Innervation of Organs Flashcards
To targets in abdomen
Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in vagus nerve nucleus in brainstem → Preganglionic nerves in vagus run to thorax and abdomen (long – wrap around esophagus) → synapse in terminal ganglia (typically in wall of organ being innervated) → postganglionic run just within wall of organ
Innervation of large intestine (Sympathetic L colic flexure to rectum)
- Lumbar splanchnic (preganglionic) to inferior mesenteric ganglia (collateral ganglia)
- Postganglionic follow arteries in periarterial nerve plexus
Sympathetic to lungs
cell bodies in lateral horn of upper thoracic spinal cord → preganglionic travel in ventral rootlets → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → white rami communicans → sympathetic chain ganglia (maybe up or down a little) → synapses in thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic chain → postganglionic go in visceral branches to the lungs (NOT through gray rami communicans)
Parasympathetic to targets in head
Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem → Preganglionic nerves most of the way to the target (longish) → synapse in one of 4 cranial ganglia → postganglionic nerves run rest of way to target (short) → smooth muscle, gland, organ
Innervation of small intestine
– Vagus nerves (preganglionic) to terminal ganglia within intestinal wall
– Thoracic splanchnic (preganglionic) to celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia (collateral ganglia) (lesser thoracic splanchnic)
– Postganglionic follow arteries in periarterial nerve plexus
Visceral afferent:
– Travel with sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons
Sympathetic to blood vessels, sweat glands and arrector pilli muscles
cell bodies in lateral horn of thoracolumbar spinal cord → preganglionic travel in ventral rootlets → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → white rami communicans → sympathetic chain ganglia → (maybe up or down) → synapse in sympathetic chain → postganglionic run through grey rami communicans → spinal nerve → out anterior rami for anterior/lateral/limb structures, out posterior rami for posterior neck/back structures
Innervation of large intestine (Parasymp. L colic flexure to anal canal)
- Pelvic splanchnic (preganglionic) to terminal ganglia within intestinal wall
- Travel through inferior hypogastric plexuses (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and then follow branches of the inferior mesenteric artery (sup. rectum) or internal iliac artery
- Pelvic splanchnic (preganglionic) to terminal ganglia within intestinal wall
To targets in pelvis
Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in lateral/ventral horn of sacral spinal cord → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → pelvic splanchnic nerves to wall of target organ → synapse in terminal ganglia (typically in wall of organ being innervated) → postganglionic run within wall of organ
Sympathetic to adrenal medulla
cell bodies in lateral horn of lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord → preganglionic travel in ventral rootlets → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → white rami communicans → sympathetic chain ganglia → thoracic splanchnic (greater) → pass through ciliac ganglion → adrenal medulla → within adrenal medulla, synapse onto neurons that release norepinephrine and epinephrine into bloodstream
Innervation of large intestine (visceral afferent)
Visceral afferent:
– travel with sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons
Innervation of large intestine (Sympathetic rectum to anal canal)
- Sacral splanchnic nerves
- Postganglionic from sacral sympathetic trunk to inferior hypogastric plexus and then follow branches of internal iliac artery
- Preganglionic to inferior hypogastric anglia; postganglionic then follow branches of internal iliac artery
- Sacral splanchnic nerves
Innervation of pancreas, liver and gallbladder
– Vagus (peganglionic) to terminal ganglia within wall of target organ
– Thoracic splanchnic (preganglionic) to celiac (greater) and superior mesenteric (lesser) ganglia (collateral ganglia)
– Postganglionic follow arteries in periarterial nerve plexus
Visceral sensory:
– Travel with sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons
Sympathetic to pelvis
cell bodies in lateral horn of upper lumbar spinal cord → preganglionic travel in ventral rootlets → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → white rami communicans → sympathetic chain (go down) → either
A. Synapse in sacral sympathetic chain ganglia → sacral splanchnics → pass through inferior hypogastric ganglion → become part of plexuses and follow arteries to target
B. Pass through sympathetic chain ganglion → sacral splanchnics → synapse in inferior hypogastric ganglion → postganglionic become part of plexuses and follow arteries to target
Sympathetic to abdomen/ upper pelvic
cell bodies in lateral horn of lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord → preganglionic travel in ventral rootlets → ventral root → spinal nerve → anterior rami → white rami communicans → pass through sympathetic chain ganglia → travel in thoracic or lumbar splanchnic nerves to collateral ganglia (either celiac, aorticorenal, superior mesenteric or inferior mesenteric) → synapse in one of the 4 collateral ganglia (depends on target) → postganglionic neurons become part of plexuses (names depend on ganglia) → travel on arteries to target
Innervation of kidneys
– Vagus nerves (preganglionic) to terminal ganglia with wall
– Thoracic splanchnic (preganglionic) to aorticorenal ganglia (collateral ganglia) (lesser and least splanchnic)
– Postganglionic follow arteries in periarterial nerve plexus
Visceral afferent:
– Travel with sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons