Initial response Flashcards
Victim - identify and locate
Appreciation - Make an initial appreciation of the incident. Assess personal risk and then preserve lives
Witnesses - locate and contain witnesses
Scene - Preserve
Exhibits - Note, preserve any that maybe lost or destroyed
Elements - consider ingredients of offence
Powers - what powers are available and consider whether to execute
Offenders - Identify and apprehend
Proven method of problem solving.
Considers all appropriate factors and weighs benefits and risk of all alternative solutions.
An appreciation is an ongoing process which involves continually thinking through each new piece of information as it is uncovered.
Benefits of Appreciation
-Informs all Police what they are expected to achieve
- Increases the chances of success
- Establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out
- Manage risk
- Reduce uncertainty
- Eliminates duplication
- Ensures nothing is overlooked
- Effective use of resources
Appreciation (AFCP)
Aim -
Factors -
Course Open -
Plan -
At Hospital with Victim
- Obtain medical opinion as to the Victim’s current medical condition
- Seize the Victim’s clothing and other possessions as evidence
- Establish Victim’s identity
- Obtain a pre-transfusion blood sample using Police toxicology kit containers
- Seize any discarded bandages used to cover gunshot wounds, and record the position on the victim where each bandage had been applied.
- Arrange firearms residue samples in cases where firearm use is suspected, including from the victim of any apparent suicide involving a firearm.
- Note and photograph any injuries
- Arrange DNA swabs to be taken from the Victim’s skin, where they would be relevant to the particular circumstances of the case.
- Obtain details of any and all persons who visit or contact the victim
- Conduct a scoping interview with the victim using appropriate open questioning to establish what happened and who was involved; where this would not adversely affect the medical welfare of the victim. (consider hearsay statement if possible death)
- Conduct a preliminary interview with the ambulance and emergency staff who treated the victim, using appropriate open questioning to establish what happened and who was involved.
Discovery of a Body
- Consider ambos and resus if appropriate. If Victim has to be moved for this purpose, note the original body position and record any previous movements.
- Remain with the body until relieved by CIB or supervisor
- Arrange a doctor to pronounce life extinct, unless death is obvious
- Treat the ‘Victim’ as a scene (do not move the body unnecessarily.
- Instruct medical staff to leave clothes on the body
- If medical treatment has been given then request the connecting tubes, needles, bandages and other medical items are left in situ
- If possible, conduct scoping interviews with medical staff who treated the victim and establish their actions, apparent cause of death and injury type(s)
- Ascertain if the victim spoke to anyone before death and record what was said.
- Record body position, lividity(gravitational settling of blood), obvious injuries and clothing
- Objectively record anything observed using all senses, including sight, sound and smell. Include what is considered unimportant or non-evidential as after further investigation, such information may become relevant.
- Record all exhibits
- Sketch a plan including the position of the body and position of exhibits
- Provide full information to the OC Investigation, at an early stage
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
- Identify
- Secure
- Preserve
- Consider
- Record
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
1. Identify
- Gather information and carry out an initial assessment of the scene
- Consider warrantless powers to deal with evidential material in respect of serious offences
- Establish the ‘Crime Scene’. Think as widely as possible, considering evidence that may have been discarded
- Consider possible approach paths and establish a Common Approach Path (CAP)
- Consider other related crime scenes
- What is happening at the scene and who is there
- Note and record observations
- Establish a scene headquarters, and safe arrival / assembly points
- Provide a SITREP/SFP to Comms and obtain acknowledgement
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
2. Secure
- Where necessary exercise powers to secure the scene pursuant to section 116 S&S
- Effect removal of all persons within the scene in a way that causes minimum of disturbance to the scene. (CAP and witnesses do not remove anything from scene)
- Establish cordoned parameters using Police emergency tape
- Arrange and brief scene guards with clearly defined duties
- Arrange crime scene logs
- Prevent unauthorised persons from entering or leaving the scene
- Prevent any further loss or damage to evidence caused by adverse weather or other factors, such as animals.
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
3. Preserve
- Consider the best path to the scene
- Record any movements/ action taken in the scene
- Preserve what is there and leave in situ. Ensure nothing is touched or moved. The scene must be kept in its original state.
- If no immediate life is at risk, consider using stepping plates
- Be prepared to take immediate action to preserve and/or record evidence that may change if nothing is done. For example rain may damage footprints and bloodstain
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
4. Consider
- If initial photographs of the scene and persons present are necessary.
Initial Action to Preserve Scene
5. Record
- The integrity of the scene by establishing and maintaining a crime scene log of movements, names, times and reasons for entry and exit to the scene.
- Observe and record full notes of precise details of the scene, particularly the location of the Victim.
- Complete a sketch of the scene
- Photograph the scene and consider using video recording
- Identify anything which is moved, noting the original and eventual positions
- Make an accurate record of these facts and report them to the OC Investigation at an early stage
Crime Scene Logs - Purpose
A scene Guard is employed to maintain a scene log and ensure
- there is no unauthorised entry into the scene
- integrity of evidence or potential evidence is secured
- intelligence opportunities are maximised
- contamination issues are managed
Scene Guard Duties
- Secure Scene (deny any person entry unless authorised)
- Record details
- Control movements (CAP)
- Record Movements - eg vehicles near or movement near scene
- Brief others (Promptly report any relevant info to OC Scene/Case)
- Avoid Disturbance
- Protect Scene
- Brief Replacement
- Respect Security (Do not discuss with anyone)
- Demonstrate Courtesy
- Inform Others (report any actions taken to OC scene / case)
Obtaining Key material from Witnesses
- Obtain full details of all persons present at the scene
- Assemble people in a clear area ensuring a police officer remains with them
- If possible, isolate witnesses from one another and explain the reason to them
- Identify witnesses and conduct a brief scoping interview. Include descriptions of other people mentioned
- Establish whether any persons have left the area
- If witnesses have made telephone calls establish numbers to from and when etc this can help with timelines.
7.Record registration numbers of nearby vehicles to establish drivers/passengers that may have been in the area - Seize any CCTV relevant to the vicinity / routes to establish who may have been in the area at the relevant time
Suspects at Scene
- Separate suspects from other persons at scene
- Consider the condition of the suspect (injuries, under influence etc)
- Ask them to remain at the scene and to co-operate with Police. As soon as possible remove the suspect from the scene by consent or lawful justification
- If refuses to co-operate consider whether grounds exist for arrest and appropriate offence etc
- To prevent cross-contamination issues consider using officers who have not entered the scene to manage suspect
- don’t forget caution
- consider searching suspect and suspects vehicle and belongings to prevent disposal of evidence, using S&S
- Consider searching the vicinity of where the suspect was located and the route they took or may have taken for discarded evidence
- Note suspects appearance and demeanour/behaviour.
- Record everything said consider prelim interview
- Interview on DVD where possible
- Brief the OC investigation on their arrival highlighting any significant risks around cross-contamination or movement within the scene
Checklist Initial action at serious crime
Before attending Scene
En Route to scene
On arrival at scene
- Control people at scene
- Victim
- Scene
- Witnesses
- Suspect
Manage Media
Before leaving the scene
Before Attending scene
Decisions must be driven by circumstances
Obtain all available information
Consider requesting complainant to observe if safe
Make appreciation of incident
Develop a plan, consider relevant risks
Freeze, Control, Guard and Preserve
Assess own safety and then preserve life of others
Identify and apprehend suspect(s)
Contain and control witnesses
Preserve scene
En Route to scene
Look out for suspect
Note and consider stopping any vehicles attempting to leave scene
Prioritise tasks and assign duties (VOWES)
On Arrival at Scene
Log arrival with comms and obtain acknowledgement
Gather information and conduct a risk assessment / appreciation
Ensure the safety of yourself, colleagues, victims and others
Provide SITREP, SFP if required
Establish common path into and out of scene
Record relevant information
Control people at the scene to gain control of scene
Take control of scene
Exercise warrantless powers if applicable
Clear scene of persons and is possible contain them nearby
Identify the complainant and conduct prelim interview
Arrange detailed interview and statement
Victim - If injured
Commence first aid
Conduct prelim interview
If expected to die consider statement
Treat Victim as a scene and do not move if unnecessary
Take DNA swabs from skin if appropriate
Record and photograph any injuries
If transported to hospital Police MUST accompany, establish current medical condition, preserve clothing debrief relevant medical staff and update O/C investigation
Victim if dead
Call ambulance, attempt resus if appropriate
Obtain confirmation of life extinct, unless death is obvious
Establish Vics ID
Do NOT move the body. Record any previous movements
Record exhibits, body position, Lividity, injuries and clothes
Make a sketch plan / photographs
Give early update to the O/C investigation
Identify and preserve the scene (Freeze, control, guard and preserve)
Carry out initial assessment of scene
use common approach path (CAP)
Clear scene
Arrange anf brief scene guards. Ensure crime scene logs are used
Establish adequate cordon parameters
If no immediate life is at risk, consider using stepping plates
Protect fragile exhibits and any exhibits exposed to the elements
Call fro assistance / resources as necessary
Make appropriate records; who, what where when why how
Sketch plan / photographs of scene
Make accurate records and report them to the OC investigation asap
Contain, Isolate and seek witness co-operation
Prioritise interviews by investigative importance
Conduct scoping interviews
Photograph witnesses / injuries
Consider whether witnesses are ‘scenes’
Identify routes suspects used to arrive-leave
Isolate from other people
Ask suspect to remain and co-operate
- If refuses to co-operate consider whether grounds to arrest, and/or if necessary to caution
Consider searching suspect pursuant to S&S
Note suspects appearance, demeanour and condition
Record comments made by suspect
Consider a preliminary interview where appropriate and return to station asap
Before leaving Scene
Brief the OC investigation before handing on responsibility for the scene
Cover whats been done what is being done and what needs to be done
Provide comms with sitrep
Update OC investigation to include detail of any alterations made to the scene
All initial attending staff submit copies of notebook entries and all required documents including copies of footwear if entered scene, before completing duty that day. FWS should be submitted rather than jobsheets to limit unnecessary duplicates and delays