Injury Prevention Flashcards
What is the 2nd leading cause of unintentional injury death in Canadian children 1-4 yo?
True or false: swimming lessons for children 2-4 yo prevents drowning or near drowning.
What are the 3 best strategies to prevent drowning in young children?
- Active adult supervision: arms length at all times2. Four sided pool fencing with self-closing, self-latching gate3. Government approved personal flotation devices should be usd for all young children and for those who cannot swim
True or false: pool alarms are effective in decreasing drownings by young children.
Which population has the highest rate of bicycle-related injuries involving motor vehicle collisions?
Adolescents (especially males)
What is the most severe injury that occurs among child and youth bicyclists?
Head injuries
Which of the following is false:a. There is strong evidence that bicycle helmet legislation increases bicycle helmet useb. There is strong evidence that bicycle helmet legislation causes reduced bicyclingc. There is strong evidence that legislation reduces risk of bicycle-related head injuryd. Wide legislation has positive effects on helmet use and is further improved by enforcement and education
B! Evidence is mixed on this-direc cause and effect relationship has not been demonstrated
What are the benefits of helmet legislation? (2)
- Reduces risk for head injury for every age group2. Children are far more likely to use helmets in the presence of adults wearing helmets
What are the CPS’ recommendations on bike helmets? (5)
- All provinces should legislate and enforce bicycle helmet use for all ages2. Legislation should be rolled out using social marketing and education to raise awareness of bike helmet efficacy, accessibility and importance3. Other strategies to prevent bicycling injuries such as separating riders from motor traffic with bike lanes, pathways for commuting and recreational cycling should be implemented4. Physicians should counsel families about the importance of wearing bicycle helmets5. Sales tax exemptions or rebates and federal tax credits should be given to people who purchase bike helmets
Out of all injuries caused by sports/recreational activities, what is the number one cause of injuries resulting in the greatest harm?
Trampoline injuries (occurs less frequently but when they do, they’re bad!)-especially from home trampolines-10% of cases occur under adult supervision
What is the most common injury seen in trampoline injuries?
Fractures - upper limb most common (accounted for majority of hospital admissions)
Where do most trampoline injuries occur?-in what circumstance do most injuries on trampoline occur?-do most injuries occur on the mat or fall off of the mat?
71-99% occur at home or at a neighbor’s house-most injuries occur when there is more than one child on the trampoline at the same time (up to 83%)-most injuries (60%) occur from falling ON the trampoline mat, the rest are falls off the trampoline THUS this means that even having spotters around the outside of the trampoline doesn’t eliminate injuries!
What is the most concerning possible trampoline injury?
Cervical spine injury with resulting paralysis
What are Health Canada’s recommendations on the use of trampolines?-what about AAP?-what about CPS?
Health Canada: use with caution: need supervision, no children
In what age group does the majority of trampoline related injuries occur?
5-14 yo
What is the minimum age recommended by the CPS for people to start operating snowmobilers?-what is the minimum age children must be to be transported safely as passengers?
16 years or older to operate, 6 years or older to ride safely
What winter sport is associated with the highest rate of serious injury?-what were the leading cause of death in this group?
Snowmobiling-leading cause of death: head injury
What licensing is recommended for people 16 years or older for operating a snow mobile?
Graduated licensing program! Ie. newly licensed operators should have restrictions such as only riding during daylight on groomed trails, zero tolerance for alcohol
What should snowmobilers wear while riding a snowmobile?-what should operators carry?
-HELMET obvi-goggles-waterproof snowmobile suits-gloves and rubber bottomed bootsOperators should carry:-first aid kit-emergency tool kit with spark plugs, drive and fan belts, extra key-survival kit with flares-cell phone
What are the 3 leading causes of injury-related deaths?-what is the leading cause of injury-related hospitalization?
- MVCs2. Drownings3. Threats to breathingInjury-related hospitalization: falls
What are the leading causal factors for serious and fatal motor vehicle collisions? (3)
- Driving speed2. Impaired driving3. Lack of occupant restraint
True or false: head injury rates among youth cyclists are 25% lower in jurisdictions with helmet legislation compared to those without.
Which age group of children have the highest risk of playground injury?-what is the most common type of playground injury?-what is the most common result of the playground injury?-what is the most common cause of playground death?
5-9 yo-most common playground injury: falls-other causes: impact with an obstacle, body being cut/pinched/crushed, entrapment-most common result: upper extremity fracture is most common form of injury (usually from fall from climbing structure)-head injuries (15% of playground injuries, usually from fall from a swing)-most common cause of playground death: strangulation (clothing drawstrings, scarf, skipping rope get caught on play equipment, usually at top of a slide, heads trapped between bars especially when wearing a helmet)
What are strategies to reduce playground injuries?
- Reduce maximum fall height of equipment2. Reduce the risk of falling from equipment by using protective barriers and guardrails, using vertical rather than horizontal bars to discourage climbing, using peaked or curved surfaces for guardrails to discourage use as play surfaces3. Improving protective surfacing under and around play equipment: use impact absorbing surfaces like coarse sand/pea gravel/wood chips/synthetic surfaces (NOT grass) to depth of at least 15 cm for preschool equipment and 30 cm for full-sized equipment4. Active supervision!!!5. Dress children in a neck warmer instead of a scarf to reduce strangulation, avoid clothing with drawstrings or cords6. Remove a child’s helmet before permitting access to play equipment7. Build home playgrounds to meet CSA standards