Innervation Flashcards
Innervation of gluteus maximus
inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
Innervation of gluteus minimus
superior gluteal nerve (L4-L5 and S1)
Innervation of gluteus medius
superior gluteal nerve (L4-L5 and S1)
Innervation piriformis
sacral plexus of nerves
Innervation gemellis superior
sacral plexus of nerves
Innervation gemellis inferior
sacral plexus of nerves
Innervation obturator internus
sacral plexus of nerves
Innervation quadratus femors
sacral plexus of nerves
Innervation obturator internus
obturator nerve
Innervation Tensor facia latae
superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
Innervation biceps femoris long head
tibial division L5-S3
Innervation biceps femoris short head
fibular division L5-S2
Innervation semimembranosis
tibial division L5S3
Innervation semitendonosus
tibial division L5-S3
Innervation sartorius
femoral nerve (L2-L3)
Innervation rectus femoris
femoral nerve (L2-L4)
Innervation vastus lateralis
femoral nerve (L2-L4)
Innervation Vastus medialis
femoral nerve (L2-L4)
Innervation vastus intermedius
femoral nerve (L2-L4)
Innervation pectinus
femoral nerve (may receive some obturator (L2-L4)
Innervation adductor longus
obturator (L2-L4)
Innervation adductor brevis
obturator (L2-L4)
Innervation adductor magnus
Obturator (L2_L4) adductor part and hamstring part is tibial division of sciatic nerve
Innervation gracillis
obturator (L2-L3)
Innervation tibialis anterior
deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)
Innervation extensor hallucis longis
deep fibular nerve (L5-S1)
Innervation extensor digitorum longus
deep fibular nerve (L5-S1)
Innervation Fibularis tertius
deep fibular nerve (L5-S1)
Innervation Fibularis longus
superficial fibular nerve (L5-S2)
Innervation Fibularis brevis
superficial brevis (L5-S2)
Innervation gastrocnemius
tibial nerve (s1-s2)
Innervation soleus
tibial nerve (S1-S2)
Innervation plantaris
tibial nerve (S1-S2)
Innervation popliteus
tibial nerve (L4-S1)
Innervation flexor hallucis longus
tibial nerve S2-S3
Innervation flexor digitorum longus
tibial nerve S2 S3
Innervation tibialis posterior
tibial nerve L4-L5
Medial plantar nerve
abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, first lumbrical, flexor hallucis brevis