• The typical salivary pH of an adult is between
what movement stimulated saliva production which allows buffering to take place to restore pH
higher the sucrose conc leads to a
fall in pH
urea.. the rate at which pH was restored
increased salivary flow rate leads to an
increased salivary buffering capacity
bicarbonate ions
-produced by striated epithelium of the secretory ducts and the parotid gland
is bicarbonate ions affected by the metabolic activity
bicarbonate ions acts as a
buffer as pKA value is 6.1
at ph6.1 there are equal concentrations of carbonic acid and carbonate ions
as the salivary pH falls, the .. reaction is favoured
flow rate increase, bicarbonate ions
potassium and sodium ions are
counter ions that preserve electrical neutrality
what direction is sodium pumped as it passes along the intercalated duct of the salivary glad
- actively pumped OUT
- via the sodium-potassium pumps
low salivary rate results in ( affect on Na plus)
low Na + concentration
- so in duct for a longer period
- more Na + will be pumped out of the fluid
- so lower concentration
another possible reason for increased na plus concentration
damage of the ductal cells
as salivary flow rate increases, the potassium concentrations in the saliva
remain constant