Inheritance Tax Flashcards
What does Piketty (2014) consider the idea tool to regain control over globalised financial capitalism? Does he think it is realistic?
A progressive global tax on capital, coupled with a very high level of international financial transparency. But he describes it as a utopian idea. He sees it rather as a useful reference point.
Why, according to Piketty (2014) might a global tax on capital be preferable to protectionist measures?
Because it has the merit of preserving economic openness while effectively regulating the global economy and justly distributed the benefits among within nations.
What would Piketty’s tax be applied to?
Individual wealth, on the net value of assets each person controls. For the wealthy it would be based on individual net worth. For the rest, taxable wealth would be determined by the market value of all financial assets and non-financial assets net of debt.
Would there be any exceptions to what Piketty’s tax would apply to?
None. He argues that the wealth taxes applied in countries like France and Germany are riddled with exemptions and many asset classes left out.
According to Piketty (2014) what would be the primary purpose of a global capital tax?
To regulate capitalism and stop the increase in the inequality of wealth.
Name two of the benefits Piketty (2014) has suggested would come from a global capital tax.
It would generate useful information about the distribution of wealth. These reliable statistics can thus be used to eliminate the opaque nature of wealth, which would be good for democracy.
It would also give financial regulators a better idea of the distribution of financial assets, which can be useful for the just and efficient management of banking crises.
What is the contributive logic behind a global capital tax according to Pikkety (2014)
Income is often not a well-defined concept for very wealthy individuals, and only a direct tax on capital can correctly gauge the contributive capacity of the wealthy.
Capital is a better indicator of the contributive capacity of very wealthy individuals than is income, which is often difficult to measure.
What is the incentive logic behind a global capital tax according to Pikkety (2014)?
The basic idea is that a tax on capital is an incentive to seek the best possible return on one’s capital stock. It would force people who use their wealth inefficiently to sell assets in order to pay their taxes, thus ensuring that those assets wind up in the hands of more dynamic investors.
What does Pikkety argue wealth taxes have traditionally not raised much money?
Because much of their content has been drained out because of numerous exemptions.
According to Lee (2007), what is the main purpose of the IHT?
Serves an equitable purpose: contributing towards a redistribution of wealth.
What is one of the problems with IHT according to Lee (2007)?
The very wealthy are able to avoid paying tax by distributing large amounts of their wealth free of IHT during their lifetime.
Who is most disadvantaged by the IHT according to Lee (2007)?
The moderately wealthy. Targets mostly those whose wealth is tied up in their main house rather than the very wealthy who can circumnavigate the tax.
What is an accession tax, according to Lee (2007)?
A taxed charged by reference to the value of the benefit received by the donee, and whose rates and exemptions are governed by his or her circumstances.
What are the arguments for an accessions tax, according to Lee (2007)?
1) It is fairer and encourages donors to spread wealth.
2) Embraces not only inheritances but also lifetime gifts
3) Can be cumulative over a donee’s lifetime, again encouraging testators to spread their wealth more widely.
If you have these three traits, you will be favoured by the IHT, according to Lee (2007).
Healthy, wealthy and well advised. Because you can give away sufficient capital and survive the statutory period.
What are some of the difficulties with an accession tax, according to Lee (2007)?
It is more costly for both administrative and compliance purposes.
What transfers are exempt under the current IHT structure?
Transfers between spouses and civil partners.
What is one way that the IHT has been criticised?
That it amounts to a ‘penalty on hard work, thrift and enterprise.’
What are three arguments for abolishing IHT, according to Lee (2007)?
1) Amounts to double taxation because that same property has been taxed once during their life.
2) Sharply rising house prices has led to moderate estates falling over the threshold.
3) The very wealthy can avoid paying the tax through planning techniques.
How does Lee (2007) counter the arguments for abolishing IHT?
1) Double taxation: not borne out from the facts that all wealth comprised in estates has been previously taxed. Look at the example of VAT as a tax which arguably amounts to double taxation as well. Also main family home: all the gains have been free of CGT.
What are the three reasons (equity criteria) that Lee (2007) lists for IHT?
1) Redistribution: vertical equity is what we seek, hence taxing people according to their ability to pay through progressive rates.
2) Impeding the accumulation of wealth: impede the accumulation of vast fortunes, to uphold democracy.
3) Raise revenue.