Innervations Flashcards
The patient is elevating the shoulder against resistance. The thick upper part of the muscle can be seen and felt. This is the trapezius. What is the innervation?
Spinal accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI); also C3, C4
The patient is pushing the palms of the hands hard against a wall with the elbows fully extended. The lower fibers of the trapezius can be seen and felt. What is the innervation?
The Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) and C3, C4
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ____________. What are the nerve roots?
Complete brachial plexus lesion. C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ___________. What are the roots?
The upper roots of the brachial plexus; C5, C6.
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in the lesions of the __________. Which roots?
The lower roots of the brachial plexus (C8, T1)
The patient is pressing the palm of his hand backwards against the examiner’s hand. The muscle bellies can be felt and sometimes seen at the arrow. This represents the rhomboids. What is the nerve and roots?
The Dorsal Scapular Nerve, from roots C4 and C5
The patient is pushing against a wall. The left serratus anterior is paralyzed and there is winging of the scapula. What is the nerve and what are the roots?
Long thoracic nerve, roots C5, C6, C7
The upper arm is above the horizontal and the patient is pushing forward against the examiner’s hand. The clavicular head of the pectoralis major can be seen and felt. What is the nerve and what are the roots?
The lateral pectoral nerve innervates the clavicular head of the pectoralis major, roots C5 and C6
The patient is adducting the upper arm against resistance. The sternocostal head of the pectoralis major can be seen and felt at the arrow. What is the nerve and the roots?
The lateral and medial pectoral nerves innervate the sternocostal head of pectoralis major, roots C6, C7, C8
The patient is abducting the upper arm against resistance, the muscle belly can be felt and sometimes seen at the arrow. This is the suprapspinatus, what is the nerve and the roots?
The Suprascapular nerve, C5 and C6
The patient is externally rotating the upper arm at the shoulder against resistance. The examiner’s right hand is resisting the movement and supporting the forearm with the elbow at a right angle; his left hand is supporting the elbow and preventing abduction of the arm. The muscle belly of the infraspinatus can be seen and felt at the arrow. What is the nerve and roots?
The Suprascapular nerve innervates the infraspinatus. C5, C6
The upper arm is horizontal and the patient is adducting it against resistance. The lower arrow shows the muscle (latissimus dorsi) belly that can be seen and felt. The upper arrow points to teres major. What is the innervation and roots for latissimus dorsi?
Thoracodorsal nerve, C6, C7, C8
The muscle bellies of the latissimus dorsi can be felt to contract when the patient coughs. What is the innervation and roots?
Thoracodorsal nerve; C6, C7, C8
The patient is adducting the elevated upper arm against resistance. The muscle belly of the teres major can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and roots?
Subscapular nerve, C5, C6, C7
The approximate area in which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ______________.
This shows the distribution of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm which is a branch of the musculocutaneous nerve C5, C6
The patient is flexing the supinated forearm against resistance. The muscle belly of the biceps can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and the roots?
The musculocutaneous nerve, C5, C6
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ___________.
Axillary nerve, C5, C6.
The patient is abducting the upper arm against resistance. The anterior and middle fibers of the deltoid can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and what are the roots?
The axillary nerve, C5, C6
The patient is retracting the abducted upper arm against resistance. The posterior fibers of the deltoid can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and what are the roots?
The axillary nerve, C5, C6
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in high lesions of the _____________.
The radial nerve.
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ________________. What location would the damage be for this lesion?
The radial nerve, above the elbow but below the origin of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
The patient is extending the forearm at the elbow against resistance. The long and lateral heads of the triceps can be seen and felt at the arrows. What is the innervation and roots?
Radial nerve, C6, C7, C8
The patient is extending and abducting the hand at the wrist against resistance. This is the extensor carpi radialis, and the mscuel belly and tendon can be felt and usually seen. What is the innervation and the roots?
Radial nerve, C5, C6
The patient is flexing the forearm against resistance with the forearm midway between pronation and supination. The brachioradialis muscle belly can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and what are the roots?
Radial nerve, C5, C6
The patient is supinating the forearm against resistance with the forearm extended at the elbow. This is the supinator. What is the innervation and roots?
Radial nerve, C6, C7
The patient is extending and adducting the hand at the wrist against resistance. The extensor carpi radialis belly and tendon can be seen and felt. What is the innervation and what are the roots?
The posterior interosseus nerve, C7, C8
The patient’s hand is firmly supported by the examiner’s right hand. Extension at the metacarpophalangeal joints is maintained against the resistance of the fingers of the examiner’s left hand. The muscle belly of the extensor digitorum can be seen and felt. What is the nerve and innervation?
Posterior interosseus nerve; C7, C8
The patient is abducting the thumb at the carpo-metacarpal joint in a plane at right angles to the palm. The tendon can be seen and felt anterior and closely adjacent to the tendon of the extensor pollicus brevis. What is the innervation and root?
Posterior interosseus nerve; C7, C8
The patient is extending the thumb at the interphalangeal joint against resistance. This is the extensor pollicus longus. What is the innervation and roots?
The posterior interosseus nerve, C7, C8
The patient is extending the thumb at the metacarpophalangeal joint against resistance. The extensor pollicis brevis tendon can be seen and felt. What is the nerve and roots?
The posterior interosseus nerve C7, C8
The approximate areas within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ___________.
The median nerve in the forearm (note the palmar branch does NOT go through the carpal tunnel, so palm involvement is classically due to forearm lesion)
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesion of __________.
The median nerve in the carpal tunnel - note that the branch that serves the palmar aspect of the hand does NOT go through the carpal tunnel
The patient is pronating the forearm against resistance. The pronator teres muscle belly can be felt and sometimes seen. What is its innervation and roots?
Median nerve, C6, C7
The patient is flexing and abducting the hand at the wrist against resistance. This is the flexor carpi radialis tendon. What is the innervation and roots?
Median nerve, C6, C7
The patient is flexing the finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint against resistance with the proximal phalanx fixed. This test does not eliminate the possibility of flexion at the proximal interphalangeal joint being produced by flexor digitorum profundus. But this is the flexor digitorum superficialis. What is the innervation and roots?
Median nerve C7, C8, T1
The patient is flexing the distal phalanx of the index finger against resistance with the middle phalanx fixed. This is the flexor digitorum profundus I and II. What is the nerve and roots?
Anterior interosseus nerve C7 and C8
The patient is flexing the distal phalanx of the thumb against resistance while the proximal phalanx is flexed. This is the flexor pollicus longus. Innervation and roots?
Anterior interosseus nerve, C7 and C8
The patient is abducting the thumb at right angles to the palm against resistance. The abductor pollicis brevis can be seen and felt. What is the nerve and roots?
Median nerve C8, T1
The patient is touching the base of the little finger with the thumb against resistance. This is the opponens pollicis. Nerve and roots?
Median nerve, C8, T1
The patient is extending the finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint against resistance with the metacarpophalangeal joint hyperextended and fixed. This is the 1st lumbrical-interosseus muscle. Nerves and roots?
Median and ulnar nerves C8, T1
The approximate areas within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the __________.
Ulnar nerve. A is above the origin of the dorsal cutaneous branch, B is below the origin of the dorsal cutaneous branch but above the origin of the palmar branch, and C is below the origin of the palmar branch
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the _______________.
Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
The patient is flexing and adducting the hand at the wrist against resistance. What are the nerves/roots for flexor carpi ulnaris?
Ulnar nerve, C7, C8, T1
The patient is flexing the distal interphalangeal joint against resistance while the middle phalanx is fixed. This is the flexor digitorum profundus III and IV. What is the nerve and roots?
Ulnar nerve, C7, C8
The patient is abducting the little finger against resistance. The muscle belly of the abductor digiti Minimi can be felt and seen. Nerve/roots?
Ulnar nerve, C8, T1
The patient is flexing the little finger at the metacarpophlangeal joint against resistance with the finger extended at both interphalangeal joints. This is the flexor digiti minimi. What is the nerve/roots?
Ulnar Nerve, C8, T1
The patient is abducting the index finger against resistance. The muscle belly of the dorsal interosseus muscle can be seen.
Ulnar nerve, C8, T1
The patient is adducting the index finger against resistance. The second palmar interosseus muscle is being tested. What are the nerves and roots?
The Ulnar Nerve C8, T1
The patient is adducting the thumb at right angles to the palm against the resistance of the examiner’s finger. This is the adductor pollicis. What nerve/roots?
Ulnar nerve C8, T1
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the _____________.
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of ___________.
The femoral nerve.
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ______________.
Obturator nerve
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the _______________.
Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the ______________.
Sciatic nerve
The approximate area within which sensory changes may be found in lesions of the _____________ nerves
Sciatic AND posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh