injury Flashcards
an athlete FOOSH and have pain in his shoulder. Pain with deep breath and have pain when he sleep on this shoulder.
SC sprain
which muscle and ligament are involve in AC injury
AC lig, CC lig, deltoid, pec major, UFT
an athlete receive a direct blow to his lateral shoulder and has now limited ROM in flexion, abduction
AC sprain
an athlete have an anterior labrum instability which type of labrum lesion does he have
bankart lesion
an athlete feel pain deep in his shoulder and has a feeling of locking and clicking in his shoulder
labrum teat
if i have pain in apprehension with abd and external rotation and i have laxity of middle GH ligament . What do i have
Anterior GH instability
my humerus is internally rotated and flexed and i have pain in apprehension with closed kinetic loading and i have an instability feeling
Posterior GH instability
I am a baseball pitcher and i have pain to my distal deltoid attachement. With paplation my anterior and lateral acromion process is tender. Im also inable to sleep on my painful side
subacromial bursitis
i have pain with 70-120 degree of abduction what possible injury do i have
subacromial bursitis
i have pain at my RC origin and i am a baseball pitcher. Also my bicep and infraspinatus MMT are weak
I FOOSH during my soccer game and now i have weak elbow and shoulder flexion and there is an ecchymosis on my arm
bicep strain
i have an GH instability and my anterior+ posterior trap and my serratus anterior are weak what injury i am more prone
i am an baseball pitcher and i have pain in the anterior aspect of my shoulder (bicep groove), when i internal and externally rotate my arm that create pain. When i flex my arm and my shoulder too
bicep tendinopathy
i have pain in my deltoid tuberosity and with flexion abduction and external rotation of shoulder what do i have
RC tendinopathy
i have weakness in my seratus anterior. pain in the posterior aspect of my shoulder and below my acromion
scapular dyskinesis
my scalene are super thight what i am more prone too
thoracic outlet syndrome
i have weakness in my grip and have needle sensation in my arm
neurological thoracic outlet syndrome
when i extend my arm, my radial pulse is absent and im often tired after OH movement
vascular thoracic outlet syndrome
I foosh and now i have a feeling of instability in my elbow. I have pain in pronation and wrist flexion
UCL sprain
Since i. have ucl laxity which injury can i develop
valgus extension overload
i have posteromedial and lateral elbow pain
valgus extension overload
i foosh and now i have pain in my cubital fossa and with passive elbow extension
anterior capsular ligament sprain
my elbow had varus stress and now my wrist supination, pronation and extension are weak
RCL sprain
i am a golfer and my elbow have repetead medial tension and lateral compression. i have pain with wrist flexion and pronation, my grip have decrease and my valgus stress is positif at 20-30 degree
medial epicondylitis
i have sweling and tendernessin my flexor tendon origin and i do a lot of powerful snapping of my wrsit and forearm pronation
medial epicondylitis
my common flexor tendon avulsed from my medial epicondyle what do i have
little league elbow
i play tennis which create repetitve eccentric force at my lateral epicondyle
lateral epycondilitis
i have pain in my extensor carpi radialis, my grip has decrease and painwith resisted wrist and elbow extension and supination
lateral epicondylitis
i throw a lot a ball and now i start to feel pain in my medial arm to my pinky and ring finger. my MMT for my finger flexor, thumb abductor and flexor carpi ulnaris is weak
ulnar nerve pathology
when i wake up in the morning i have increase pain in my arm and i know that i sleep with my elbow flex
ulnar nerve pathology
i fractured my humerus which other condition i am prone to have
radial nerve pathology
i have pain with resisted supination and extension of my middle finger
radial nerve pathology
i have numbness on the dorsal side of my hand
ulnar pathology coming from my elbow
i have numbness on the palmar side of my hand
entrapment of ulnar nerve in tunnel of guyon
i fractured my mid forearm what could i develop from this
forearm compartment syndrome
i have sensory dysfunction in my hand and finger and i feel pressur in my forearm
forearm compartement syndrome
i lend on my elbow and it was slighty flexed and i see a deformity
elbow dislocation
i am an OH athlet and my elbow has a lot of valgus force that compressed the radial head of humerus and my capitulum
osteochondritis dissican of capitulum
i have increase pain in my lateral elbow during activity and something my elbow lock
osteochondriti dissican of capitulum
i am a gymnast and i constanly land on my elbow and i have rebound pain in my elbow
olecranon bursitis -> subtendinous bursa
i fall on my flexed elbow and now i have a golf ball and redness over my elbow
subcutaneous bursa
i have osteophyte and i have burning, tingling and numbness sensation in my back
i am a gymnast and i constantly flex or extend my VC and i have pain with valsva maneuver and my pain radiated
disc herniation
i have redicular pain and pain with valsava maneuver with time i realised that i do a high impact sport and that i have to extend my back a lot
degenerative disc disease
yesterday my muscle contracted violentatly and i now have muscle spam in my neck what is my injury and which muscle is involve
cervical sprain and SCM UFT scalene levator scap splenic
during the cocking acceleration and release phase which conditions is more prone to happen
suprascapular nerve injury
during the cocking and acceleration phase which condition is more prone to happen
UCL sprain
if i have a suprascapular nerve injury which muscle are affected
supraspinatus infraspinatus and GH joint capsule
a player hit me in the backcand now i have pain with breathing, i have muscle spams and ecchymosis
thoraci spine injury
i have paresthesia that radiate down arm and i have abduction and external rotation weakness with burning pain after my neck has been forcefully separate from my shoulder
acute burner
i had temporary loss of sensation and motor function following an acute burner injury
i had significant motor loss and mild sensory deficit following an acute burner injury
i had motor and sensory deficit that persit for up to 1 years after an acute burner injuru
i have a degeneration of my epiphyseal end plate of my vertebral due to a mechanical stress what is the name of my condition
sheurmanns disease
following repetitive flexion, hyperextension and rotation of my back i started to have unilateral dull aches in hyperextension and rotation aggravated by activity, low back pain and a flattened lumbosacral curve
pars interacticularis fracture
i have pain with back rotation, extension and lateral bending. i have a limited pelvic musculature flexibility and a flattening back
facet joint pathology
i helped my friend to move and now i pain when i climb the stair and when i lateral bend and flex my back. but sitting release some of my pain
si joint sprain
i start to run outside but the terrain is uneven which injury i am prone to
si joint sprain
i have deficiency in my clotting system
i have spoon shape nail and dry scaling and fissur of lips
i have excessive menstruation and i use a lot of aspirin to reduce my pain which conditions i am prone to
i have decrease vo2max and i love to donate blood but now my tongue is inflammed, i have nausea, fatigue and palpitation. I also have appetite only for substance that have a low nutrional value
i am a black women and i have swollen feet, i have extreme fatigue and a irregular heart beat
sickle cell anemia
i have always deep dark bruise and i started to see blood in my stool
i had a abrasion last week but now i have a lot headache, loss of appetite, fever, chill and my abrasion start to inflammed
i have an abnormal thickening of my left ventricular wall and i am a young athlete
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
i have an abnormal enlarged left ventricle and i have fever, fatigue and exercise intolerance
i have an abnormal enlarged left ventricle but i am asymptomatic do i have a conditions
i have very long arm, my joint are hypermobile and i have a lot of stretch mark. My thumb and wrist test are positive
marfan syndrome
i drink a lot of coffee and i often skip my diner because i dont have time to eat. I have headache that last 4 to 72h
migraine headache
i have unilateral orbital pain that last from 15-180min and that can happen 8 time per day and its even wake me up during the night
cluster headache
i have pain in front of my head and it last from 30min to 7 days. i have mild nausea and photophobia
tension type headache
i got sting by an insect and now i have headache and fever which condition i might have
i drink polluted water and now i have symptom similar to the flu
virus meningitis
i have a fever, cevical regidity, vomiting, photophobia, decrease energy, mental confusion and i lack appetite
i have abnormal skin color, abnormal sweating, i am hypersensitive and my pain is chronic since 9 months
complex regional pain syndrome
i woke up with puffy eyes, nasal itching, sneezing and my coach observe that my performance was not top
common cold
i have nasal congestion, pain in my upper teeth, i feel pressure in my eyes and i have a lot of nasal discharge
i woke up with chill, fever, coughing, swell eyes and tension headache. I tough it was a cold but it beens 14 days and i still feel like crap
i have a sore throat, dark tonsil, pus discharge, my pain radiate to my ears and i have a hard time swollowing
i have a sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing and my throat is tickling. condition + cause
laryngitis and swelling around vocal cords, tissu inferior to epiglotis are swollen and inflamed
cause of pharyngitis
common cold, influenza, sreptococcal infection, herpes, candidiasis
i have white specks on my tonsil, my lymph node are swollen and i have a bad breath
cause of tonsilitis
streptococcal, herpes, flu,cold
i have inflammation of my mucosal lining of tracheobronchial tree
i have mucus secretion, increase resistance when i expired and i wheez a lot
which condition is a viral condition caused by haemophilus influenza
i have watery eyes, watery eyes, muscle ache, inflammed mucous membrane, sore throat
which virus is airborne spread
explain pneumonia
alveoli fill with pus and fluid, preveting oxygen from transfering to bloodstream
pneumonia is strep or staph
i am shaking, have chill, fever, swating, chest pain, produce thick phlegm-green rust
which disease is the kissing disease
infectious monoculeosis
i have general feeling of malaise and fatigue, i have a enlarged spleen and my lymph have been swollen since 4 days
infectious monocleosis
i am obese and drink to munch and now i have mild heartburn and upper chest pain
gastroesophageal reflux disease
which conditions is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of stomach or SI
what is gastroenteritis
acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of stomach or SI
i have indigestion, gas, sour stomach, fever and i vomit
i have abdominal pain and altered bowel function that last for 12 weeks
irritable bowel syndrome
what is crohn disease
serious chronic inflammation that extend through all layer of intestinal wall which result in thickening of the wall and narrowing of lumen
i have chronic abdominal pain in lower right quadrant, diarrhea 10-20x per day and my anal region is sores
crohn disease
which complication can result from crohn disease
joint pain, eye prob, skin rash, liver disease
what is hyperthyroidism
over production of thyroxine
what is hypothyroidism
insuficient quality of thyroid tissu, loss of functional tissue, too munch or not enough iodine in diet
i have abdominal pain that referred in my back and the alchool worsens my pain
acute pancreatitis
cause of acute pancreatisis
gallstones, digestive enzyme become active in pancreas instead of intestine
cause of chronic pancreatitis
what is chronic pancreatitis
permanent damage to structure due to progressive inflammation, cell that produce insuline are impaired causing diabete
which type of diabete melitus required insuline for each patient
type 1
i am a white individual, which type of diabete i am more prone too
type 1
i am obese which type of diabete may i developp
type 2
i got diabete at 40 years old which type of diabete do i have
type 2
i got diabete at 20 years old which type of diabete do i might have
type 1
i climb a montain that is 8,200ft in 10 hours but now i feel dizzy, fatigue, nausea and vomiting
acute mountain sickness
what is hyponatremia
low na+ in blood caused by drinking excessive amount of water of through sweat
i am confused, cramping, my stomach bloated, significant mental compromise and my extremity is swelling
I fall with my wrist hyperextend and now i have sharp pain, feel of cracking sensation, deformity and swelling
colles fracture
I fall with my wrist flexed and now i have sharp pain, feel of cracking sensation, deformity and swelling
smith fracture
what type of fracture do i have if i have a fracture to my distal 1/3 of radius and dislocated my ulna
what type of fracture do i have if i have a fracture tomy proximal 1/3 of ulna and dislocated my head of radius
i found a lump on my wrist and my palmar side is tender which mvt give me pain and what do i have
wrist felxion, opposition and gripping and ganglion cysist
during my soccer game, i foosh and i have point tenderness in anatomical snuffbox, pain with thumb abd and extension and with wrist extension and radial deviation
scaphoid fracture
which diseas could result from an unresolved scaphoid fracture
preiser’s disease = avascular necrosis of scaphoid
i am a cyclist and recently gripping my bike give me pain and i noticed tenderness on my palm. I also have pain when flexing my wirst and doing opposition
hook of hamate fracture
yesterday i fall with my wrist in hyperextension and my AT told me that my proximal row of carpal stripped from my lunate what it the name of injury
perilunate dislocation
yesterday i fall with my wrist in hyperextension and my AT told me that my lunate dissociate from the connective tissue what it the name of injury and what ligament ruptured
lunate dislocation and palmar interesseous lig
which nerve is involve with perilunate and lunate dislocation
yesterday my sister annoyed me so i punch her in the face but now my knuckle are swell and there is a depression where my 5th knukle is supposed to be
boxer fracture
i have a instability btw my lunate and my scaph that create pain during my functional tasks
wrist sprain
name of the disease of the avascular necrosis of lunate and when does it occurs
keinbock’s disease and secondary to dislocation
2 weeks ago a dislocated my lunate, depuis the pain worsen and i have pain when tapping my 3rd metacarpal what is the name of the potential disease
keinbock’s disease
what is keinbock’s disease
avascular necrosis of lunate
I FOOSH during my gymnastic pratice and now my wrist won’t stop clicking and give me pain with ulnar deviation. when i try to push my chair to stand and to put weight on my wrist it’s give me too munch pain to be able to do it.
what happend during TFCI
force ulnar deviation with rotation, distraction of applied forearm/wrist
I play tennis so i always do a lot of ulnar deviation but now i have pain and my valgus test is positive, and my wrist feel instable
UCL sprain of radiocarpal joint
i have numbness and burning sensation in my 4th and 5th finger and my AT notice atrophy in my hypothenar muscle what do i have
ulnar nerve compression
where does the ulnar nerve is compressed in tunel of guyon
btw hamate and pisiform
i am a gymnast and i do a lot of loading motion and wirst extension. My wrist start to bothering me, i have point tenderness along the dorsum of my radiocarpal joint and sharp pain with abrupt wrist extension
gymnast wrist
i am a writter so i typed a lot but recently i feel that my thenar muscle were weak and my AT told me that my tiner’s sign was positive
carpal tunnel syndrome
which nerve is compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome
i tried to catch a ball but my thumb hyperextend and abducted what is my injury
ucl sprain of 1st mcp joint
i have pain along the ulnar aspect of my 1st MCP, during active extension, abduction and opposition and my MCP flexion+ adduction are weak and my pinch grip decrease
ucl sprain of 1st mcp joint
other name of ucl sprain of 1st mcp joint
game keeper’s thumb
what are the PROM and AROM that are painful in game keeper’s thumb
PROM: thumb extension, abduction
AROM: extension, abduction, opposition
which muscle are affected with dequervains tenosynovitis
extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendon
i am a new mom and i have to pick my baby a lot but now i have pain over my styloid process of radius and dorsum of thumb and pain with radial and ulnar deviation. And i notice some swelling over the styloid process of radius
dequervain syndrome
which thumb ROM is painful in dequervain syndrome
flexion, extension, abduction
what is a bennetts fracture
fracture of the base of 1st metacarpal
i fall directly on my thumb what injury could i have
bennet fracture
what are the MOI for a bennett fracture
axial compression of metacarpal, direct trauma, hyperextension of the thumb
my extend finger receive a valgus stress and my finger is now swell and passive and active motion are painful
collateral ligament injury
what happen during a boutonniere deformity
a rupture of the central extensor tendon cause the lateral band to slip palmarly on each side of the PIP joint
what is the result of a boutonniere deformity
extension of DIP and MCP and flexion of PIP joint
what is the name of the condition when my DIP and MCP are extend and my PIP joint is flex
boutonniere deformity
what is a mallet finger
avulsion or rupture of an extensor tendon
My finger got struck by a ball and my distal interphalangeal got in flexion and now i can’t fully extend my distal phalanx
mallet finger
treatment of mallet finger
splint in extension
what is jersey finger
avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon off the palmar aspect of the DIP joint
my finger stunk into the other jersey and went into hyperextension. I tried to actively flex my DIP joint but i can’t
jersey finger
i hyperextented my finger during a soccer game but my finger flexion and extend seams normal and the observation look normal. But when i return to play my finger keep being painful and start to swell. My AT isolated my DIP joint and i was not able to actively flex my finger
jersey finger
treatment of jersey finger
splint in neutral position
what is a swan neck deformity
hyperextend PIP joint and flexed DIP joint
what condition can cause a swan neck deformity
weaken volar plate, RA, chronic inflammation
i do a lot of olympic lifting and my finger got locked in flexion yesterday after pratice
trigger finger
what is causing trigger finger
thickening of the tendon sheath that prevent the tendon from sliding in annular ligament
what can result from a trauma to the palmar aspect of the hand or repetitive clenching of fingers
trigger fingers
name of the conditions if i have a loss of menstrual periods
i have infrequent menstrual cycle for now 6-9 years and i am a runner
name of menstrual cramp
i have menstrual bleeding that last longer that 7 days and an heavy flow
my menstrual induced leg pain is associated with
ovulation and pre menstrual fluid retention
presence of uterine endometrial tissue outside of normal location
symptoms of endometriosis and what is this condition
severe pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, infertillity of 10% women -> presence of uterine endometrial tissue outside of normal location
i have pelvic pain, low back pain, acute spastic abdominal pain
ovarian cyst
my sister refuse to maintain normal minimal weight, she is scare to gain weight and she have anemorrhea
anorexia nervosa
my friend start to train 2x/ week for the last 3 months , she binge eating and she constantly auto evaluated her body shape and weight
bulimia nervosa
i am underweight, i use tobacco, i dont take enough calcium and i live a sendatary life what i am prone to develop
my friend perfomance in soccer change recently even tho she is training like creazy, i notice that she lack concentration, she also start a new diet and to take supplement to inhance her perfomance. what are those warning signs could indicate to me
female athlete triad
what should i take in consideration for exercise now that i am pregnant
avoid balistic mvt, avoid excessive gain weight (30 lbs), avoid hypertension and water retention, be careful for gestional diabete
consideration for weight training and intensity of exercise during pregnancy
30 min or more of moderate aerobic exercise, weight training more for maintenant than gain
consideration for exercise in senior athlete
decrease in density collagen
lower tissue elasticity
detoriation of muscle fibers
joint degeneration
what are the 3 psychological impact of injury
- emotional trauma of injury
- psychological factors associated with rehab and recovery
- psychological impact of injury on individual futur with respect to participation in sport
what are the 5 stages of injury grief
denial anger bargaining depression acception
in what stage of grief am i: im not hurt, this pain will go away, it doesnt when i run only after
what stage of grief am i: why am i hurt, what did i do to deserve this
what stage of grief am i
if only i had foam rolled more during the season
i would give up chocolate to run again
what stage of grief am i
this is the worst thing ever. How am i ever going to get in shape again. Everyone else is training more than i ma. Stop trying to make me feel better because you can’T
what stageb of grief am i
i can get through it, i will heal. I am going to kick butt when im coming back
what are somes mindfulness technique
relaxation, meditation, yoga, grounding skills
what is mindfulness technique
pruposefully bringing one attention to the present moment without judgement
what are the technique i am using when i do visualization of me achieving my goal
what is the imagery technique
mental practice of skill before actual physical perfomance of the skill
role of psychiatrist
diagnose and treat mental ilness
role of psychologist
assist in prevention, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder
role of professional counselor
provide therapy to help through life challenges
how can you stay in the moment as a AT
attending first touch base use of silence non verbal communication reflect content probing question
what is the goal to attending first in crisis intervation
start to with analyzing ourselves first to make sure we are okay before helping others
goal of use of silence in crisis intervation
build silence endurance, allows space for connection
goal of non verbal communication
body positon, close to them
what is OARS oatient centered counseling skills
open question
affirming: offering encouragement
reflecting: repeat info, understand meaning
summarizing: make sure you are on the same page
what are the 3 part of assessment in suicide
- empathize
- normalize
- ask directly