Initial Response Flashcards
Two Key Tasks of Any Investigation
- Gathering and preserving evidence
- Accurate and detailed documentation
What must be the first consideration at a Serious Crime Scene?
Every person who undertakes a course of action at a serious crime scene must first consider what risks may exist
First step at Serious Crime Scene
Freeze, Control, Preserve, Guard
Identification of Homicide Cases
- Report of a missing person
- Sudden unexplained death of an infant
- Unexplained death
- Report of an abduction
- Report of violence where no fatalities are anticipated
- Crime scene without a body present
- Hit and run vehicular collision
- Suicide
- Fatal fire
- Drug related deaths
Victim, Appreciation, Witnesses, Scene, Exhibits, Elements, Powers, Offenders
Basic Principles underpinning all Serious Crime Investigations
Tier 1 - Appreciation Process
Tier 2 - Preserve Life, Preserve Scene
Tier 3 - Identify & Apprehend Suspects, Secure Evidence, Identify Victim
An appreciation is a proven method of problem solving. The process follows a series of set steps to ensure the optimum course of action is decided upon. It considers all appropriate factors and weighs the benefits and risks of all alternative solutions. An ongoing process which involves continually thinking through each new piece of information as it is uncovered.
Applying an appreciation technique can provide the following key benefits:
• Informs all Police what they are expected to achieve
• Increases the chances of success
• Establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out
• Manages risk
• Reduces uncertantiy
• Eliminates duplication
• Ensures nothing is overlooked
• Effective use of resources
Appreciation - Steps
Aim - Short statement which succinctly demonstrates a single objective.
Factors - Any circumstance or fact that could possibly have an effect on the manner in which you will achieve your desired outcome.
Courses Open - A list of all the possible ways the aim could be achieved.
Plan - A plan is a proposed course of action designed to put the selected course into action in order to achieve the desired aim.
Preservation of Life
It is imperative that Police responders ensure their own safety, the safety of other responders and that of others present at the scene.
The first priority will always be to ensure the safety of the attending Police members.
Victims Status
- Alive and uninjured
- Alive but injured
- Shows no signs of life
If a victim has to be moved for this purpose, note the original body position and record any previous movements.
If it necessary for the victim to be transferred to the hospital, details of the ambulance crew and their destination must be recorded. If practicable, a detective should accompany the victim to hospital.
Victim - At Hopsital
- Obtain medical opinion
- Seize clothing and possessions as evidence
- Establish identity
- Obtain a pre-transfusion blood sample using Police Toxicology Kit Containers
- Seize discarded bandages used to cover gunshot wounds
- Arrange firearms residue samples where a firearm is suspected
- Note and photograph any injuries
- Arrange DNA swabs to be taken from skin
- Obtain details for all those who visit or contact victim
- Conduct a scoping interview
- Conduct a preliminary interview
If it appears the Victim may die
If it is anticipated the victim may die, consider recording an immediate statement, whether the victim can sign it or not. If the victim subsequently dies their statement may be admissible in proceedings as hearsay evidence, under section 18(1) of the Evidence Act 2006. In order to be considered admissible evidence, the court must be satisfied that both the content of the statement and the person who made it are reliable. Consider:
- nature of the statement
- contents of the statement
- circumstances relating to the making of the statement
- circumstances relating to the veracity of the person
- circumstances relating to the accuracy of the observation of the person
Victim is Deceased
If the victim needs to be moved, the original position should be recorded, ideally with photograph and or video but a sketch and description should also be completed.
Discovery of a Body
- Consider an Ambulance
- Remain with body until relieved by CIB
- Arrange a Dr to pronounce death
- Treat victim as a scene
- Instruct medical staff to leave clothes on body
- If medical treatment provided, require connecting tubes, needles, bandages and other medical items are left in situ
- Conduct scoping interviews with medical staff who treated the victim
- Ascertain if victim spoke with anyone before death, record what was said
- Record body position, lividity, obvious injuries, clothing
- Objectively record everything observed using all senses, including sight, sound and smell. Include all unimportant and non-evidential things.
- Record all exhibits
- Sketch a plan
- Provide full information to the OC Investigation
What to consider when preserving A scene
Some exhibits may be fragile and easily destroyed or contaminated therefore weather conditions, temperature, public activity, animals or time may influence your decisions about what initial actions are required and their priorities
Preserving A Scene
Identify - carry out initial assessment, establish crime scene, establish common approach pathway, consider other crime scenes
Secure - Search Powers, scene guards, emergency tape, avoid loss of evidence, prevent unauthorised persons from entering/leaving scene
Preserve - Record movements & action taken, leave things in situ, stepping plates, be prepared to take immediate action to preserve evidence
Record - Crime scene logs, details of scene, sketch, photography
Crime Scene Logs
Records details, time and purpose of all persons who enter, attempt to enter, or leave the crime scene, as well as any other activity around the crime scene which the scene guard perceives to be relevant to the case
Purpose of Scene Guard and Crime Scene Logs
Helps to protect the integrity of the scene
- There is no unauthorised entry into the scene
- Integrity of evidence or potential evidence is secured
- Intelligence opportunities are maximised
- Contamination issues are managed
Scene Guard Duties
- Secure Scene
- Record Details
- Control Movements
- Record Movements
- Brief Others
- Avoid Disturbance
- Protect Scene
- Brief Replacement
- Respect Security
- Demonstrate Courtesy
- Inform Others
Things to obtain off a Witness
Fibres, body fluids, glass and other material
- Immediate DNA swabs of any area on the witness suspect has touched
- Immediate DNA swabs of any blood present on witness
- Immediate swabs of any other relevant stains on witness
- Forensic medical examination i.e. fingernail scrapings, hair combing
- Seizure of clothing & footwear
- Seizure of any items of property touched by the suspect
Suspects At Scene
- Seperate suspects from other persons
- Consider their condition
- As soon as possible, remove them from scene, if uncooperative consider whether grounds to arrest
- Use officers who have not entered the scene to avoid cross contamination
- Consider searching suspect & vehicle
- Note suspects appearance and behaviour
- Caution suspect
- Record everything suspect says
- Interview suspects
Initial Responders
Must record all information relating to their attendance, including their observations, their actions and any alterations made.
A photograph, photocopy or print of their footwear must be provided and submitted with the other documentation.
If members of the media are present at the scene, keep them away from the immediate crime scene cordon and make no comment about the incident. Consult with the OC Investigation on arrival and explain what has happened, identify media members and where they are located.