Initiation Meetings. Only for those entitled to see the Proficiency Lessons!! Flashcards
In the presence of God and these witnesses- and on blended knees before the Altar-upon which rests-the open Holy Bible- I sincerely promise- that I will always protect- the proficiency lessons of Job’s Daughters- and will impart them- only to those whom I know- to be entitled to them. That I will love my God- with all my heart. That I will do all in my power- to uphold the laws of my Country- and its Flag. That I will honor my parents and guardians- in thought, word and act. That I will faithfully observe- the laws and rules of Job’s Daughters. That I will endeavor to be- a true and loyal friend- to all members of the Order. That I will try to do- at least one useful act each day. To this pledge- I promise faithful obedience- under the penalty- of losing my membership in Job’s Daughters.
Pledge of Honor for Adults
In the presence of these witnesses- I solemnly promise- that I will never divulge- the ritualistic ceremony of the Order-to anyone who is not entitled thereto;- that I will encourage the fidelity- of all members of Job’s Daughters- by faithful observance of this pledge.
Mystic Number of the First Epoch
The mystic number of the First Epoch is seven. It alludes to the number of Job’s sons and the measure of his flocks.
The Emblem of the First Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the White Dove, which symbolizes purity and truth. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s first daughter whom he called Jemima, which means “dove.”
The Mystic Number of the Second Epoch
The mystic number of this epoch is three. It alludes to the three daughters of Job and his three friends from the far East.
The Emblem of the Second Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the Urn of Incense, which in all ages has symbolized prayer. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s second daughter whom he called Kezia, meaning “cassia,” used in incense.
The Mystic Number of the Third Epoch
The mystic number of this Epoch is five. It alludes to the five messengers informing Job of his misfortune and the five Messengers who relate the story to the Pilgrims in Job’s Daughters.
The Emblem of the Third Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the Horn of Plenty, which symbolizes the triumph of Job over the temptations of the evil one, and the reward for his piety and faith. It should ever remind us to advance with strength and power. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s third daughter whom he called Keren Happuch, which means “Plenty.”
The Emblematic Flower of our Order.
The Lily of the Valley is the emblematic flower of our Order. From the retired place in which it grows we learn humility. It is white, and white in all ages has been deemed an emblem of purity. The Lily of the Valley teaches that beauty beams from purity throughout the vale of humility.
Salutation Sign
The Salutation Sign is given when entering or leaving a Bethel while it is in session by stepping into the semicircle between the stations of the Second and Fifth Messengers, standing in the center of the semicircle facing the Altar, and making a slight nod to the East. Remain standing until the Honored Queen responds with a nod. Then leave the semicircle by backing out between the stations of the Fourth and Fifth Messengers. Never turn your back on the Altar until you are outside of the Messengers’ semicircle. Then be seated or leave as the case may be.
What is each member required to commit to memory?
The signs, responses, Obligation, Salutation Sign, Grip, and Mothers’, Fathers’ and Guardians’ Prayer,
The name, Job’s Daughters, stands for what?
J- Joy with judgment O- Order being our first law B- Beautiful and gracious in manner S- Sincere in undertaking D- Domineering over self A- Abstain from evil U- Upward and onward G- God’s name held in reverence H- Hope never faileth T- Truth always spoken E- Eager for knowledge R- Reaching toward the best S- Steadfast and upright, we will face life squarely for future success
In the presence of these witnesses- I solemnly promise- that I will never divulge- the ritualistic ceremony of the Order-to anyone who is not entitled thereto;- that I will encourage the fidelity- of all members of Job’s Daughters- by faithful observance of this pledge.
Pledge of Honor for Adults
In the presence of God and these witnesses- and on blended knees before the Altar-upon which rests-the open Holy Bible- I sincerely promise- that I will always protect- the proficiency lessons of Job’s Daughters- and will impart them- only to those whom I know- to be entitled to them. That I will love my God- with all my heart. That I will do all in my power- to uphold the laws of my Country- and its Flag. That I will honor my parents and guardians- in thought, word and act. That I will faithfully observe- the laws and rules of Job’s Daughters. That I will endeavor to be- a true and loyal friend- to all members of the Order. That I will try to do- at least one useful act each day. To this pledge- I promise faithful obedience- under the penalty- of losing my membership in Job’s Daughters.
The mystic number of the First Epoch is seven. It alludes to the number of Job’s sons and the measure of his flocks.
Mystic Number of the First Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the White Dove, which symbolizes purity and truth. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s first daughter whom he called Jemima, which means “dove.”
The Emblem of the First Epoch
The mystic number of this epoch is three. It alludes to the three daughters of Job and his three friends from the far East.
The Mystic Number of the Second Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the Urn of Incense, which in all ages has symbolized prayer. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s second daughter whom he called Kezia, meaning “cassia,” used in incense.
The Emblem of the Second Epoch
The mystic number of this Epoch is five. It alludes to the five messengers informing Job of his misfortune and the five Messengers who relate the story to the Pilgrims in Job’s Daughters.
The Mystic Number of the Third Epoch
The emblem of this Epoch is the Horn of Plenty, which symbolizes the triumph of Job over the temptations of the evil one, and the reward for his piety and faith. It should ever remind us to advance with strength and power. It is also symbolic of the name of Job’s third daughter whom he called Keren Happuch, which means “Plenty.”
The Emblem of the Third Epoch
The Lily of the Valley is the emblematic flower of our Order. From the retired place in which it grows we learn humility. It is white, and white in all ages has been deemed an emblem of purity. The Lily of the Valley teaches that beauty beams from purity throughout the vale of humility.
The Emblematic Flower of our Order.
The Salutation Sign is given when entering or leaving a Bethel while it is in session by stepping into the semicircle between the stations of the Second and Fifth Messengers, standing in the center of the semicircle facing the Altar, and making a slight nod to the East. Remain standing until the Honored Queen responds with a nod. Then leave the semicircle by backing out between the stations of the Fourth and Fifth Messengers. Never turn your back on the Altar until you are outside of the Messengers’ semicircle. Then be seated or leave as the case may be.
Salutation Sign
The signs, responses, Obligation, Salutation Sign, Grip, and Mothers’, Fathers’ and Guardians’ Prayer,
What is each member required to commit to memory?
J- Joy with judgment O- Order being our first law B- Beautiful and gracious in manner S- Sincere in undertaking D- Domineering over self A- Abstain from evil U- Upward and onward G- God’s name held in reverence H- Hope never faileth T- Truth always spoken E- Eager for knowledge R- Reaching toward the best S- Steadfast and upright, we will face life squarely for future success
The name, Job’s Daughters, stands for what?