Inner Products Flashcards
Axioms: Inner Product
I <v|w> = (<w|v>)*
II Linearity in the second slot + Conjugate linearity in the first slot
III <v|v> is real and >= 0
IV <v|v> = 0 then |v> = |0>
Definition: Complex Inner Product Space
|v> ** |w>
Definition: Standard inner product
<v|w> := |v>†|w> ie matrix multiply with first conjugated
Definition: Norm of a vector
|||v>|| := Sqrt(<v|v>)
Theorem: Inner product with zero
<v|0> = <0|v> = 0
Theorem: Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
|<v|w>|^2 <= <v|v><w|w>
Theorem: Inner product property
(A|v>) ** |w> = |v> ** (A†|w>) (El swappje)
Definition: Orthogonal Vectors
<v|w> = 0
Theorem: Scalar mult. of orthogonal vectors
Act like orthogonal vectors dot
Definition: Orthonormal
Orthogonal plus every vector is a unit vector
Definition: Orthonormal Basis
Orthonormal and is the number of dimensions with each vector
Theorem: Determing Expansion coef.
|v> =
Sum: λi|vi>
λi = |vi> ** |v>