What are the reasons to notify the CO?
- after hours hot work
- transfer of fuel, oil, hazmat, ammo
- immediate message traffic
- bomb threat
- FPCON changes
- pollution incident
- when in doubt
What is your boundary if the HaloCarbon alarm is activated in the reefer flats?
- contact EOW
- secure/isolate space
- fwd boundaries are by chiefs mess and wardroom
- scullery/closes entire messdeck
- make pipe - report to QD to plot
Describe the AFTP Watch?
Alpha- homeport/non-industrial
- homeport/industrial
Bravo- homeport/ships power
Charlie/Delta- foreign port/industrial
What is the criteria for re-entering a main space following a fire in that space?
- must be made clear by a GFE
- ensure no smoke or fire
- rest for gas, oxygen, and explosives
Name the duty section positions?
- Team Leader
- 2 investigators
- Nozzleman
- Hoseman
- Plugman
- Boundaryman
What spaces are covered by the MSFD?
- JP5/Pump room
- Gen 3
- Incinerator room
What is the MSFD?
A document identifying equipment systems, procedures to prevent, control, or extinguish/overhaul a Bravo fire in machinery spaces
What are the responsibilities of SOPA?
Operate as single POC for problems and activities common to all ships moored at the pier.
Example- line handlers, parking and colors
How do you respond to an irate visitor on the pier?
- notify OOD
- call front gate
- do not allow person onboard
- notify COC
- bring extra personnel to pier for safety and presence
Can the OOD take away liberty?
- yes
- in foreign ports certain situations may require liberty to be revoked
What is the proper response to bad smelling meat and ready to be served?
- do not serve
- inform duty cook
- notify the COC
Who does the Fire Marshall round when the DCCS is absent?
What is the ships visitor policy?
- NLT 2200
- OOD permission
- ensure visitor wears a badge
- must have an escort
- no engineering/secure spaces
Can restricted members have visitors?
- yes, visit w/family members on messdeck
- 2 hrs max, escorted by ship personnel
How are medical records issued import?
If HSC I’m unavailable, the OOD May issue medical records and sign out using a pink slip
When can the OOD grant emergency leave?
- only after attempting to contact the CO/XO
- can authorize 03 days max
What actions are taken for a fire in #3 SSDG?
- emergency stop
- AFFF hose
- Water mist
- secure ventilation
What is your response to a MOB while import?
- throw a life ring
- contact base/sector
- call the QD
- call neighboring cutters
- jump in if necessary
What is the difference in ships status and condition of readiness?
Readiness status - defines the status of ship while u/w and import (1-5)
Operational status - measures import response time to get underway
Alpha, Bravo or Charlie
What is restriction policy for sexual assault?
- VA
- Chaplin
What are your actions following a loss of power?
- contact base OOD
- ensure EOW conducts round to ensure power restoration
- augment a generator watch
- restart ventilation
Can we respond to a neighboring cutters casualty?
- yes, but must make sure KIMBALL is safe first
- must ask for help
Who are the KIMBALL’s VA’s?
OSC Labarr
OS1 Sheffield
What are some substance prevention policies onboard?
- urinalysis
- self referral
- phone the ship/shipmate
- lets go the KIMBALL way program
What actions are taken when crew member is drunk at duty swap?
- keep onboard
- advise to rack out
- counsel member
- ensure fire billet is filled
- brief the COC
How do you respond to duty cook not showing up for breakfast?
- find out who is suppose to be there
- recall
- notify CSCS, SUPPO and XO
- start cooking
What agency deals with oil spills?
National Response Center
What would you do if the reefer suffered a casualty?
- find a place to move food
- notify CSCS, SUPPO, CO and XO
What is the command structure when working with Fed Fire Department?
Fed Fire works for USCG when combating a fire onboard a ship
What is the order of casualty triage onboard?
- Fire
- flooding
- personnel
What are operational status?
Alpha - operating, u/w
Bravo - standby/recall
Charlie - maintenance, dockside, inoperable
What is the relationship between the FP Officer and the OOD?
- aligning responsibilities during FPCON changes
- understanding individual roles
- FPO coordinates security team/response efforts
Where does the OOD get their authority?
CO’s standing orders
What actions are taken for a collision at the pier?
- sound whistle/alarm
- pipe brace for impact
- inspect spaces (fire,flooding, people)
- call sector
- set Zebra
What are reasons to call the XO?
- if the CO can’t be reached
- personnel injuries of crew/visitors
- media inquiries
- harassment/hazing incidents
- asylum request
- changes in POD/POW
What are the flags and pennants that must be displayed/commonly flown?
- prep pennant (before colors)
- Jack staff
- national ensign
- alpha (divers)
- bravo (fuel/ammo)
- kilo (man aloft)
- papa (recall)
- state flag
What are the installed systems onboard?
- firemain
- drainage/bilge
- CO2
- FM200
- watermist
What actions do you take if the small arms locker is found unlocked?
- post a Guard
- notify the CO, XO, and CSO
- inventory
- secure brow/front gate
Who signs hot work chits?
- operators
- EO
- Fire Watch
- CO
What are the OOD’s duties prior to relieving the watch?
- conduct a round
- weather decks and pier
- XO’s morning orders
- review DC Closure log
- ensure watch Bill positions are filled
What are the CO’s guiding principles?
People first, pursue excellence and take the lead
What are the checklist items for diver down?
- environmental conditions checklist
- alpha flag
- inform other ships
- clear area for 50yrds
- pipe every 15 min
- secure suction/discharge
What are your actions if a crew member is taken to the hospital import?
- members name
- reason
- prognosis
- name of hospital
- notify XO and department head
- begin mishap report
What is the role of the OOD during an ammo on load?
- determine route
- safety brief
- CO’s permission
- check fire pump
- set Zebra
- secure smoking lamp
- hoist bravo flag
- arrange standby fire team
What is a minimally manned duty section?
Homeport/non-industrial - 8
Homeport/industrial - 12
Foreign port - 12
When do you call a department head?
- injury, death or misconduct
- equipment casualty
- anytime XO is called regarding a DH issue
What machinery is running import?
- SSDG (1,2or 3)
- ESW (chill water/reefers)
- AC
- sewage
- firepump on standby (1 forward,1 aft)
Who is ATO onboard KIMBALL?
CSO - directs the ATFP watch after briefing the CO on the current FPCON/intel
What are the primary references for the OOD?
- OOD passdown
- XO morning orders
- standing orders
- OOD binder (wardroom)
What is the appropriate response to a bomb threat?
- checklist on prone
- have QD broadcast call
- call 911
- brief command
- muster everyone on pier
- security team conduct active sweep to locate
Where are the hazmat spill kits?
- 1 on pier
- 1 in AV shack
(Large yellow drums)
Can we fuel after sunset?
- yes, with proper lighting
- no fatigued crew
- notify COC
- fuel team
- hoist bravo flag
- conduct fuel brief
What is the difference between extra duty and EMI?
Extra duty - NJP that can be assigned by CO, OIC or acting CO
EMI - designed to logically correct a deficiency/behavior
- motivational tools
Does Fed Fire have own direct phone number?
What are your actions when a crew member is late to duty swap?
- determine reason
- notify XO, supervisors
- ensure fire billets are filled by off going personnel
- case by case
How do you communicate with small boat if loss of comms occurs?
- cell phone
What are your actions taken for contractor misconduct?
- inform/brief OPS, XO and EO
- try to intervene
- keep record of timeline
Why does CO have an OOD?
- to be a direct representation in her absence
- enforce her orders w/safety of crew and ship
What are your actions if the CO is injured?
- call HSC
- notify XO
- log it
How do you respond to asylum request?
- notify CO
- can only be authorized by state department
- don’t allow person on ship
- contact embassy if in a foreign port
What is the approach to training duty sections?
- train at 1400 daily
- needs of the majority
- as necessary to maintain proficiency
How long is food permitted to stay on the messdeck?
- 1hr
- not to exceed 4hrs (depends on situation)
What is MOU with Honolulu Fire Department and Fed Fire?
Honolulu Fire - responds to pier
Fed Fire - ability to fight fire onboard ship
What happens if we loose the brow?
- contact the base OOD
- call CO/XO
- contact neighboring units/cutters
- assess damage (if any)
What are your actions if a crew member is arrested?
- get officers name
- any available details
- notify XO
- send member to pick-up (E-7 or supervisor)
- inquire if member can be released to ship
How do we launch and recover a small boat import?
- conduct brief (CO)
- observe for safety concerns
- ensure all gear is worn
- life jackets
- helmets with chin straps
What are the 702 spaces?
- armory
- small arms mag
- 57 mag
- XO safe
- CIC/comm mees
- bridge
What spaces are most acceptable to toxic gas leak?
- reefer flats
- a/c flats
- aft steering
- paint locker, flammable stores, and hazmat locker
What is a confined space?
- limited oxygen
- tanks/voids
- limited entry/exit points
- production of hazmat
What are checklist items for man aloft?
- CO permission
- notify XO
- hoist kilo flag
- pipe every 15min on 1MC
- ensure safety
What is the difference between search and inspection?
- can only be authorized by the CO/OOD
- search is of legal type if suspected or known offense
- inspection is for safety/security, operational readiness, and health and welfare of crew
- conducted by BO, BTM, ATFP
What are the FPCON levels?
A - general threat/unpredictable
B - increased/predictable threat
C - imminent threat/intel supported
D - immediate threat/attack occurred/specific is known
Normal - general threat
What is CCIR?
Clean, Charge, Inspect, Refill
How do you respond to a public affairs request?
- CO/PAO handles PA or media request
- XO can be notified if CO is unavailable
- provide facts only
- practice OPSEC
- be truthful
What actions are taken for a medical casualty in a foreign port?
Ensure someone rides along w/person if required to go to hospital
What is the website for hurricane alerts?
NOAA National Hurricane Center
Where are the fire pumps located?
- bow thrust room
- pump room #2
What are the standard entries that must go into the smooth log?
- ship status
- day/date
- lights
- machinery
- assets
- position
- watchstander
What is on the WX log?
- sunrise/sunset
- WX
- draft
- material condition
- mag temps
- quarters
- drills/training
- op status
- chronometers wound
- date/time