Inheritance patterns and genetic diseases Flashcards
Define aniticipation:
Phenomenom where the features of a genetic condidiotn becomee more severe and have an earlier onset with each successive generation.
typically associated with TNR disorders as the dynamic mutations are unstable and prone to expand on transmissio
seen in FRAV, DM1, HD, SCA1,3 and 7 and DRPLA
What are the different repeat length categories in TNR disroders?
Exapansion can occur ion the germline (passed to offspring) or in somatic cells resulting in size mosaicism)
Normal (stable) not prone to expansion and will not expand to FM in a single generation
Intermediate- not associated with disease and offpsring will not be affected but repeat length ay show instaability on tranmission
PM- prone to expansion to F. Not pathogenic except ion FXTAS/FXPOI
FM- expansion need to reach a threshold length for the phenotype to be expressed.
What is the sex specific expansion bias for HD and DM1
HD expansions are predominantly male due to CAG instability in spermatogenesis
DM1 large expansions are maternally inherited. only small rpt can be paternally inherited possibly due to selection against sperm with FM
what is the mechanism of TNR expansion?
Replication slippage
strand miss-pairing results in formation of secondary structures (e.g. hairpin loops) which cause rep fork blockage, this result in slippage of the lagging strand and misplacing of okzaki fragments = unequal crossing over and one expanded and one contracted allele
what biases can result in the false appearance of anticipation?
preferential ascertainment of parents with late onset disease as early onset would have reduced sexual fitness
preferential ascertainment of children with severe disease earlier
preferential ascertainment of child-parent pairs with simultaneous onset
define age related mosaicism?
mosaicism (somatic or germline) due to the accumulation of mutations over the course of an individuals lifetime
- e.g. loss of X or Y is a characteristic of ageing to give a 45,X cell line
- knudson hypothesis (2 hits for cancer= sporadic is later onset)
define variable expressivity
pehnotype expressed to different degrees in different individuals with the same genotype.May show variability within the same family
e.g. NF1 range from cafe au lait skin patches to large disfiguring neurofibromas
marfans range from tall with long slender fingers to having life threatening heart conditions.
Define penetrance
Penetrance is the proportion of individuals with the same genotype who express the phenotype.
e.g. BRCA1 shows 80% lifetime risk of breast cancer
in complete penetrance all individuals with the genotype will have the associated phenotype
define reduced penetrance
not everyone with the genoytpe will show the phenoytpe
- affected by genetic modifiers, environmental factors, lifestyle, age, sex hard to predict.
Non penetrant parents can have penetrant children e.g. 22q11.2 making genetic counselling a challenge.
describe the role of ascertainment bias on determining penetrance
- ascertainment bias- the penetrance of an allele can depend on the age of testing, the severity of the disorder a patient present with or a patient dying from a different disorder before the one in question presents
describe attributable risk
attributable risk looks at the amount of risk that can be atributed to an allele- can develop breast cancer without BRCA mut so not all the risk can be attributed to having the allele
define sex limiting
Genes present in both sexes but only expressed in one e.g.lactation in females and beards in males
define epistasis
a variant or allele in one locus that prevents a variant or allele at another locus exerting its affect
- interactions between non-allelic genes in which one has a dominant effect over another
- explains deviation from simple mendelian ratios
- play a major role in susceptibility to complex disease
the masked locua is called hypostaic and the masking locus is epistatic
can occur at the gene level where one gene may encode a protein which prevents the transcription of another gene or at the phenotype level e.g. the gene for albinism would hide the gene controlling a persons hair or skin colour
define pleitropy
Pleitropy is when one gene influences 2 seemingly unrelated traits as the encoded protein is used in different cells of for different signalling functions
e. g. PKU is associated with ID and hypopigmented skin and hair
- affects phenyalanine hydroxylase which converts phenyalanine to tyrosine
- build up of phenyalanine is toxic to the nervous system resulting in ID and DD
- lack of try which is required for melanin production which is required for skin and hair pigmentation
define linkage disequilibrium?
non random association between 2 alleles at 2 didfferent loci- when variants co-occu togehter in one allel more often than would be expected by normal distribution
e.g. CF F508 is in LD with the 9T variant of the polyT tract. Useful as if the 9T and 5T plyTs are detected with R117H and F508, the R117H must be in cis with 5T which confirms a diagnosis of CFTR-RD
what are the features of X-linked dominant disorders?
- Do not always fit the rules of dominant or recessive inheritance
- penetrance and severity are generally high in males with low severity in females. penetrance in females is highly variable
Give an example of a XLD disorder
X-linked Alports
X-linked hypophosphatemia/ vitD resistant rickets
Fragile X- inheritance is debated but widely considered XLD
Given an example of an XLD disorder that is lethal in males?
Rett syndrome
Incontentia Pigmenta
Give an example of an XLD disorder with males unaffected?
Craniofrontonasal syndrome (CFNS)
Describe the characteristics of XLD inheritance
XLD is a condition that is expressed in hemizygous males and heterozygous females
- males are generally more severely affected and females show variability
- 50% risk of all offspring of an affected female being affected
- 100% of female and 0% or male offspring from an affected male will be affected
can be mistaken from AD inheritance as passed from both parents but is differentiated by the lack of male to male transmission. Because of this there will be more affected females than males.
describe X-linked phosphatemia
Most common cause of phosphatemia
fully penetrant with variable severity and patients may not present until 6-12 months
Symptoms are similar to Vit D deficient Rickets
- bone deformities
- dental abnormalities
- hearing loos
- low phosphate levels
- resistance to treatment with Vit D
Caused by PHEX mutations- result in inhibition of kidney being able to reabsorb phosphate from the bloodstream affecting normal bone growth and development
Describe X linked Alport
Most common form of Alport syndrome
- associated with Kidney disease, hematuria and proteinuria, hearing loos and eye abnormlaities
CLO4A5 variants (Col4A3/4 in AR forms)- encodes type IV collagen which plays a role in kidneys, vision and hearing
What are the characteristics of XLD inheritance with male lethality
- only seen in females, rare in males and if present they are mosaic if XXY
- increased miscarriage rate in families as males pregnancies do not get to term
- sex ratio of offspring is skewed= 1/3 unaffectd females, 1/3 affected females and 1/3 unaffected males
Describe Rett syndrome
Characterised by normal development in the first months, followed by rapid regression of language and motor skill ans then stability of symptoms. characteristic hand flapping also develops
- life expectancy 15-20yrs
caused by variants in MECP2 (classic Rett)- generally de novo and low recurrence risk although some reports of germline mosaicism
Describe male Rett syndrome
~1% of males with severe MR
- Males with MECP” variants are born with neonatal encephalopathy resulting in death before age two years
- adult males with classical Rett are 47,XXY or mosaics and have the same phenotype as females
or have less severe neurological maifestations but carry variants not seen in females with Rett- presumably to mild to cause disease in het state
describe non- classical Rett
Variant Rett is caused by variants in FOXG1 (Chromosome 14, distinguished by congenital microcephaly and corpus callosum abnormalities) and CDKL5 (X chromosome, distinguished by early onset seizures)
Describe Incontinentia pigmenti
affects hair, skin, teeth, nail and CNS- nail dystrophy, and eye and dental abnormalities and born with a rash.
males spontaneously miscarry in the first trimester or have some mosaicism
Due to mutations if IKBKG
high penetrance and variable severity
Describe Craniofrontonasal syndrome (CFNS)
CFNS is a XLD disorder with affects females but not males. females have frontonasal dysplasia, craniofacial asymmetry and craniosynostosis, whereas males typically show only hypertelorism
Caused by mutations in EFNB1- encodes a TM protein involved in bi-directional cell signalling
females are affected as skewed X-inactivation leads to a population of mutant and non-mutant cells. This interface between the normal and mutant protein population is the cause for the phenotype in males. Therefore a mosaic male may also express an phenotype.
Describe the role of X-inactivation in manifestation of XL conditions in females
- can result in the expression of an XLR disorder
- high skewing can affect the severity of XLD and there have been reports of asymptomatic carriers of Rett due to inactivation of the mutant allele
How are conditions associated with genes in the PAR region inherited?
AR or AD as the PAR regions is found on both the X and Y chormosome
What is the incidence and carrier frequency of SMA
incidence 1/10,000
carrier freq ranges from 1/40 to 1/60 (1/50 in the UK)
second most common AR disease in hr UK and the most common cause of infant deaths
What is the pathogenesis of SMA
SMA is caused by a mutation in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene.
SMA results in progressive muscular weakness due to loss of anterior horn neurons in the brain and spinal cord. The neurons are required to relay signals to proximal muscles from the brain for them to contract. muscle weakness is proximal to distal with inclusion of he intercostal muscles, the diaphragm is usually spared.
what is the SMA phenotype?
Progressive symmetrical muscle weakness of the proximal limbs and trunk
- difficulty breathing due to inclusion of intercostal muscles
- normal or above average IQ
- facial weakness
- fine muscle tremor in fingers
- poor suck/swallowing - difficulty feeding
What is the differential diagnosis for SMA?
Athrogryposis mutliplex congential
What is the structure of the 5q13 SMA region
SMA is due to mutations in SMN
there are 2 copies of SMN located in tandem in a 500kb inverted dup in 5q13
- 5q13 is a has a highly complex structure containing many repetitive regions, pseudogenes, retro- transposable elements, deletions, inverted dups
How many copies of SMN gene do most people carry?
In the normal population the majority of individuals have 1 copy of SMN1 on each chromosome. However approximately 4% of the population have 2 copies of SNM1 on a single chromosome - this can cause issues with carrier testing.
What is the role of the SMN protein?
SMN protein is ubiquitously expressed in motro neurons of the spinal cord. it is though to be involved in RNAP transport in motor neurons. SMA is essental and loss of SMN1 and 2 is embryonic lethal
what is the difference between SMN1 and 2?
SMN1 is the native gene and is telomeric to the SMN2 pseudogene.
Both genes are highly homologous and only differe byt few bases in thr 3’ of the. The key difference is a C>T transition in SMN2 exon 7. This synonymous change disrupts a splice enhancer site at the intron6-exon7 border resulting in inefficient splicing and a shorter transcript lacking exon 7. This results in only ~10% of the full lengthtranscript being translated.
In SMN1 90% of the full length transcript is translated.
What is the molecular pathogenesis of SMA?
loss of exon 7 causative of SMA- result in a decrease in the amount of SMN produced
Homozygous deletion of at least exon 7 of SNM1 is responsible for ~95% of cases - approximately 2% of the deletions are de novo
4% are compound het for an SMN1 deletion and a pathogenic sequence variant
1% and homozygous for a pathogenic sequence variant
What defines SMA type IA & B?
prenatal/congenital form AKA Werdnig Hoffman disease
- onset at birth and life expectancy to ~6months
- never sit unsupported
- profound hypotnia, feeding difficulties and death from respiratory failure
homozgous SMN1 del
What define SMA type 1B?
severe/ actue SMA AKA Werdnig Hoffman disease
onset at 0-6 months and die < 2 years from respiratory failure
- never sit unsupported
- frog leg posture
- profound hypotnia, feeding difficulties and death from respiratory failure
homozygous del
What define SMA type II?
intermediate AKA Dubowitz disease - onset 6-18 months - death >2 years and 75% reach 25 - can sit but never stand or walk independently - profound hypotonia and muscle weakness postural hand tremor avg or >avg IQ
SMN gene conversion & SMN del
what define SMA type III?
Kugelbury Walander disease
- onset > 18 month and nearly normal life expectancy
- can walk unsupported
- may have hand tremor
- phenotype similar to muscular dystophy
2 SMN2 gene conversions
What defines type IV SMA?
Adult onset
normal lifespan and reach all motor milestones
have more copies of the SMN2 gene which acts a a disease modulator and compensates for the lack of SMN
What are the genotype phenotype correlations in SMA?
SMN2 can modify the disease severity in a dose dependent manner. The more copies of SMN2 the less severe the pheno.
- there has been a report an asymptomatic individual with homozygous SMN1 del but 5 copies of SMN2
BEWARE- correlations are imprecise so this is not used clinically to predict the course if the disease.
what other disease modifiers are reported in SMA?
- there is an SMN2 point mutation that can result in the inclusion of exon 7 by creating a new splicing enhancer and thereby increasing the amount of full length transcript
- plastin 3 shown to be upregulated in a family member with no SMA and an SMN1 del and same number of SMN2 copies as an affected family member.
How is SMA diagnosed?
As majority of cases have homozygous del the first line test is dosage analysis of at least SMN1 exon 7 - 95% sensitivity and 99% specificity
only loos of SMN1 exon 7 is required to develop SMA as it is the clinically relevant transcript
what are the molecular tests for SMA?
dosage analysis will detect 95%, sequwncing will detect a further 4%
only exons 7 & 8 are tested as they have SNPs whish allow distinction of SMN1 & 2
MRC holland MLPA kit available with probes targeted to SNPs in exon 7 and 8- can detect carriers, dels, dups and gene conversion
Quantitative PCR uses flourescently labelled primers specific to the nt differences in ex 7 & 8. Products are separated by capillary electrophoresis and copy number determined by comparison to controls
what are the considerations for carrier testing in SMA
4% of the popultaion carry 2 copies of SMN1 on a single chromosome. As doage does not provide positional information this can mask the presence of a deletion in the other allele and can’t distinguish 2:0 from 1:1.
- linkage analysis can help resolve carrier status in cases with a proband with a hom deletion and only 1 carrier parent identified
- grandparents can be tested- if a parent id 2:0 the liklihood is there parents will be 1:0 and 2:0, but if the deletion in the proband is de novo the grandparents are liekely to be 1: as this is the most common in the population. Small risk of both grandparents being 2:0 but chance of this is vanishingly small.
- de novo deletion occurs in 2% of cases so this should also be considered.
Bayesian calculations can be used to determine the residual risk of being a carrier after a normal dosage result (considers chance of 2:0 and sequence variants)
the finding of 2 copies if SMN1 significantly reduces the chance of being a carrier
How could you investigate a patient with an SMA phenotype but only one SMN1 allele deleted?
May habour a pathognic SNV in the remaining SMN1 copy. Can carry out sequence analysis but this is complicated by the SMN2 psuedogene.
- therefore allele specific long-range PCR and RNA seq technologies are required for specific analysis of the SMN1 gene
- a multiplex PCR for the most common small intragenic mutations has been developed
what are the developments in prenatal testing for SMA?
Prental diagnosis by NIPD has been diagnosed as part of the NIPSIGEN project
- this uses enrichment of highly heterozygous SNPs across the SMN1/2 region followed by massively parallel sequencing and analysis of relative haplotype dosage. . Maternal, paternal and proband DNA samples are also tested for haplotyping purposes.
describe the use of linkage in SMA
linkage analysis can be used to detect the inheritance of the high risk allele.
- this is useful in cases where a second mutation has not been identified but SMA has been diagnosed clinically to enable carrier and prenatal testing.
- amplified MS markers flanking the region and needs DNA from proband to determine phase. Need to consider risk of a double recombination resulting in the high risk allele being associated with the low risk haplotype.
- sensitive to MCC from 5% (lower than the 10% excluded by QF-PCR in most labs)
what are the therapies available for SMA?
Nusinersen (AKA spiranza) is an 18mer anitsensne oligonucleotide which has been approved by NICE for treatment of molecularily confirmed SMA I,II and III.
- treatment works by promoting the inclusion of the SMN2 exon 7 in SMN2 transcripts to increase the level of the full length transcript.
does not need to cross BB as increasing SMN in the CNS is not reuired to rescue the preipheral muscle phenotype and rescue motor neurons andincreaase long term survival (study in mice)
what other therapies are available?
gene conversion of SMN1 to SMN2 has been reported,
stem cell or gene therapy may compensate for the lack of sufficient SMN.
AAV9 can infect numerous cells and cross the BBB. In Mice has been shown to result in mice expressing the engineered WT gene and therefore an increase in SMN levels
What is the current position on SMA and newborn screening?
Most patients diagnosed with SMA are already in the advanced stages with significant motor neuron degeneration having already taken place. no there is treatment available there is an argument for NBS as late treatment is less beneficial.
Already included in NBS in the US and being considered in Belgian and Taiwan
what are the genotype phenotype correlations in Rett syndrome?
truncating mutations are more severe and there is stronger selection against them in the 5’ of the gene. missense mutations are less severe so may only be seen in male Rett
what is the parthenogenesis of Rett?
MECP2 is implicated in the transcription in neuronal cells e.g. regulated BDNF transcription - affects synaps plasticity and neuronal development
What is the molecular testing for Rett
bi directional sequencing detect 85-90% of mutations. dosage analysis by MLPA can also be performed.
X-inactivation can affect the severity of XL disease. How is it tested for?
PCR of polymorphic CAG repeat in the 1st exon of the androgen receptor.
DNA is digested by a methylation snsitive restirction enzyme to determine which CAG repeat length (and therefore which X) is silenced. Can be used to determine the degree of skewing by comparing the level of digestion of each allele.
What is the difference between XLD and XLR?
In XLR females are generally not affected whereas in XLD females are affected.
However the standard definitions of AR or AD do not capture the variable expressivity due to skewed x inactivation.
what are the features of XLR disease?
vertical transmission from mothers- 50% of sons will be affected and 50% of daughters will be carriers.
Male transmission- all daughters will be carriers. there is no male-male transmission so no sons will be affected.
pairing of an affected male with an affected female can give the false impression of male-male transmission.
How may females manifest XLR disease?
skewed X-inactivation
Inheritance of mutation from both parents
UPD for X chromosome
describe spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
SBMA is a late onset progressive neuromuscular disorder that results in muscular atrophy and distal to proximal muscle weakness and wasting
onset is 30-50 yrs and require a wheelchair within 10yrs
what are the molecular genetics of SBMA?
caused by a CAGn polyglutamine expansion in the 1st exon of the AR gene.
35-37 repeats is variable penetrance
38+ repeats is full penetrance
shows anticipation
GOF , precise mechanism is unknown but it is thought to result from the CAG tract being cleaved into a polyglutmaine fragment which is retained in the nucleus where it forms nuclear inclusions.
female carriers asymptomatic
describe Androgen insensitivity
AIS is caused by pathogenic LOF mutations in the AR gene. Encodes the androgen receptor which allows cells the respond to testosterone and is required for male sexual development
characterised by female external genitalia and abnormal secondary sexual development at puberty
mainly missense mutations and dela and dups are rare. Testosterone levels are normal or elevated
what are the 3 types of AIS
complete AIS- normal female external genitalia, raised as females. Associated with variants throughout the coding region
partial AIS- Nearly normal female genitalia or ambiguous. Variants mainly in the steroid ir DNA binding domains
Mild AIS- typically have male external genitalia and mutations in ex 5 or 7 or amino terminal domain
describe hemophilia A and B
Due to mutations in the coagulation factors factor VIII (F8 in haem A) and factor IX (F9 in haem B). Mutations cause F8 and F9 to be ineffective in coagulation cascade. Clinically indistinguishable.
diagnosed by a deficiency in clotting of the relevant factor
complications arise from bleeding into joints, muscle, brain or other internal organs.
female carriers are biochemically abnormal but clinically unaffected. 10% of females are symptomatic and at risk of bleeding
F8- large gene. Intron 22 is the most common mutation. 1 in 6000 males
F9- small gene, mainly SNVs and 1 in 30,000
describe Hunter syndrome (mucopolysacharidosis II)
Due to mutations in the IDS gene- this encodes the enzyme for the breakdown of mucopolysacharides. without this enzymes MPS build up resulting in tissue damage.
variable severity, age of onset and rate of progression. In the severe disease there is CNS involvement and progressive airway and cardiac disease result in death. In the attenuated form the CNS is spared.
What is the prevalence and penetrance of DMD and BMD?
Most common muscular dystrophy - 1 in 3500 males
penetrance is 100% in males and variable in females
prevalence of BMD is 1 in 8000 and females rarely display phenotype
DMD ans X-linked cardiomyopathy?
Mutations in the dystrophin gene can also result in X-linked cardiomyopathy. This presents as cardiac disease with no skeletal muscle involvement.
due to a mutation in promote and 1st exon resulting in no dystrophin present in cardiac muscle.
- skeletal muscle spared as it can use other promoters
- onset is 20-25yrs in males was fast progress and death in a few years
- in melanges onset is 40-50 yrs and is slower
Describe the phenotype of DMD?
- onset < 5yrs and delayed motor development
- wheelchair bound by 12 years
- progressive muscle weakness and muscle replaced by fat and fibrotic tissue
- gower sign
- legs and pelvis affected first
- scoliosis may develop
- 95% of males develop cardiomyopathy
- dev delay present in 30-50% and coincides with later onset of symptoms (may be referred for array for LD and DMD discovered then)
- mean age at death is 25yrs due to respiratory and cardiac insufficiency
- creatine kinase levels are 10-100x normal
what is the phenotype of BMD?
milder than DMD
- 20% have dilated cardiomyopathy
- may be lat learning to walk
- muslce weakness onset from ~ 11yrs
- lose ability to walk at 49-50 yrs
- no LD
- survive to middle
- creatine kinase 5x normal
describe the DMD gene
largest human gene with 79 exons- 2.4MB in size but only 3% is coding
7 tissue specific promoters including brain, cardiac an skeletal muscle
Describe the dystrophin protein.
dystrophin is a rod shaped cytoskeletal protein which provide structural support dystroglycan complex (DGC)
the DGC forms a critical link between the cytoskeleton and the ECM and stabilizes the sarcolemma during contraction and relaxation.
loss of dsytrophin disrupts the link between the ECM and cytoskeleton which increase the fragility of the cell membrane and muscle becomes mechanically damaged during contraction. This also increases the permeability to Ca2+ which activate proteases which digest contractile proteins
increased creatine kinase levels indicate muscle damage
How much dystophin is expressed in DMD and BMD?
In DMD dystrophin is virtually absent
In BMD there is between 20% to normal levels (although abnormal protein is expressed)
What is the mutation spectrum in DMD?
No correlation between del/dup sizer and the severity of the phenotype.
Majority of pathogenic variants are exon deletion (>1 exon) clustering in exons 2-20 (20%) and 45-55 (80%). duplications are clustered in these regions with opposite frequencies
nonsense mutations are next most common mut in DMD followed by dups and indels.
single exons deletions- do not routinely test asymptomatic patients therefore do not know the frequency of these in the normal population. If detected in a patient with phenotype it is considered to confirm the diagnosis but could be masking the true diagnosis
what is the reading frame rule in DMD?
mutations that disrupt the reading frame result in a no functionla dystrophin due to NMD and asre associated with DMD
in-frame dels and dups result in the expression of a partially functional protein and are associated with BMD
the reading frame hypothesis holds true in 90% of cases therefore a diagnosis should be made on clinical assessment not the reported prediction.
What are the limitations to the reading frame hypothesis?
- hypothesis is based on DNA not RNA. Due the RNA processing this should be tested to give a definitive diagnosis
- in-frame deletions may result in DMD if they affect the protein binding domain
- assumes that duplications are tandem- may be inverted or inserted elsewhere in the gene or genome
- central-rod domain may be associated with no/mild symptoms
- exon skipping could result in rescue of the reading frame or vice versa
- exceptions to the reading frame rule are more common in BMD
What are the genotype-phenotype correlations in DMD?
- Mutations affecting the barin specific isoform as associated with later onset of muscle phnotype and LD (Dp140 and Dp71)
- In BMD dels including the a.a. terminal are associated with early onset cardiomyopathy
- central rod domain is associated with mil manifestions
What is the inheritance of DMD?
2/3 of cases are inherited from a carrier mother and 1/3 are do novo
- new mutation can occur in the oocyte, embryo post conception (mosaic) or be in the mothers germline (7-10% recurrence risk)
when the at risk haplotype is known the recurrence risk is 8.6%. However testing my MLPA does not revel this (need linkage) therefore the recurrence risk for a mother of an affected who has not been found to be a carrier is 4.3%
sibling of an affected is also at risk of being a carrier even if mother is not. If the sibling then tests negative for the family mutation there is no recurrence risk and her risk of an affected is reduced to that of the general population.
DMD has a high recombination rate- 4x greater than would be predicted by its size alone
Manifesting females in DMD
2-8% range from mild muscle weakness to an inability to walk.
If cardiomopathy is included the incidence is 38%- therefore monitoring for cardiac involvement should be included in female carrier reports
How can DMD be diagnosed? CK/IHC
- Normal CK levels rule out a diagnosis of DMD
- elevated CK support s diagnosis but does not confirm it as can be raised for other reasons e.g. after muscle injury or heavy exercise
- IHC - lack of staining for dystrophin confirms DMD and reduced BMD. requires invasive muscle biopsy so not commonly tested.
what is the genetic testing for DMD?
Dosage analysis (MLPA - 2 kits, can only use one if it will detect known mut in familial cases) will detect 72%
- sequencing analysis for CNV negatuve cases
- linkage analysis using microsatellites can be used for carrier testing and PND in cases where the pathogenic mutaion has not been detected but there is a confirmed clinical diagnosis
in MLPA is a single exon del or dup is detected it should be confirmed by another method e.g. dosage pCR or sequencing across the breakpoint
Carrier testing in DMD?
if the mutation is not known and the poband is not available them most closley related at risk family member is tested as they have the highest risk of carrying the mutation (mother then sibling). If a mutation is not found it does not rule out that they are carriers just reduces the risk
Even if the mutation is known there is still a recurrence risk in mothers if affected due to the possibility of germline mosaicism so PND is still offered
for all known carriers of mothers of affected.
Only male pregnancies tested, NIPD for sex is becoming more common as can avoid the need for an invasive test in a female pregnancy
Linkage analysis in DMD
Preferably need a sample from the proband but if not available can use an unaffected male sibling for exclusion testing
- 10% rate of recombination across the DMD gene
- to reduce the risk of recombination markers spanning the whole gene are used not just flanking it. Still need to calculate the risk of a double recombination which could result in the mutation being present on the low risk allele
- recombination risk is calculated from the average risk of a double recombination between markers and multiplying by the percentage of the coding region that is covered by the markers
Microarray IFs
- may be detected in a male referred for LD- explains pheno
- may be detected in females referred for LD- does not explain pheno byt result is reported for risk to family members
What are the differential diagnosis for DMD?
- Limb girdle dystrophy- clinically simillar but AR and AD inheritance
- emery dreiffus muscular dystrophy- characterized by joint contractures and progressive muscle weakness
_ SMA- poor muscle tone and neonatal hyopotonia
- dilated cardiomyopathy- AR, AD and XLR
What are the treatments for DMD?
No cures, treatments aims to help the symptoms e.g. physiotherapy and steroids. Transplant in severe cases of DCM
What re the molecular therapies for DMD?
Stop codon read through using amnioglycosides to result in some functional dystrophin being produced and can convert DMD to BMD pheno. 15% of DMD have a PTC.
exon skipping by mopholino ASO interferes with splicing and can skip the alterd exon to restore the reading frame and give a BMD phenotype
Define ahploinsufficiency
Genes are described as HI when inactivation/loss of a single allele (leaving the second allele unaffected) produces a clinical phenotype.
A gene is likely to be HI is all mutation types (missense, nonsense, deletion etc) result in the same phenotype.
Show AD inheritance
Note that genes on sex chromosomes cannot show haploinsufficiency.
What is the theory as to why some genes are HI and others are not?
Current theories focus on the specific function of the gene and the context of the gene’s function.
- Genes encoding enzymes are rarely haploinsufficient
- genes linked to srtuctural and regulatory function or are members of complexes or celullar signalling networks are more sensitive to changes in dosage.
What are the types of genes that show HI
imprinted genes
highly expressed genes
dosage sensitive genes
Why are imprinted gene HI?
in imprinting only one of the 2 alleles of a gene is expressed in a parent of origin depending manner, therefore mutations in the expressed gene are dominant. e.g. UBE3A mutation causes AS
Why are highly expressed genes HI?
Highly expressed show HI as they need a very high amount of gene product and a single functional copy is insufficient in producing enough. e.g, Elastin- Loss of one copy has no effect in skin and lung (low levels of product required), but can cause supraventricular aortic stenosis because the aorta requires high expression levels.
Why are dosage sensitive genes HI?
Dosage sensitve genes include:
- gene whose products are part of a quantitative signalling system depending on partial occupancy or competition for binding to DNA or receptor- gene products that compete to determine a metabolic swith
- gene products that cooperate in interactions with stoichiometry. Includes many structural proteins
In these situations the gene product is titrated against something in the cell, therefore relative not absolute levels are important.
Genes whose products are essentially alone e.g. soluble involved in metabolism, rarely show dosage sensitivity
How do dome genes have an AR and AD form?
Some genes with AD inheritance also have a recessive form. e.g. Marfans syndrome. A phenotype cause by complete loss of one allele could also be caused by a 50% reduction in the activity of 2 alleles.
Variation in penetrance & expression of both mono-allelic and bi-allelic mutant alleles highlights the fact that external factors are involved in such systems. These may include expression of other genes, environment, age, developmental status, ability of the individual to up-regulate expression of other genes or (in heterozygous individuals) the unaffected allele to compensate.
Where are HI genes found in the genome?
less likely to be found in segmentally duplicated regions which are prone to mutation (CNV) but NAHR. This suggests a selective pressure to maintain HI genes at their correct CN
Give 3 examples of HI single gene disorders?
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Give 2 examples of HI contiguous gene deletion syndromes?
22q11.2 Di George syndrome
del5p Cri-du-chat syndrome
Give 3 examples of HI in cancer?
HI affects TSGs
Describe Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Clinical features:
- Left-ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in the absence of predisposing cardiac/cardiovascular conditions.
- Characteristic abnormal ECG.
- highly variable and can include palpitation, progressive heart failure and heart congestions
- Sudden cardiac death (often in early adulthood and associated with exertion, e.g. sport) is a major cause of mortality
Onset varies from childhood to middle age,
LVH occurs in ~1 in 500. Between half and three-quarters of these patients have an HCM mutation
What are the molecular genetics of HCM?
70-80% of mutations are found in MYH7 and MYBPC3 About 10% of mutations are in Troponin-coding TNNT2 and TNNI3,
Clinical sensitivity of the four-gene panel is ~50%
Haploinsufficiency can be demonstrated in MYBPC3 by the lack of incorporation of truncated proteins into HCM cardiac tissue (evidence against dominant-negative effect), along with a lowered expression level of full-length protein, which suggests haploinsufficiency
Interaction of multiple genes in a large system (presumably requiring cooperation & fixed stoichiometry between gene products) is characteristic of a haploinsufficiency syndrome, and probably explains some of the variability in presentation & phenotype.
Describe Aniridia
PAX6 mutaion result in lack of irises.
other symptoms include: nystagmus, cataracts, defects in vision.
PAX6 is a control gene involved in eye development with very high conservation in all organisms with eyes
Homozygous loss of PAX6 is known to cause wide-ranging defects including complete lack of eye formation and is fatal in mice.
WAGR syndrome is caused by a contigous deletion on 11p13 and includes WT1 (wilm tumour gene) and PAX6 resulting in Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation syndrome.
Describe HNPP Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
HNPP is charactersied by focal pressure neuropathies- carpal tunnel syndrome, peroneal palsy and foot drop
Due to LOF of PMP22- 80% are due to a recurrent 1.5Mb deletion mediated by NAHR between CMT1A-REPS. 20% are due to LOF sequence mutations.
PMP22 encodes an essential component of the peripheral myelin sheath
reciprocal dup results in the more severe CMT1A
shows that gene is HI and TS
Describe DiGeorge syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome, 22q11.2 deletion on one allele causing haploinsufficiency of the TBX1 T-box transcription factor gene (important in developmental regulation).
Describe Cri-du-chat
Cri-du-chat syndrome caused by deletions of 5p15,
- a critical region between 5p15.2 is responsible for the observed dysmorphism and intellectual disability
- the proximal region of 5p15.3 is associated with the cat-like cry and speech delay.
Describe TP53
Mutated in over 50% of all tumours.
- Germline mutations responsible for Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) (early-onset breast and multiple other poor prognosis soft tissue & bone cancers).
Describe PTEN
TSG mutated in a wide array of tumours
- Germline mutations cause Cowden syndrome & PHTS.
- PTEN is a “gatekeeper” that negatively regulates cellular proliferation.
- “obligate haploinsufficiency”; heterozygous loss is more tumourigenic than homozygous loss. Reason for this is a “failsafe” p53-dependent cellular senescence mechanism that works when PTEN is completely lost; this “masks” the cellular proliferation signal that would be the result of losing both copies of PTEN, so heterozygous PTEN loss is more tumourigenic. Loss of p53 (e.g. in tumours) prevents the “failsafe” senescence mechanism, so cases with complete loss of both PTEN AND p53 show faster rates of tumour development than heterozygous PTEN losses.
Describe BRCA1
TSG associated with hereditary breast cancer: women carrying a heterozygous inactivating mutation have an 85% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, and increased risk of other cancer types.
- Conforms to the two-hit model of tumorigenesis (
- BRCA1 -/- mice show embryonic lethality:
What is the result of an AD GOF mutation?
result in increase in gene expression/product or gene developing a new aberrant function
what are the characteristics of a GOF mutation?
- usually dominant as the presence of the normal allele does not prevent the mutant allele from functioning aberrantly
- usually involve genes that control cell signalling- e.g. constitutively active
- product can obtain a novel function e.g. fusion gene due to translocation
- usually require a much more specific mutation than LOF e.g. mutation in the channel pore domain of an ion protein
give an example of a gene that shows GOF and LOF by different mutation mechanisms
PMP22- GOF CMT1A (dup) and LOF HNPP (del)
AR- triplet repeat expansion >35 = SBMA (GOF), LOF SNV = AIS
what are 4 different mechanisms of GOF mutations?
Unstable triplet repeats- HD, DM!, SCA
Overexpression - CMT1A
novel function - BCR-ABL1 t(9;22)(q34;q11)
Highly mutable codon- Achondroplasia
Describe the genetic change in HD?
HD is caused by a CAG repeat expansion (>36 variable penetrance- 40rpts = disease) in the 1st exon of the HTT gene at 4p16.3
result in a polyglutamine tract which is though to develop novel deleterious function when expanded
What evidence supports that the repeat expansion in HD acts by a GOF mechanism?
- deletions and translocation affecting HTT do not result in HD
- the phenotype of a homozygote is the same as a heterozygote
- dominant phenotype
- Levels of HD protein transcribed are the same in normal and mutant patients.
what is the characteristic finding in HD?
he presence of intranuclear inclusions is the characteristic sign of HD and are more abundant in the brains of patients with juvenile onset HD
it is thought that the polyQ expansion results in the formation of intranuclear inclusions containing HTT, chaperone proteins and ubiquitin.
HOWEVER, the inclusions do not appear to cause the disease themselves. In mouse models the location of inclusions does not correlate with cell toxicity.
What is the molecular pathogenesis of HD?
the seq of pathogenesis in HD is unclear
Mutant HTT forms abnormal protein structures - Bsheets and is truncated by caspase-6 into toxic N-terminal fragments. this is though to lead to altered processing of abnormal proteins in HD
Mutant Htt interferes with gene transcriptions (PGLC1a) and may have a direct or indirect affect on the mitochondria = affecting metabolism and leading to oxidative stress
there is also abnormal vesicle transport and release of BDNF and increased exocitotoxicity
What is the genetic change in DM1?
DM1 is caused by a CUG repeat expansion in DMPK
What is the molecular pathogenesis of DM1?
Though to act via a toxic RNA GOF mechanism
Repeat structures in RNA form stable hairpin structures that sequester RNA binding proteins CUG-BPI and MBNL in riobonuclear inclusion. This result in upregulation of CUG-BP1 and down regulation of MBNL. the altered expression of these affects alternative splicing and embryonic splicing patterns are seen instead of adult patterns in patients with DM1
What is Achondroplasia?
Achondroplasia is the most common inherited disproportionat short stature
incidence is 1 in 26-28,000
caused by mutations in the Tm domain of FGFR3
What is the molecular pathogenesis of Achondroplasia?
Due to a highly mutable codon - GOF
FGFR3 is a TM tyr kinase receptor responsible for -vely regulating bone growth. Mutations that constitutively activate the receptor result in reduced bone growth
99% of disease is due to 2 mutations
- achondroplasia is relatively common considering it requires very specific gene mutations- it has been suggested that the high de novo rate is because there is a proliferative advantage in spermatogonal cells.
other mutations in FGFr3 result in different disorders e.g. thanapophoric dysplasia and hypochondroplasia
What is the molecular pathogenesis of BRC-ABL1?
found in nearly all CML (major breakpoint) and some ALL (minor breakpoint)
fusion gene formed by the t(9;22)(q34;q11) rearrangement resulting in the formation if a constitutively active tyr kinase - aberrant signalling promotes genome instability
treated by TKI imatinib
Describe the molecular parthenogenesis of CMT?
CMT1A is caused by gene overexpression 70-80% is due to a recurrent 1.5Mb duplication at 17p12 whihc includes PMP22. remaining cases are due to GOF SNVs.
PMP22 encodes peripheral myelin protein and is present in the myelin membrane of peripheral neurons where it plays a role in arresting schwann cell division
recurrent dup is due to NAHR between CMT1A reps which flank the duplicated region. Reciprocal deletion result in HNPP
what are the characteristics of dominant negative mutations?
Mutations generally impair the function of a protein that are involved in protein complexes or reduce the activity of the WT allele
only seen inhets
more severe than null alleles of the same goen
MND probably developed to protect against dominant negative truncated proteins
proteins that are part of multimeric structures are particularly vulnerable to dominant negative effects as they are dependent on oligomerisation for activity- in a multimer a variant subunit with intact binding but altered catalytic activity can affect the function of the entire multimer
describe the pathogenesis of GJB2
dominant negative- result in deafness
GJB2 and 6 encode connexin 26 and 30- these are major gap junction proteins expressed in the cochlear.
connexins are TM proteins and 6 oligomerise to form to form a hemi channal (connexon)- connexons of neighboring cells align symmetrically to from continuous gap junctions- they can be homopolymeric or heteropolymeric with different functional properties
Cx26 and 30 are involved in K+ recycling in the ear- K+ is required for NT release from hair cells of cochlear.
dominant missense mutation in Cx26 result in the formation of full length aberrant proteins- these form gap junctions with WT Cx26 and 30 forming connexons with impaired permeability = hearing loss in hets
what is the molecular parthenogenesis of osteogenesis imperfecta?
dominant negative mutations in CLO1A1 and COL1A2
encode fibrillar collagens which are the major structural proteins of connective tissues
pre-pro collagen contains N and C terminal globular pro-domains flanking a central repeat seq with a gly every 3rd residue
3 pre-procollagen chain associate to forma triple helix under the control of the globular domain- C and N terminal domain cleaved to form mature collage and this process is disrupted in OI
what are the genetic mutations associated with OI?
Missense mutations result in the expression of abnormal protein and severe OI.
- dominant -ve (type II, II, IV)
- 80% of muts replace gly in triple helix domain
- tupe 1 procollagen comprises 2 chains encoded by COL1A1 and COL1A2- helix assembly starts at c-terminal domain therefore mutations close to the c-terminus are more deleterious than those near the N-terminus
OI type 1
- due to LOF mutations
- reduced production of type 1 procollagen as abnormal protein degraded by NMD
- less severe
Describe TP53 mutations as dominant negative
Most commonly mutated gene in cancer and mutations can be LOF, GOF and dominant negative
Normally TP53 acts as a TSG- transcription factor whcih activates transcription of genes involved in cell cycle control, damage repair, and apoptosis.
missense mutations in the DNA binding domain affect the ability of the protein to recognise DNA or inactivates TP53 by altering the conformation
- dominant neagtive as TP53 binds DNA as a tetramer
- WT and mutant p53 proteins form tetramers with impaired ability to bind DNA and trnscriptional activity
- c-terminal domain is requird for dimerisation therefore truncating mutations in this domain are not dominant -ve as they cannot bind WT
describe the pathogenesis of FBN1
Mutations result in the connective tissue disorder Marfans
fibrillin has a structural role in the walls of large arteries
dominant negative variants:
- missense and exon skipping variants result in a stable but altered protein
- impared interactions between variant and WT fibrillin and other proteins results in impaired ECM
LOF mutations
- nonsense and frameshift result in NMD
- decreases the amount of fibrillin in vasculature and the aortic wall strength is weakened
- increased risk of cardiovascular disease
what is the inheritance pattern in CF?
- shows horizontal inheritance with affected siblings born to generally unaffected parents
- increased risk in consanguineous families
- unaffected siblings of affected have a 2/3 risk of being a carrier (1/3 unaffected non-carrier)
Describe the basics of CF
- most common AR disease in UK with carrier freq of 1/25 (high carrier freq suggests het advantage like in sickle, advantage is unknown- may be associated with cholera)
- affects 1 in 2500
- carrier freq depends on population and so specific frequencies should be used for risk calculations where possible
- there is a good genptype/phenotype correlation between the CF mutation and pancreatic sufficiency but not pulmonary disease.
- phedel508 is most common UK caucasian deletion ~75%
what is the function of the CFTR gene
CFTR gene encodes a cAMP activated chlorine channel located in the plasma membrane of secretory cells e.g. in the respiratory tract, reproductive tract, kidney, pancreas, vas deferens, sweat ducts
CFTR channels are responsible for moving chlorine out of the cell, this creates a trans-membrane gradient. and Na+ and water flow out of the cell down the concentration gradient. Mutations that result in a loss of function or reduce ability to function result in reduced Cl- transport and hence water resulting in increased viscosity of mucus
What is the phenotype of CF?
Sweat chloride concentration >60mm/L (raised compared to normal)
- chronic cough and wheezing
- recurrent chest infections
- can be pancreatic sufficient/insufficient
- CAVD/CBAVD- 95% make are infertile
- failure to thrive
- moconium ileus in newborns
- fetal echogenic bowel- 4% of fetus with FEB have CF
- salty skin
what is the phenotype of mild CF?
pancreatic sufficient
variable lung disease
lower sweat chloride levels
What is CFTR-RD?
due to mild CF mutations e.g, R117H/5T
results in only mild dysfunction in one organ and may have slightly elevated sweat chlorides
- disseminated bronchiecstasis
- chronic ideopathic pancreatitis
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
what are the diagnostics tests for CF?
IRT testing- used for newborn screening Sweat chloride Trans nasal epithelial test Semen analysis- for CBAVD genetic testing
Describe IRT testing in NBS?
IRT- immunoreactive trypsinogen
in newborn it is raised compared to normal neonates and is tested as part of the NBS blood spot screening using a guthrie card.
Trypsinogen is released by the pancreas and is increased in CF regardless of pancreatic sufficiency- If the level is raised of the 95th percentile a second IRT measurement is taken. If still raised generic testing for the 4 most common CF mutations is carried out- F508del, Gly542X, Gly551Asp, c.489+1G>T
2 mutations = confirms CF
1 mutation - test for other common mutations- if not second mutation do another IRT. If raised = Cf suspected, if not raised = carrier suspected
no mutation = do another IRT test- if above threshold CF susupected and if not it is not suspected
testing offered as no cure but early treatment benefits outcome. Set-up of NBS aims to maximize sensitivity for CF whilst reducing the detection of carriers.
What is the diagnostic measure for sweat chloride testing?
gold standard test for diagnosing CF. 2 reading >60mm/L is diagnostic of CF in 98% of patients
What is the genetic testing in CF?
In UK ARMs PCR using the commercial CFEU2v1 kit is generally used diagnostically. Detects the 50 most common mutation in UK caucasian population - will diagnose 90% of cases (differs for other ethnicities)
what are the considerations of interpreting ARMS PCR results?
shift in the B tube may indicate the presence of a insertion or deletion so the affected exon can then be sequenced to identify the mutation
SNP under the primer binding site can result in a false result and appearance of homozygosity of the other allele (may miss a mutation)- this is why a positive control should be used to confirm that the familial mutation can be detected.
Describe ARMs PCR?
expploits the observation that a DNA primer can only be extended from with a perfectly matched 3’ end
- primers for the mutant and WT alleles are contained in 2 mixes and the presence of an allele peak indicates the presence of that allele (alleles allele zygosity to be determined)
- products differentiated by different sized stuffer fragments
- weak mismatches may have a second mismatch in the adjacent base
- requires a taq pol which lack 3-5’ exonuclease acitvity
what are the limitations of ARMs PCR?
- misses 10% of mutations
- routine testing for all possibel mutations is not practical or cost affective but some cases may go on to have sequencing if there is a diagnosis of CF but no second mutation detected
- Y659D is not tested for by kit but is common (9.6%0 in indian sub continent so may need to be tested for separately in this population
- cant detect deletions as the other allele will be amplified and will appear homozygous
- wont detect copy number changes- there is an MLPA kit if this is suspected
When is linkage analysis used for CF testing?
Linkage may be used in families with a confirmed clinical diagnosis where both mutants have not been identified. Is used for PND and carrier testing. Need DNA from the affected individual and parents to determine phase
- small risk of a double recombination and does not test for de novo mutations so can only reduce the risk of being affected and not completely exclude it
What may cause a failure to confirm carrier status in the parents of an affected?
Important to test parent for cascade testing of family members and PND but it also allows confirmation if phase to be sure the detected variants are in trans
May not be confirmed if: - non paternity - one parent is a deletion carrier - UPD7 later 2 only possible for a proband with a homzygous result
what is the importance of the polyT tract and TG tract?
The length of the polyT tract at the splice acceptor site of intron 8 has an affect on the splicing on exon and the shorter the tract the more exon 9 is skipped and missing form the mature transcript.
the penetrance of the 5T allele is affected by the number of TG repeats (11-13) in this case the longer the TG tract the more exon 9 is skipped.
9T/F508 is in strong linkage disequilibrium so when detected together can assume they are on the allele.
What are the clinical pehnotypes associated with the different polyT alleles
5Tis not a classical Cf mutation but can be associated with CFTR-RD when found with a classic mutation e.g. F508
5T is known to modify the expression of R117H and is commonin CBAVD. R1117H is not considered a CF mutation when in cis with 9T
- 5T/R117H & typical severe mutation- CF with variable severity (acts as a compound CF causing mutation)
- 7T/R117H & typical severe mutation - CFTR-RD e.g. CBAVD
- 9T & atypical severe mutation = not considered disease causing (benign)
5T/5T are very rare and variable phenotype- may be asociated with CFTR-RD
5T in cis withg TG 12 or 13 and in trans with a classic mutation can result in CFTR-RD
When is 5T allele tested for?
The 5T allele is not routinely tested for (polyT and TG tract is included in the ARMs PCR kit but not rouitnely interpreted or reported).
Reflexively tested for:
- in all males referred for infertility
- in patients with disseminated bronchiecstasis and only 1 pathogenic mutaion
- when R117H is detected
because of the importance of the phase of the polyT allele parents may be required to determine phase (except for when F508 is detected as always with 9T)
NOT TESTED FOR PRENATALLY unless 5T in cis with R117H as will not result in severe CF
Describe CBAVD and male infertility in CF
Normal spermatogenesis but absence of the vas deferens results in obstructive azoospermia
- 1-2% of infertile males and 95% of CF males
- karyotype and y del testing should be offered to males with infertility and a negative CF result
- If CF mutation is detected, partner can be screened to determine risk of affected offspring
- if infertile male only has a 5T allele cascade testing to family members is not offered as it is unlikely to result in classical CF and counselling the reproductive risk to them is unclear
- cascade testing can be offered for R117H/5T
- for other mild mutations, the choice on whether to offer cascade testing is on a case-by-case basis ans requires referral to clinical genetics for accurate risk counselling.
when is CF testing offered?
To confirm a suspected or clinically confirmed diagnosis
- suspiscion of CFTR-RD or CBAVD
- Carrier testing including partner of carrier without family history
What are the genetic treatments for CF?
CFTR modulators
- readtrhrough therpay to correct NMD of truncated CFTR- amnioglycosides e.g. genatmicin can be used for readthrough of PTCs fo that the full length protein is produced- issues with ototoxicity with long term use
corrector therapy- Lumacaftor: facilitates proper maturation if the CFTR protein and transport to the membrane. Corrects mutations that result in misfolding and degredation e.g. F508
potnetiator therapy- Ivacafer corrects mutations that cause gating inefficiency e.g. G551D
DNA editing e.g. CRISPR-CAS9 to remove mutated CFTR followed by HR with WT
What are the 5 classes of CF mutations?
- no synthesis- severe pheno due to nonsense, framshift, splice site mutations
- Block in processing
- block in regulation
- altered conductance
- Regulation of other ion channels
Give an example of a class 1 no synthesis CF mutation and targeted drug
No synthesis mutation reduces the amount of CF
e.g. Gly542X
treatment- gentamicin amnioglycosidase readthrough of PTC e.g. Gentecin
Give an example of a class 2 block in processing CF mutation and targeted drug
result in protein misfolding and defective maturation- retention in ER and degredation
e.g. F508del
treated by correctors e.g. Ivacaftor (phase 3 trials = improved lung function)
Give an example of a class 3 block in regulation CF mutation and targeted drug
reduce capacity to secrete Cl= due to defects in channel activation e.g G551D
(Phase 3 trials- Ivacaftor = improved lung function, reduced salt in sweat and weight gain)
Give an example of a class 4 altered conductance CF mutation and targeted drug
reduce the capacity for chlorine conductance across the membrane
e.g. R117H, Asp1152HIs
Flavanoids can act directly on the channel to increase the chance of it being oen
Ivacaftor also in trials for R117H
Give an example of a class 5 regulation of other ion channels CF mutation and targeted drug
mutations that affect regulation of other ions channels e.g. ENAC Na+ channel
treated by compound that enhance CFTR retention/acnhoring.
Describe the FMR1 gene and the role of the FMRP protein
FMR1 is found at Xq27.3
- encodes the RNA binding protein FMRP
- expressed in many tissues including the brain testes and ovaries
FMRP plays a role in the development of synapses and controls the production of other proteins. FMRP is though to act as a shuttle within cells transporting mRNA from the nucleus to areas of the cell where it is translated
what is the genetic mutation found in FMR1 related dieases
due to a trinucleotide repeat of a CCg expansion in the 5’UTR of FMR1
in fragile X a FM mutation results in hypermethylation of the FMR1 promoter and gene silencing. ~1% are due to a LOF point mutation. Disease is caused by HI for FMR1
In PM carriers patients are found to have anhigher than normal level of FMR1 mRNA and normal levels of FMRP protein. This indicates that the mutation mechanism is different to Fragile X. It is possible that the excess of FMR1 mRNA could be responsible for a toxic gain of function phenotype resulting in FXTAS and POI.
What are the expansion sizes for normal, intermediate, PM and FM fragile X alleles.
Normal= up to 45 repeats - normal phenotype and inherited stably in almost all transmissions (30 is the modal number for caucasians. Will not expand to a FM in a single generation
intermediate = 46-58 repeats
PM= 55-200 (not hypermethylated)
FM= 200+ repeats
what are the considerations of finding an intermediate repeat in testing?
46 to 58 repeats (under 50 likely to be stable, 50-58 may show instability).
Hardest range for counselling as is the overlap between normal and PM.
- it is not clear is alleles in this range are involved in PM related phenotypes
- mores likely to be unstable than normal alleles but will not expand to a FM in a single generation
- Instability is associated with a) total length of repeat; b) fewer interspersions and c) length of the longest uninterrupted CGG tract 41-43. Alleles with pure CGG
repeat tracts or with only one AGG interspersion are considerably more unstable than alleles
with at least two AGG interspersions.
what size range should PND be offered from?
According to BPG in UK ‘As a precaution and to reflect standard errors in sizing between laboratories,
prenatal diagnosis should be offered to all women with an allele of 55 CGG repeats or greater.’
what are the considerations of a PM sized expansion?
PMs are not associate with Fragile X
They are unstable and expand in most generations- usually by a couple of repeats- the size of the expansion increases with increasing PM size
PMs are the smallest size that a FM expansion has been reported in a single generation- most premutations tested are found to lack AGG interspersions, though this observation is
biased by ascertainment usually via a Fragile X proband
The probability of conversion to a full mutation on maternal transmission in a single generation is low for premutations of 59-70 repeats but rises to >90% for premutations of more than 90 repeats.
some guidance suggests that 55 repeats should be used as the lower bound of the PM as there has been a report of a 56rpt expansion expanding to a FM in a single generaton but UK BPG consider this to be very rare and that 9 rpts is a more realistic lower bound PM diagnostic reporting however carriers of 55+ can be offered PND
what is the significance of AGG repeats?
The presence or absence of AGG rpts has a significant impact on the meiotic stability of a repeat expansion. The impact of AGGs is greater the smaller the repeat as large repeats have a greater propensity to expansion.
Since unstable premutations are usually pure CGG repeats or contain only a proximal AGG interspersion, it is assumed that the loss of one or both AGG motifs or their conversion to CGG in an intermediate allele would predispose it to instability.
Whether or not risk of expansion based on the published data on AGG interruptions is used for counselling and reporting is depending on local policy and the nature of the referral. The Asuragen kit provides the opportunity to obtain this information
What are the considerations of a FM mutation?
Fragile X is associated with hypermethylated alleles >200 repeats. A FM almost always leads to hypermethylation so the Asuragen diagnoses FRAX based on expansion size other the presence or absence of hypermethylation
there are a few reports of high functioning FM males without significant hypermethylation
small proportion are due to point mutation or large dels or dups- do not exhibit a fragile site or hypermethylation
Describe Fragile X
Most common single gene cause of LD- incidence is 1 in 4-6000 in males (1 in 5-8000 in females)
- in males characterised by moderate to severe LD and social impairment, macro-orchordism, joint laxity and characteristic facies (long face, pointed chin, large ears, prominent forehead)
females with a FM have a variable phenotype depending on the level of skewed X-inactivation. Ranges from apparently normal (50%) to mild to moderate LD and social impairment
Which parent are FMs transmitted from?
Expansion from a PM to an Fm is only possible via female meiosis. Paternal transmissions can be unstable but will never result in a FM. FM males where tested only have PM alleles in their sperm.
What is FRAXE?
FRAXE is a distinct condition caused by mutation to FMR2 located at Xq28
- also caused by a CCG repeat in the 5’UTR
- phenotype is less severe than for fragile X with no syndromic features and no phenotype associated with PMs
- also associated with a fragile site
what is the supposed pathogenesis of FXTAS and FXPOI
Do not result from lack of FMRP- there are normal amounts of FMRP and increased FMR1 mRNA leading to the proposition that they are due to a toxic mRNA GOF mutation rather than LOF as in Fragile X
Describe the phenotype of FXPOI
POI/POF is associated with cessation of menses before 40yrs. Affects ~20% of PM carriers compared to 1% of the general population.
The risk of developing POI is depending on the length of the CCG rpt but is not linear. Greatest risk is for PMs of 80-100 repeats and is lower for larger expansions. Risk cannot be excluded for any PM allele size
Describe the phenotype of FXTAS?
More common in males
Characterised by late onset pregressive cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor
- Onset is typically between ages 60 and 65 years. Both age of onset and disease severity are related to repeat length, sex, and other features.
- increasing penetrance with age
- linear correlation between repeat length and penetrance
has been diagnosed in an individuals mosaic for a FM and PM and in methylation mosaics with a methylated and unmethylated FM
what are the referral categories for fragile X?
Diagnostic- for LD, ADHD/ASD, behavior and social issues, SLD
- characteristic appearance does not become evident until puberty in males and is not present in females so fragile X is often performed in young children as an exclusionary test due to its prevalence and has a low pick up rate
- may be a carried out secondary to aray as this has a higher detection rate
carrier testing- usually from clinic and not in patients under 16
prenatal testing for carrier female or mother of an affected
describe flourescent PCR for FMR1 expansions
quick,cheap simple PCR test using primers whihc flank the CCG repeat
- will detect alleles up to ~70-80 so sufficient to detect normal, intermediate and small PM alleles. Can exclude a diagnosis of fragile X in single allele males and het females
- need controls near size boundaries for accurate sizing
- cant distinguish homozygous female form a female with an undetected expansion so all single allele females also need to be tested by asuragen
- FH cases should all have asuragen in case of mosaicism for a FM or PM allele
- preferential amp of smaller allele may cause expansion to be smaller/ missed and PM have a characteristic hedgehog appearance
- will miss 47,XXY with a normal and expansion allele
what could a 2 allele male or 3 allele female signify in FMR1 testing
2 allele male may be 47,XXY- confirm by karyotype or sex PCR or mosaic
3 allele female may be 47,XXX or mosaic
NB females with a FM have an increased risk of haveing a 45,X cell line with loos of the X chromosome carrying the expansion- FM allele may appear weak on a southern blot
describe southern blot in fragile X
Rarely carried out unless there is a query about the methylation status of an allele. In general diagnostic testing FM alleles >200 are assumed to be methylated
uses an Eag1 (methylation sensitiev), EcoR1 double digest. Methylated (inactive) alleles are cut
only by one enzyme to give a 5.1 kb fragment, while unmethylated (active) alleles are
cut by both enzymes to yield a 2.8 kb fragment. Male premutation carriers will manifest as
single enlarged fragments above 2.8 kb, while in females four fragments corresponding to the
normal active, mutant active (2.8 kb and above), normal inactive and mutant inactive (5.1 kb
and above) will be observed if X-inactivation is random. In both males and females full
expansions are seen as a band significantly larger than 5.1 kb. Full mutations can be
distinguished from large premutations by their methylated status, even on the active X
describe TP-PCR of FMR1
supports two different PCRs
- gene specifif PCR primers give a full range product peak for each allele and a triplet primed PCR which primes form each CCG repeat to give a ladder of prducts. because there is no priming for AGG interruptions it can also detect there presence or absence in samples.
doesnt give accurate sizing but can identify expansions in the PM and FM range
- can confirm or exclude the presence of an expansion allele
new kit available that has the same PCR reaction but then splits the products in 2 and uses a methylation specific digestion to work out the methylation. 1 tube shows allele size and the other determines methylation
describe prenatal testing in fragile X
need to use asuragen
- high risk of potential false-negative interpretations of PCR results due to MCC of the CVS/AF is particularly acute in Fragile X testing because of the wide discrepancy in size between normal and expanded alleles, with consequent preferential amplification of the former.
methylation status not usually set for FMR1 in CVS samples so if using southern blot distinction of FM and PM is based on size
if a large PM is detected in CVS there is a potential risk fro size mosaicism for a FM. This may be present in the fetus but not the CVS so testing of AF may be appropriate
run a familial control with the prenatal- useful for accuracy of sizing and to confirm the reaction has worked
describe linkage in fragile X?
Rarely used and direct testing preferred. May be used to confirm a result or if other prenatal testing is inconclusive
useful for confirmation of a result if same as mothers as it is less sensitive to MCC
use more then 1 frond and digest/chop to reduce risk of CPM
reporting guidelines in fragile X
do not need to report size of normal alleles if the range is included on the report.
describe asuragen methylation analysis
uses TP-PCR with additional HPAII to detect methylation
- no digest control should show normal (unmethylated) and expansion allele peaks
- digest should result in loss of normal peak and only methylated expansion remaining.
- females will have some methylation of the normal allele so there will be a reduction in peak height but not completely lost
describe imprinting
Imprinting describes a parent of origin specific gene expression pattern.
How is imprinting achieved and maintained?
Imprinting genes are found in domains/clusters that are controlled by a single imprinting control region (ICR)
- ICRs have parent of origin specific methylation patterns (DMRs)
imprinting is achieved via CpG island methylation. Once set the pattern is set in the embryo it is stably maintained throughout development and life. In gametes the imprinting pattern is resent so that it reflects the pattern for the sex of the individual.
what are the mechanisms of imprinting disorders?
Imprinting disorders occur as the genes should be expressed from a single allele- increase or decrease affects gene regulation and results in disease.
manifest as neurological/developmental condtions when they arise in early life and as cancer in adulthood
mechanisms: UPD chromosomal rearrangement Mutation Epimutation
How can UPD result in an imprinting disorder?
Result in whole chromosome or region being inherited from a single parent. If the affected region includes a imprinting centre there will be disregulation of the imprinted gene
- recurrence risk is <1%
- should be considered in carriers of balanced rearrangements involving a imprinted gene, in such cases the recurrence risk may be higher
How can chromosomal rearrangement result in imprinting disorders?
deletion- loss of ICR or genes that should be expressed from that parental allele
duplication- over expresssion of genes that should be imprinted
rearrangement may disrupt gene resulting in LOF of gene that should be expressed
How can mutation result in an imprinting disorder?
genomic mutation can affect expression of an imprinted gene
epimutation can affect an ICR resulting in aberrant hypo or hyper methylation
what are the imprinted regions associated disorders?
- Pat UPD (6) Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus 1
- MatUPD(6) is very rare and clinical significance is unclear
- Mat UPD(7)- SRS
- Pat UPD(7
11p15. 5
- Mat UPD(14) Temple syndrome
- PatUPD(14) TKagami-Ogata syndrome
15q11. 2
- MatUPD/ pat deletion- PWS
- PatUPD/ mat deletion - AS
20 MatUPD(20) pseudohypoparathyroidism patUPD(20) pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
what are the characteristic clinical features of UPD and imprinting disorders?
Mat UPD and maternally imprinted genes are associated with undergrowth
paternally imprinted genes are associated with overgrowth
Describe imprinting an transient neonatal diabetes mellitus type 1
TNDM1 is most common cause of TNDM
- hypoglycaemia and IUGR due to insulin insufficiency
- spontaneously resolves ~18 months but risk of relapse to permanent form of diabetes in childhood or adulthood.
caused by patUPD6 in majority of cases, also due to pat6q25 duplications and hypomethylation of mat DMR
results in overexpression of PLAGL1 and HUMAYI- this results in abnormal development or absence of pancreas/islets and b cells so there is not enough insulin. Insulin is also involved in promoting growth in early development so this accounts for the IUGR
what is the imprinting region for chr 14 and how is it controlled?
imprinted region is at 14q32.2
- paternal allele has paternally expressed protein coding genes (PEGs)
- maternal allele has maternally expressed non-coding genes (MEGs)
controlled by DMRs that are methylated on the paternal allele and unmethylated on the maternal allele
what are the clinical features of matUPD(14)?
Temple syndrome
- macrocephaly
- obesity
- short stature
- feeding difficulties
- hypotonia
- early onset puberty
matUPD majority of cases, also reported with epimutations and microdels of 14q32.2
what are the clinical features of patUPD(14)
Kagami-Ogata syndrome
- more severe than matUPD
- can be lethal in utero
- USS = small bell shaped thorax, polyhydramnios, placentomegaly
- PatUPD in majority of cases, epimutation and maternla microdels at 14q32.2 also reported
describe UPD20
Associated with differences imprinting at the GNAS locus which gives rise to several imprinted transcripts by the use alternative promoters and splicing
- psuedohypoparathyroidism
- resistance to parathyroid hormone in kidney and increased parathyroid hormone levels
- pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
- rare so with few patients described
- similar presentation to SRS
how is assisted reproductive therapy associated with imprinting disorders?
There is a correlation between ART (IVF, ICSI, etc) and the presence of normally rare imprinting disorders
suggested that ART may interfere with the proper erassure and resetting of imprinting patterns that occurs in gameteogenesis. Timing of ART coincides with when this occurs and the gametes a manipulated and freeze thawed and all of this could contribute
ART population is different to normally conceiving population as they are usually older with reduced fertility so these factors may also play a role
What is familial hydatidiform mole?
Only known pure maternal affect AR iherited disorder.
Homozygous females are unaffected and can get pregnant but only the outer trophoblast develop and there is early embryo demise.
Due to genome wide failure to set the correct imprinting pattern.
Genes NLRP7 and KHDC3L are implicated
Where is the AS/PWS locus and what causes the disorders?
15q11.2 imprinted region on chromosome 15
AS is due to lack of the maternal contribution
- patUPD
- mat del
- IC defect (non deletion)
- IC deletion
- UBE3A deletion
PWS is due to a lack of the paternal contribution
- MatUPD
- pat deletion
- IC defect (non deletion)
- IC deletion
What is the recurrence risk of the different causes of AS and PWS?
UPD, IC defect, de novo deletion all have low recurrence risk <1%
IC deletion and UBE3A mutation has a recurrence risk of up to 50%
- can be carried silently by a parent. e.g female can inherit a UBE3A mutation from her father but not get AS as they still get a functioning copy of UBE3A from the mother (passes silently as not expressed from paternl allele) - this will then result in AS in her offspring as she should be contributing the maternal specific UBE3A but it is mutated.
what are the clinical features of PWS?
- neonatal hypotonia and failure to thrive (simillar to SMA and DM1 and often tested together as part of floppy baby trio)
- poor feeding initially but develop hyperphagia and obesity
- hypogonadism
- small hands and feet
- mild to moderate ID and LD
- sleep disturbance and behavioral problems
What are the clinical features of AS?
- severe ID, LD
- seizures
- characteristic hand flapping
- inappropriate laughter
- gait ataxia
- microcephaly
- speech delay
describe the imprinted region at 15q11-13?
Imprinted genes are present in clusters and there activity is controlled by and ICR acting in cis
- UBE3A & ATP10A expressed in the brain only on the maternal allele. Paternal alleles are methylated and silenced
- paternal allele the SnoRNAs, SNURF-SNRPN, NDN, MAGEL3 and MKRN3 are expressed.
SNURFN-SNRPN genes have tissue specific promoters abs alt spliced transcripts. One of the longer transcripts in the brain includes the snoRNAs and the UBE3A-AS
-UBE3A-AS is targeted to UBE3A and prevents is expression.
therefore on the pat allele SNURF-SNRPN is umthethylated an expressed resulting in expression of UBE3A-AS and silencing of UBE3A on the pat allele. On the mat allele the pat genes are methylated and silenced so there is no expression of UBE3A-AS and UBE3A is expressed.
loss of expression of UBE3A is the pathogenic mechanism in AS. Specific genes for PWS are not determined but the best condidates are SNURF-SNRPN and SNORD116
What is the PWS/AS ICR and why do deletions have a higher recurrence risk?
ICR controls the imprinting in the PWS AS region
- deletion affecting only the PWS ICR will result in PWS when inherited paternally but not maternally
- deletions involving only the AS ICR will causeAS when inherited maternally but not paternally
What is the mutation spectrum in PWS AS?
recurrent 4Mb deletion at 15q11q13 is the most common cause of PWS and AS
- there are 5 common breakpoint BP1-BP5
- common del is between BP1 or 2 and BP3
- small proximal del between BP1 and BP2 included NIPA1 and is associated with susceptibility to NDD
Describe mosaicism in PWS and AS
Mosaicism is more common in AS than PWS. Mosaic AS can present with a PWS like phenotype
- 1/2 AS patients with an ID defect are mosaic
- MS-MLPA can detect mosaicism to~30%
Describe the use of MLPA in PWS/AS
MS-MLPA- can detect all dels and dups and the methylation status (standard MLPA split in 2 tubes and 1 treated with a methylation sensitive restriction enzyme (Hha1) which will not cut methylated DNA. 1 tube gives CN and the other gives methylation in AS there will be complete digestion (all pat and unmethylated) and in PWS there will no digestion (all mat and methylated)
- MLPA is semi-quantitative and can determeine the presence of dels and dups in the PWAS region
- methylation analysis allows genetic distinction between PWS and AS
- probes can also detect IC microdeletions
- cannot distinguish UPD from an IC defect without a del
- cannot identitfy UBE3A mutations- this requires sequencing
- SNPs under probe binding sites can give false results - alway be wary of single probe deletions- may need to confirm my another method
- can detect AS mosaicism but will miss low level cases
Array may be performed first if case is referred for general LD but will require further testing to determine mechanism
UPD can be tested for by QF-PCR but requires parental samples
It is important to determine if the mechanism is an imprinting centre deletion as the reucrrence risk is up to 50%
Describe prenatal testing in PWAS?
Methylation of the SNRPN exon 1 is reliably set early in embryonic development so methylation of this region can be used for prenatal diagnosis
what are the differential diagnosis for PWSAS?
- neonatal SMA and DM1
- Mat UPD14
- beidl bardet syndrome and cohen syndrome (obesity)
- Rett syndrome
- Mowatt wilson
- Pitt hopkins
- lennox gestaut etc
what are the treatment options?
No current cure and treatment aims to reduce/manage symptoms e.g. medication for seizures in AS
In the future restore UBE3A expression in the brain could be a treatment for AS- can iinhibit expression of the UBE3A-AS to allow expression of paternal UBE3A
what follow-up should be offered to family/parents in PWAS?
- request parents in LH for a 15q del in case is the result of a rearrenagment for FISH/kary0
- offer PND in case of germline mosaicism and for IC deletions
- if UPD detected karyotype in case there is a parental rearrangement
what region is associated with BWS and SRS?
contains imprinting centres IC1 and IC2
what is in domain 1/IC1 at 11p15.5?
IC1 AKA H19DMR regulated H19 and IGF2
- telomeric
- contain H19 which is a lnRNA- maternally esporessed in the placenta and developing embryo and silenced in most issues after birth
- H19 is only expressed on the mat allele
- H19 may also have a role as a tumour supressor
-IGF2 is a fetal growth factor that is paternally expressed in the fetsu and placenta and biallelically expressed i the liver after birth
what is domain 2/IC2 at 11p15.5?
- centromeri
- includes KCNQ1 whihc is maternally expressed in early development and biallelically expressed in fetal development
- KCNQ1 regulates cell cylce progression by inhibiting cylin dependent kinases and results in arrest in G1 (negatively regulates cell growth and proliferation)
- also includes KCNQ1OT1 whihc is a paternally expressedlnRNA antisense to KCNQ1
IC2 is maternally methylated and controls (in cis) the maternally expressed genes of IC2
What controls IC1?
IC1/ H19DMR is regulated by CTCF which is found between IGF2 and H19
- on the mat allele it binds the IC1 resulting in expression of H19 and silencing of IGF2
- on the pat allele methylation of the ICR preevent CTFC binding so there is IGF2 expression and H19 is silenced
what are the mat and pat expressed alleles and normal methylation pattern at 11p15.5?
Mat exoressed genes = H19, CDKN1, KCNQ1
pat expressed genes = IGF2, KCNQ1OT1
normally the paternal allele is methylated at IC1 and the waternal allele is methylated at IC2
what are the causes of BWS?
Increase in paternally expressed IGF2 and a decrease in CDKN1
- due to IC2 hypomethylation resulting in depression in KCNQ1OT1 and downregulation of CDKN1C on the mat allele
- hypermethylation of IC1 resulting in decreased expression of H19 and expression if IGF2 from the mat allele
- Pat UPD for at least 11p15.5 i.e. hypomethylation of IC2 (downregulation of CDKN1) and hypermetylation of IC2 (increase IGF2)
- CDKN1 mutation- found in familial cases of BWS
- pat duplication at 11p15.5
what are the clinical features of BWS
increased risk of Wilms tumour and major cause of pediatric overgrowth
- +ve BWS family history (15% familial AD and associated with CDKN1C point mutations)
- large birth weight
- abnormal ear lobes/ pits
- large tongue
- exomphalos
- visceromeglay
- assymetric overgrowth
- renal abn
- polyhydramnios
- prematurity
- hypogylcaemia
- hemangioma
- characteristic facies
- cardiomeglay
clinical diagnosis with 2 major & 1 minor clinical feature
what are the testing methods for BWS?
MS-MLPA is a robust method for detecting the majority of epigenetic changes associated with BWS - can detect dels and dups at 11p15.5 and DNA methylation including UPD. Fir low level UPD it is best to perform microsatellite analysis especially for hemihypertrophy cases.
what are differential diagnosis for BWS?
Simpson Golabi Behmel syndrome
sotos syndrome
weaver syndrome
all overgrowth syndromes
What are the clinical features of SRS?
- post natal growth retardation
- body assymetry
- small triangular face
freq 1 in 100,000 but likely to be underdiagnosed due to the broad range of features
diagnosed in the presence of 3 major or 2 major and 1 minor feature
- short stature
- normal head circumference
- limb/body assymetry
- triangular face
- 5th finger clinodactyly
- frontal bossing
- short arm span
What are the genetic causes of SRS
Hypomethylation at IC1 resulting in H19 expressed from both alleles = growth restriction
maternal duplication of 11p15.5
mat UPD11p15.5
deletion and UPD both result in biallelic expression of H19 and IGF2 silencing
can also be caused by maternal UPD for chromosome 7
what are the differential diagnosis for SRS?
FA, BLM as both result in IUGR 3M syndrome Short syndrome temple syndrome 15q26 microdel syndrome
what are multilocus methylation defects in relation to SRS and BWS?
Significant number of patients with SRS and BWS have been reported to have aberrant methylation at multiple imprinted loci (muli locus imprinting defect)
no significant difference in phenotype between patients with SRS and BWS with cingle or multip locus defects.
Define pleiotropy?
Pleitropy descibes when a single gene infulences more than 1 seemingly unrelated genetic traits- 1 gene many phenotypes
what is clinical heterogeneity?
clinical heterogeneity is one gene causing multiple diseases
How is the RET gene an example of clinical heterogeneity?
Ret is an RTK and a proto-oncogene
recpetor dimerisation results in phosphorylation of tyrosine residue for downstream signalling
Constitutive GOF mutations in RET are associated with MEN2
- 3 types of MEN2 all are associated with and increased risk of medullary thyroid cancer
1. MEN2A = early adulthood MTC + phaeochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism
2. MEN2B is more severe with onset in childhood = MTC + ganglioneuromas and marfanoid features
3. familiary medullary thyroid carcinoma = MTC in midle adulthood
Constitutive LOF mutations in RET are associated with hirschprungs disease
- also an example of locus hetergoeneity as Hirschsprungs can also be caused by mutations in ERDNRB and EDN3
somatic mutations in RET occur in cacners and are found in NSCLC and thyroid cancers
How is COL2A1 and example of clinical heterogeneity?
COL2A1 encodes the alpha chain of type II collagen- involved in endochondral ossification and the replacement of cartilage with bone
Mutations result in a spectrum of skeletal disorders
Missense mutations result in the expression of abnormal protein and severe OI. Mutations replace a gly residue in the triple helix so that the collagen fibre does not form properly due to expressed abnormal protein (dominant negative)
- dominant -ve (type II, II, IV)
- 80% of muts replace gly in triple helix domain
- type 1 procollagen comprises 2 chains encoded by COL1A1 and COL1A2- helix assembly starts at c-terminal domain therefore mutations close to the c-terminus are more deleterious than those near the N-terminus
OI type 1
- due to LOF mutations
- reduced production of type 1 procollagen as abnormal protein degraded by NMD
- less severe
How is FGFR3 an example of molecular heterogeneity?
FGFR3 is a TM tyr kinase receptor responsible for -vely regulating bone growth. Mutations that constitutively activate the receptor result in reduced bone growth
Achondroplasia is due to 2 relatively common AD mutations (suggesting it is a highly mutable codon)
other mutations in FGFR3 result in different disorders e.g. thanapophoric dysplasia and hypochondroplasia
Somatic activating mutations are associated with bladder cancer
what is the PMP22 gene role and location
PMP22 is found at 12p12. Expressed by schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and is involved in the differentiation and regulation of schwann cells.
How is PMP22 an example of clinical heterogeneity?
PMP22 is a doage sensitive gene increased dosage (dup or GOF mutation) is associated with CMT1A. The increased dosage of PMP22 protein means that it is not processed effectively in the ER and golgi reducing the amount of folded protein and this impairs the formation of the myelin sheath
in HNPP HI ( deletion or LOF mutation) results in a decrease of PMP22 protein reducing the amount of myelin and making nerves more susceptible to mechanical forces e.g. presssure.
what are the clinical features of CMT1A?
CMT is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy
- pes cavus
- proximal to distal progressive muscle weakness
- reduced sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities
- Decreased sensation in hands and feet
- Reduced or absent deep-tendon reflexes
- Demyelinating (velocity <38 m/second), CMT1
- Axonal (reduced amplitudes with >38 m/second), CMT2
CMT is a genetically heterogeneous condition, with over 90 genes and loci known to cause the condition when mutated.
What are the clinical features of HNPP?
- repeated focal pressure neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome
- peroneal palsy with foot drop.
- Onset is usually in 20s-30s and a full recovery can be made. If recovery is not complete the disability is generally mild.
In HNPP the deletion accounts for 84% of cases. Loss of function mutations in PMP22 also result in HNPP.
what is the mechanism of the reciprocal del and dup in CMT/HNPP
Duplications/deletions are associated withCMT1A-REPs. >99% of rearrangements are mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). CMT1A-REPs flank the region duplicated in CMT1A and act as substrates for NAHR. The proximal CMT1A-REP and distal CMT1AREP share 24,000bp of approximately 99% DNA sequence identity. Misalignment of the two repeat units allows unequal crossing over to take place resulting in duplications and deletions. The do novo rate of duplication is estimated to be 10-20%.
How is the AR gene an example of clinical heterogeneity?
AR is an X-linked gene
There is a CAG repeat in the 1st exon. Expansion over 38 is associated with SBMA which results in progressive muscel weakness, cramps, twitching in males. females are generally asymptomatic but may have milde features.
- shows anitcipation
LOF SNVs that partially or fully impair the AR gene are associated with androgen insensitivity. The androgen receptor is crucial for primary and secondary male sexula development in response to testosterone
- CAIS = female genitalia, raised as females and not suspected until puberty. Associated with mutations throughout the whole gene
- PAIS nealry normal female genitalia or ambiguous
- mild AIS mlae genitalia but may be small- mainly muts in steroid and DNA binding domains
What is locus heterogeneity/ genetic heterogeneity?
One disease many genes
How is CMT an example of locus heterogeneity?
CMT is the most common inherited neuropathy with a prevalence of 1 in 2500-3000 in European populations. CMT encompasses a range of diseases which are clinically similar but genetically heterogeneous. CMT is also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy (HMSN).
CMT is caused by reduced nerve conduction velocities which can be demyelinating (CMT1) or axonal (CMT2).
All inheritance patterns described. AD most common, then XL and AR
More than 90% of CMT cases in which a molecular diagnosis has been reached are associated with changes in four genes (PMP22, GJB1, MFN2 and MPZ).
e.g. PMP22 GOF/dup associated with most common form CMT1A
- major myelin protein in PNS
- MPZ mutations can cause a demyelinating phenotype (CMT1B) or an axonal phenotype (CMT2I/2J) as well as intermediate forms
Loss of function mutations in GJB1 are the primary cause of CMTX1.
- X- linked second most common form
- mitochondrial membrane protein
- associated with CMT2 (AD)
What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of other cardiac or systematic disease. Can range from asymptomatic and heart palpitations to heart failure and sudden cardiac death.
Due to mutations in sarcomere proteins
- can be dominant negative where incorporation of mutant gene interacts with WT and disrupts sarcomere function
- GOF - some mutations in MYH7 and TNNT2 result in increased contracile forces adn Ca2+ release and impaired relaxation
- HI e.g. lack of detectable MYBPC3 due to NMD
describe Alport syndrome
is a genetic condition characterized by kidney disease, hearing loss, and eye abnormalities. People with Alport syndrome experience progressive loss of kidney function and hematuria which indicates imparied kidney function
85% are XLD due to mutations in COL4A5 gene (encode type IV collagen)
15% are autosomal (mainly due to COL4A4 and COL4A3) and can show AD or AR inheritance.
what are polygenic risk scores?
The liklihood of a sinlge variant causing a specific phenotype can be expressed as a percentage.
PRS aim to quantify the cumulative effect of a number of genes whihc individually only have a small affect
GWAS has been used to study PRS for complex diseases e.g. diabetes and coronary artery disease.
What are the benefits and challenges of polygenic risk scores?
- personalised preventative measures
- could be used to identify high risk groups to target for screening of preventative treatment if available
- useful in instances where family history is unknown e.g. adoption, ovum/sperm donor
- can be combined with other risk factors e.g. lifestyle, sex, age to help define the clinial action threshold for intervention
- not diagnostic, a high risk scorfe does not mean an individual will develop a disease and vice versa- so risk needs to be carefully communicated to patients
- most scores have been calculated in EU caucasian data sets so are likely to less accurate for other populations
What is Freidreichs ataxia?
Most common inherited ataxia- incidence of 1/50,000 with carrrier freq ranging from 1/50-100
- AR
- Due to a LOF GAA repeat expansion in intron 1 of the FRXN gene
what are the symptoms of Freidreichs ataxia
characterised by progressive ataxia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- average age of death is 37 from cardiac dysfunction
- pateints become wheelchair bound within 10 yrs of onset of symptoms from muscle weakness
What is the genetic cause of Freidreichs ataxia?
98% have an expansion mutation on both alleles, remainder have 1 expasnion allele and 1 point mutation. No reports of patients with 2 point mutations- assumed to be embryonic lethal as FA results from a deficiency of FXRN protain not a complete absence
What is the role of the FRXN gene?
Nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein
bind Fe and is required for the formation of FE-S clusters and therefore for synthesis of respiratpry chain complexes I, II, III and aconitase
shares symptoms with mitchondrial diseases MELAS and MERRF
What is the molecular pathogenesis of the GAA expansion in FRXN?
RNA-DNA hybrids are formed called R-loops during transcription when the nascent RNA bind to the DNA template behind the RNA pol- these block the transcriptional machinery from proceeding along the DNA = reduced FRXN protein due to block of elongation
transcriptional initiation is also affected the mechanism is unclear
What are the different repeat sizes in Freidreich ataxia?
Large overlap between repeat sizes and demarcation between normal and FM is not determined
normal = 5-53
PM = 34-64
- not associated with FA but may expand on transmission
Borderline = 44-64
- shortest allele reported with FA is 44
FM 66-~17,000
GAA expansion instability in FA- transmission
- interruptions are associated with increased stability
- maternal transmission is associated with expansion and contractions
- paternal transmisson is associated with contractions
there is high mitotic instability resulting in somatic mosaicism
what are the genotype-phenotype correlations in FA?
Complete penetrance but age of onset varies from 5-50 due tot the large range of expansion sizes.
In general the size of the smaller expansion accounts for 50% in the variation in age of onset.
- late onset > 25 yrs 1 allele < 500rpts
- v. late onset > 40 yrs 1 allele <300rpts
what are the testing strategies for FA?
- Sizing PCR across GAA repeat can exclude a diagnosis in the presence of 2 normal alleles
- to detect and expansion allele TP-PCR or southern blot is performed
- sequencing or MLPA may be required is only 1 expansion is detected but there is strong clinical suspiscion of a second mutation. Need to be wary of high carrier freq and the possibility of an alternative diagnosis.
Protein based assay can also be used to determine the conc of FRXN protein in the blood as a deficiency of the protein is causative
what re the possible therapies for FA?
Carriers are unaffected so aim is to increase protein levels to that of a carrier
- increase transcriptions of FRXN1 using a histone deacetylase inhibitor to increase initiation. But non-specific
- Use synthetic nucleaic acids to bind to the GAA repeat and inhibit R-loop formation
- INFgamma upregulates FRXN1 levels in all cell types and clinical trials in children are promising
- Fe transport molecules and antioxidants
What are the theories of pathogenesis for polQ disorders?
1, aggregation of toxic products- but in HD the presence of NI does not correlate with the location of neuronal death (pathognomic but not causative
- toxic fragments- cleavage of mutant Htt by caspases results in the formation of toxic n-terminal fragments
- transcriptional dysregulation - polyQ expanded proteins accumulate in the nucleus and interfere with transcription factors and regulators
- mutant proteins interfere with cytoskeletal and axonal transport resulting in accumulated cargo
- mutant proteins affect non neuronal cells types e.g. microglia are the immune cells of the CNS and are activated in HD
What therapies are available for HD?
IONIS-HTTRX (roche) is designed to inhibit expression of the expanded mRNA to reduce the concentration of mutant Htt
What is the hypothesis for repeat expansion in TNR diseases?
TNR are dynamic mutations
show anticipation
expansion or contraction thought to occur due to strand slippage during replication in actively dividing cells e.g. germ cells. In non actively dividing cells e.g. neurons expansion occurs by transcription mediated repair pathways
what TNR diseases are due to expansion in the: 5'UTR 1st exon 1st intron 3'UTR
- fragile X CCG - LOF
- SCA 8, 10, 12
1st exon
- SCA 1,2,3,6,7,17 CAG
1st Intron
- Freidreich ataxia GAA- LOF
what are the features of PolyQ diseases?
- adult onset (juvenille cases rare and if seen are paternally transmitted due to the high level of meiosis in spermatogenesis
- progressive
- show anticipation with a threshold level of repeat that must be met for the disease phenotype to present.
- gene is ubiquitously expressed
- mutant proteins accumulates in ubiquitinated neuronal intranuclear inclusions
what are the 9 PolyQ disrders?
SCA- Ataxia, abnormal limb movements, slurred speech and lack of coordination
DRPLA- CVAG expansion in ATXN1 and result in ataxia, choreoathetosis and dementia. Myoclonus epilepsy also seen in cases under 20yrs and associated with increased expansion size
SBMA- CAG expansion in AR gene. Affects males but females spared due to low levels of circulating androgens and lower level of AR recpetor stimulation. Males may also present with gynaecomastia, reduced fertility and testicular atrophy as a result of mild androgen insensitivity
Describe HD
HD is a AD disease caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the first exon of the Htt gene. Incidence of 5-10 per 100,000.
Mean age of onset i3 30-60 with a peak at 40-45yrs
account for 90% of chorea with a genetic cause
characteristic finding is the present of ubiquitinated neuronal intranuclear inclusion in the brains of HD pateints (insoluble aggregates of mutant Htt and ubiqutiin)
what are the clinical features of HD?
- chorea, dystonia, ataxia
- depression, irritability, psychosis- may proceed movement changes
- dementia
what are the features if juvenile HD
- rare and associated with paternal transmission
- onset of symptoms <20
- first signs are usually behavioural disturbances at school and the development of twitchy movement, chorea is rarely seen in the 1st decade.
what is the location and function of the HTT gene?
HTT is found at 4p16.3
HTT protein is ubiquitiously expressed and involved in normal development
What are the pathological finding in HD?
The CAG repeat is transcribed and this results in a conformational change in the Htt protein- it becomes sticky and forms aggegates NII’s
Clinical features are associated with the degeneration of the CNS with loss of striatal neurons whilst large interneurons are spared. It is unclear why cell death is confined to particular neuronal cell types.
what are the repeat size ranges in HD
Normal - up to 26 repeats Intermediate - 27-35 reduced penetrance 36-39 Full penetrance - 40+ Juvenile - 60+
What are the considerations for intermediate alleles?
Found in 6% of the general population- relatively common and so the possibility fo detecting one should be covered in pre-test counselling. May be found in a diagnostic case with 1 allele in the affected and 1 allele in the IA range, therefore identifying a risk of HD in the non-HD side of the family.
Not associated with phenotype but risk of expansion to HD in single transmission so PND can be offererd
risk of expansion depends on:
sex- more likely in male transmission
- family history, more likely if previous expansion of an IA in the family
- genetic variation - Glu2645del poly more common in HD alleles than general population
- If the 30 CAA has changed to CAG expansion is more likely
what are the considerations of a reduced penetrance result?
Low penetrance and may never develop HD in their lifetime.
- 40% will be HD free at 65yrs and 30% at 70yrs
- unstable and risk of HD in offspring so PND available
- if detected in a diagnostic case reported as being consistent with a diagnosis of HD
- if detected in a PST reported to have in increased risk of developing HD
- can offer cascade testing to family members
what are the differential diagnoses for HD?
1% of HD cases are not confirmed molecularily- phenocopies
differential diagnoses includes: HD-like 1 HD-like 2 DRPLA SCA17 Freidreich ataxia Wilson disease Neurocanthosis benign familial chorea (
what are the consideration of a bi-allelic HD result?
Homozygous HD has same onset (depending on repeat length plus other modifiers) and severity but the progression may be faster
- reveals risk of HD on non-HD side of the family.
both parents are either carriers of affected
siblings have a 75% of risk of carrying one or both alleles
what is the diagnostic testing method in HD
- sizing PCR across the CAG repeat- can size alleles up to ~80rpts so usually sufficient for exclusion or confirmation of a diagnosis
- uses 2 primers, 1 amplifies the CAG repeat to accurate sizing. a second amplifies the CAG repeat plus a polymorphic GC rich repeat. This is beneficial as patients unlikely to be homozygous for CAG and GC repeat so can confirm if a patient is homoxygous for a normal allele
- rare poly can cause primer looping and 2 rpoduct peaks one repeat apart for a single allele
TP-PCR is therefore used in cases when there is:
- only 1 allele detected using both primer sets
- 2 peaks 1 rpt apart as may be from the same allele
- generally only required for juvenile cases as 55+ repeats expected to have onset by 35 and would be detected by sizing PCR
need to use controls are the borders of the size ranges with known repeat sizes as CAG repeats run anonymously in electrophoresis which can make the size ladder unreliable
what are the different referral categories and accepted referrers in HD?
Diagnostic- patients with features of HD- accepted from neurologist or other relevant speciality. Referral from clinical genetics if patient is under 16
PST- must come from clinical genetics and requires at least 2 counselling sessions a couple of months apart. Preferably need a confirmed diagnosis in a family memeber, if not a negative result cannot rule out them being at risk of a different disorder
PND- can be direct if affected parent has been tested or indirect for fetuses at 25% risk if the at risk parent does not want to be tested.
What are the considerations for prenatal direct testing?
Use family member as a positive control.
If mother is affected need to be wary of MCC- PCR test is more sensitive than the MCC test so may be affected by levels not detected by MCC exclusion. Should be wary of results with the same expansion size as the mother or very low peak and may wish to confirm by linkage which is less sensitive to MCC
What are the consideration for indirect prenatal testing?
need a sample from parents of parent at 50% risk to determine the high risk haplotype- preferably affetected parent
- if fetus inherits high risk haplotype 50% risk of being affected and parents counselled that if they are undertaking the test they should terminate in this circumstance if not it is a PST on a minor without permission which is unethical
- low risk haplotype reduced risk of HD- small risk that other parent carries an IA (65) or recued penetrance allele and is unaware
- 2% risk of recombination so need to use marker across the gene to reduce the risk of a double recombination
- ideally work up should be done before getting pregnant
Is PGD available for HD
yes embryos biopsied at the 8 cell stage and use linked markers in karyomapping to see if the high risk haplotype has been inherited
What is the evidence that HD is GOF?
Dominant inheritance
not found in patient with LOF mutations or dels
CAG repeat is trascribed
HD hets are clinically the same as HD homs
what are the pathogenic therories for HD?
- accumulation of toxic aggregates- NIIs are characteristic but are not causative as they do not cooincide with the timing or location of pathogenesis- part of the process but may not be toxic per se
- toxic fragments- abnormal HTT is a substrate for proteolytic cleavage by caspases and calpains. amnio teminal fragment expessed in mice is sufficient to induce a HD like phenotype
- transcription dysregulation- ployQ expanded fragments accumulate in the nucleaus and interfere with normal transcription
- defect is cytoskeletal and axonal transport- disruption of transport results in aggregation of accumulated cargo and neuronal death ad dysfunction
- effects on non-neuronla cell types - astocytes and microglia. Strong evidenc that microglia (neuronal immune cells) are activated in HD and level of activation correlates with level of neuronal pathology
What is DM1
Most common form of adult onset dystrophy
1 in 8,000
characterized by myotonia and progressive muscle weakness
mean onset at 20-50yrs with death at 60 from cardiac failure
AD and shows anticipation
What are the different types of DM1?
Mild- late onset with and may only show mild myotonia, cataracts and normal life span
- myotonia, progressive muscle weakness, gait disturbances
- cardiac conduction abnormalities
- baldness and testicular artrophy
- may also include catarcats, IDDM, digestive tract problems and hypersomina
- onset in 2nd or 3rd decade
similar to classic DM but earlier onset and can include cognitive and behavioral difficulties
- presents at birth with extreme hypotonia
- prenatal polyhydramnios and reduced fetal movement
- often have respiratory insufficiency resulting in early death
- ID and motor developmental delay
Describe the DMPK gene
98& of cases are due to CTG expansion in the 3’UTR, does not affect coding sequence and is transcribed as a CUG repeat in mRNA
what is the pathogenesis model for DM1
- not due to HI as point mutations not detected in DM1 patients and KO mice do not show DM1 phenotype
- CTG repeats may lead to changes in the chromatin structure and silence neighboring genes but this does not explain the full phenotype
expanded CUG repeats accumulate in nuclear foci and have been visualised in affected tissues - increased repeat length correlates with the accumulation of mutant transcripts
expression of expanded 3’UTR is sufficient to inhibit myogenesis - DM2 produces a similar phenotype but due to an expansion in a different gene
CUG repeat regions interacts with RNA binding proteins which are involved in splice regulation. MBNL1 and CUGBP1- these usually act antagonistically and interaction with CUG rpt results in functional down-regulation of MBNL1 and up-regulation of CUGBP1. This results in aberrant splicing of targets and embryonal splicing patterns are seen patients instead of adult splicing patterns.
Why is the CUG tract instable?
expansions form as a result of the generation of secondary structures during processes which separate the DNA strands e.g. replication.
once a CUG has at least 11 repeast it has the propensity to fold into a hairpin like secondary structure with pairing between C-G and U-U mismatches.
What are the therapeutic approaches to DM1?
- correction of aberrant splicing of MBNL1 and CUGBp1 targets
- ## forced nuclear export of expanded RNAinhibition of protein binding to expanded repeats
- elimination of expanded mRNA by CRISPR
- reduce levels of mutant RNAs using ASOs
what are the repeat length ranges in DM1?
Normal - 5-35
Intermediate 36-50 No DM1 but may be unstabe;
Full mutation 50-150 associated with mild, classi or asymptomatic DM
Full mutation >150 associated with classic, juvenile and congenital DM
what affect is the sex of transmission in DM1 repat instability?
Instability is skewed toward expansion
intermediate alleles show highest instability when paternally inherited.
in the disease range all expansion are likely to be unstable regardless of parental gender
Congential DM1 is almost exclusively inherited maternally in a mechanism which is not well understood
somatic instability results in somatic mosaicism especially in cardiac and skeletal muscle
5% of DM1 patients have non CTG interruptions. - these are generally more stable on transmission and gross changes in expansion length occur in the uninterrupted part of the rpt proximal to the interruption.
What are the clinical features of DM2
Clinical features:
- muscle pain and stiffness
- progressive muscle weakness and myotonia
- male hypogonadism and azoospermia
- may also have ID, hypersomnia, tremor, hearing loss and male frontal balding
what gene caused DM2
CCTG repeat in intron 1 of the CNBP gene
normal alleles have 26 rpts
disease alleles have 75->11,000 (mean 5,000) repeats
does not show anticipation
lower prevalence and more common in the Finnish and German populations
What is the genetic testing in DM1?
- Sizing PCR using primers which flank the CUG rpt
- uses 2 primer pairs to give a forward and reverse amplification
- 2 primers reduce the chance of false -ves whihc can occur if there a non-CTG interruptions in the 3’ of the expansion (5%) - TP-PCR - used if a sinlge normal allele is detected by sizing PCR whihc could indicate:
- homoxygous for a normal allele
- undetected large expansion allele
- undetected second allele sue to SNP under primer binding site
(long range PCR and southern blot can also be used but lonog range PCR may fail to amplify very large expansions and southern blot is time consuming and requires a lot of high quality DNA)
Describe prenatal testing in DM1?
offered to carriers of IA and FM alleles
- dilute CVS samples to prevent inhibition from heparin media
- MCC- TP-PCR is more sensitive to MCC that the MCC assay, therefore may need to confirm a +ve result by linkage or southgern blot whihc are less sensitive to MCC
Confirmation not required if:
- father is affected/carrier
- allele is a different size to the maternal expansion
- fetus has not inherited the mothers normal allele
- negative result and 2 normal alleles in fetus
linkage - use linked markers. Aim to use multiple markers to reduce the chance of a double recombinations
What is the genetic testing for DM2?
PCR can be used to detect smaller alleles. Accurate sizing is not required due to the large size difference between the normal and affected ranges
- quadruplet primed PCR to detect large expansions
- expansions may appear as a diffuse smear by southern blot sue to somatic mosaicism- this limits the sensitivity of detection and requires good quality DNA
What are polyalanine repeats
imperfect triplet repeats GCN (GCA, GCG,GCC, GCU)
Present in >500 genes and expansions are implicated in 9 disorders, 8 of which affect transcription factors
Where are polyA repeats found and what is there role?
found mainly in transcription factor, expecially homobox containing proteins
Act as a spacer between functional regions and are key for allowing correct folding and conformation of proteins.
Expansion of the repeat is though to dysregulate protein and in turn transcription of genes involved in developmental processes.
what is the pathogenic expansion in polyA disorders?
500 proteins with polyalanine repeats
- shorter repeats than polyQ disorders
- expansions of 7-14 rpts undertake variable levels of conformational transition from a-helix to B-sheet.
- peptides with>19 rpta are completely converted to B-sheets and the proteins aggregate and form intranuclear inclusions
what is the affect of polyA expansion on protein dysfunction?
- once a threshold rpt lenght is met (>19) there is protein misfolding resulting in aggregation, degrdation, mislocalisation or aberrant interactions.
- aberrant B-sheet proteins form intranucelar inclusion and sequester WT indicating that they can act in a dominant -ve manner
what is the influence of repeat length on disease severity for polyA diseases?
There is a correlation between increasing repeat length and severity of the disease for SPD1 and CCHS
- largest recorded expansion is 33 in CCHS (PHOX2B gene)
What is the expansion mechanism in polyA disease?
- shorter expansions than other TNRs
- stable in meiosis and mitosis
- expansion is by uneven crossing over between mispaired normal alleles.
what is the involvement of chaperones in polyA disease?
Chaperones are involved in protein folding
- chaperones can become sequestered in the expanded protein aggregates along with ubiquiting and proteosome subunits.
- formation of aggregates occurs whent he cells chaperone system cannot keep up and the build up unfolded proteins eventually results in apoptosis
- also observed in polQ diseases indicating that misfolded proteins are recognised by their non-native conformation and are targeted to the ubiquitin-proteosome pathway
what are the hypotheses of pathogenesis for polyA disorders?
- agregated proteins become dysfunctional
- protein aggregates can recruit essential cellular componenets and compromise there function- dominant -ve
- expansions may result in protein mislocalisation without aggregation resulting in aberrant DNA or protein interactions
What are the therapeutic options for polyA diseases?
chaperones- involved in protein folding and degradation and can protect cells from apoptosis
- inducing HSP70 and 40 has been shown to reduce cellular toxicity in cells with expanded PHOX2B in patients with CCHS
Give an example of 2 polyA diseases, including the gene and pheno
CCHS- congential central hypoventialtion syndrome
- PHOX2B exp
- GOF and LOF mechanisms
- autonomic nervous system abnormalities
- also caused by SNVs
syndromic and non-syndromic XLR mental retardation
- ARX expansion
- also caused by SNVs
- MR, infantile seizures
what is FSHD?
Facioscapulohueral muscular dystrophy
- assymetric and progressive proximal muscle weakness presenting in the face and progresssing to the scapula, arm, hip and legs. Often show scapular winging
What is the genetic causative change in FSHD
- due to expression of the DUX4 transcript on chr 4q35
- due to 2 different mechanisms in FSHD1 and 2
Describe the molecular pathogenesis of FSHD?
there is a tandem array of D4Z4 repeats at 4q35- each contains a copy of the gene DUX4
- DUX4 is normally epigenetically silenced in the majority of adult cells and tissues.
- DUX4 repeat size is normally 11-100, in the disease range it is reduced to 1-10
a reduction in the DSUX4 repeat length is associated with a loss of chromatin compaction and CpG methylation resulting in DUX4 expression from the final D4Z4 unit
broad inverse correlation between the repeat length and disease severity and patients with intermediate length repeats have a milder form without facial involvement
Requires a permissive allele to develop disease. There is a 4qA or 4qB poly distal to the D4Z4 repeat. FSHD1 is only seen when there is repeat length contraction occurs on the permissive 4qA allele.
AD inhertitcance
What is the genetic testing for FSHD1?
southern blot to detect repeat length
What is the moelcular pathogenesis of FSHD2?
Digenic inheritance
1-5%of FSHD (majority is type 1)
due to mutations in SMCHD1 + 1 permissive allele
- SMCHD1 is an epigenetic modifier of D4Z4 and LOF mutations result in chromatin relaxtion and hypomethylation allowing expression of DUX4
digenic inheritance means risk to offspring is 25-50% depending ont he number of pathogenic haplotypes in the family and can make genetic counselling difficult
FSHD1 risk to offspring is 50%
SMCHD1 can also be a disease modifier in FSHD1- results in ealrier onset and more severe disease and there is DUX4 expression0 by 2 mechanisms.
What is the genetic testing for FSHD2?
Methylation specific pyrosequencing to detect the methylation status of D4Z4 and SMCHD1 screening to identify pathogenic mutations
how do microdeletions and duplications result in phenotype? i.e. by what mechanisms
deletions- if the gene(s) in the interval are HI and fully or partially deleted
duplications- Ts genes or a duplication that disrupts a Hi gene- intragenic duplication( depends on whether reading frame is disrupted and functional domains)
What is the mechanism for the formation of recurrent microdels and dups?
Mediated by NAHR between LCRs - segmental dups (10-400kb) with high degree of homology (97%)- should get a reciprocal deletion and duplication but deletions are over represented, partially due to ascertainment bias as they are more likely to result in a severe phenotype.
LCRs are misaligned in meiosis so there are regions with the same sequence but different locations.
what are MEPs (NAHR)?
Minimum efficient processing segment- kinimum stretch of homologous sequence required to enable homologous recombination
- the further apart the LCRs the longer the MEPs need to be
- Meiosis @300-500bp and shorter regions are required for mitosis
what are the features of contiguous deletion syndromes?
- phenotype often due to just 1 or 2 genes in the region e.g. RAI1 HI in smith magenis
- often show variable expressivity, reduced penetrance and syndromic features to to disruption of >1 gene
What is the location of the smith magenia and Potocki Lupski syndromes?
what is the mechanism of smith magenis and potocki lupski?
mediated by NAHR between SMS-REPS
- distal middle and proximal REPs
- common 4Mb del is between the distal and proximal REPs
what is the phenotype of smith magenis and potocki lupski?
Smith Magenis= Deletion of 4Mb at 17p11.2
- distinctive facial features (brachycephaly, broad face, tented upper lip
- DD and cognitive impairment
- hypotonia in infancy
- behavioral abnormalities
- due to HI of criticla gene RAI1
Potocki-Lupski - 4Mb recurrent duplication at 17p12
- ID, DD, ASD, failure to thrive and hypotonia
what region is associated with Williams Syndrome
del 7p11.2- mediated by NAHR between LCRs
what are the features of Williams syndrome?
- elfin like facial features
- connective tissue abnormalities
- ID (usually mild)
- friendly
- growth abnormalities
- endocrine problems
generally de novo but ~25% due to a normal parent with a parecentric inversion of chr 7
what is the critical gene in Williams syndrome?
due to HI of the ELN (elsastin gene)- responsible for connective tissue and cardiac diseases.
what is the phenotype of the reciprocal Williams duplication?
characteristic facial features and severe impariment of expressive language
what are the breakpoints in Di George sydrome?
Due to recurrent deletion at 22q11.21
- common deletion is 3Mb bp A and D
- smaller dels have vairable or milder features
TBX1 is found in the region between bp A and B and is though to be responsible for the cardiac abnormalities.
What is the phenotype of Di George syndrome?
Highly variable, reduced penetrance and may be inherited from a normal parent- makes genetic counselling difficult as cant be sure if offspring will be affected or how severely.
- cardiac abnormalities
- cleft palate
- ID
- thymic hypoplasia
- speech and language delay
- hypocalcaemia
what is the regions for Miller Dieker syndrome and critical genes?
17p13.3 deletion
critical genes- LIS1 and YWHAE
What is the phenotype of Miller Dieker syndrome?
Lissencephaly (LIS1) microcephaly, severe MR
- majority de novo but 20% inherited from a parent with a balanced chromosome rearrangement
What is the cytogenetic region associated with Langer Giedoon syndrome?
What are the critical genes?
deletion at 8q24
critical gene are EXT1 and TRPS1
What is the phenotype of Langer giedon syndrome?
Mutliple exotoses (EXT1) bone and craniofacial abnormalities (TRPS1)
What is the region, cirtical genes and phenotype of WAGR syndrome?
WAGR del 11p13
Wilms tumour (WT1) , aniridia (PAX6), genitourinary abnormaliies and mental retardation
what is the gene and regions associated with NF1?
Deletion of NF1 at 17q11.1
multiple cafe au lait spots, benign neurofibromata
also cause by LOF mutations in NF1
what is the reagion associated with Wol Hirschorn syndrome?
4pter (4p16.3)
contiguous del
what is the Wolf Hirschorn syndrome phenotype?
Greek warrior helmet facial features (wide spaced eyes, wide nasal bridge)
- seizures
- LD
- growth delay and IUGR
what is the inheritance of WHS?
Majority are de novo dels but ~40% have a WHS deletion and a partial trisomy for the terminal region of a different chromosome as it is inherited from an unbalanced rearrangement of the parental rearrangements.
What is the region associated with Cri-du-chat?
dle 5pter
variable breakpoints and the larger the deletion the more severe the phenotype.
cat like cry associated with proximal 5p13.3
dysmorphic features and ID associated with 5p15.12 including CTNND2
what is the phenotype of cri du chat?
cat like cry dysmorphic features- hypertelorism, low set ears and micrgnathia severe LD/DD low birthweight hypotonia
what may result in an abnormal phenotype in a balanced karyotype?
Gene disrupted by breakpoints of a balanced rearrangement or can result in the generation of a new fusion gene (more relevant to oncology e.g. BCR-ABL1)
microdel/dup at breakpoint that is not genetically visible- likely to be detected by array
positional affects
cryptic imbalance
disturbance of imprinting
balanced X chromosome rearrangments
co-incidental finding- may have another genetic abnroality present that has not been detected by G-banding
How can UPD result in phenotype in a balanced karyotype?
Both chromosomes will look the ame by G-banding and arrayCGH. Need a SNP array to be detected.
- can result in phenotype as disruption to imprinting pattern can result in loss or gain of expression of a gene that is normally expressed in a parent of origin specific manner e.g. chr 6,7,11,14,15,22
How can positional result in phenotype in a balanced karyotype?
- move a gene away from its enhancer element - reducing expression
- move a gene away from its inhibitor/silencer- inappropriate expression
- move a gene into the control of an enhancer of a a different gene. E.g. in Burkitts lymphoma the t(8;14) rearangement puts the MYC oncogene under the control of the immunoglobulin gene enhancer resulting in increased expression and
- rearrangement that juxtaposes heterochromatin with euchromatin can result in the heterochromatin region spreading to the euchromatin and silencing euchromatic genes
How can mosaicism result in phenotype in a balanced karyotype?
Abnormality may be present which is not seen in blood e.g. pallister killian iso 12p can be detected in prenatal samples and skin etc but is not seen in blood
How can balanced X chromosome rearrangements result in phenotype in a balanced karyotype?
- disruption of the critical reagion Xq13-22 or Xq22-26 can result in gondal dysfunction and infertility in females
- in male carriers of X;A translocation are infertile due to disruption of the sex vesicle in meiosis and spermatogeneic arrest
- Y;A - infertile due to spermatogenic arrest
- if the X inactivation centre is tanslocated this can result in silencing of the centromeric autosome region (functional monosomy) and functional disomy for the centromeric X chromosome- this result in a high level of imbalance.
What is the role of balanced rearrangements in infertility?
ABCR are associated with infertility (especially in males) as they can affect gametogenesis
- thought to be that failure of pairing of the quadrivalent in meiosis 1 interferes with the X-Y bivalent and the sex vesicle resulting in spermatogenic arrest
- may result in recurrent miscarriage which can manifest as infertility depending on gestation of loss
what are the considerations for interpreting arrzy results?
- genomic content- OMIM morbid genes etc need to consider whether the imbalance is a del of dup of disrupting the gene and whether the gene is HI or TS
- genetic emahcnism of gene in region is key, deletion of a gene associated with missense GOF mutation is unlikely to be pathogenic
- size- larger calls are more likely to be pathogenic as there could be greater imbalance but very blunt tool and large imbalances can be benign and small one pathogenic
- inheritance from a normal parent is more like to be benign but many recurrent NDD regions show reduced penetrance so may not always be informative
- some imbalances may suggest a large structural rearrangement as the cause and should be followed up by FISH or G-banding to determine the recurrence risk e.g. 15q11.2 NIPA1 del or 1q21.1 del, 16p11.2
- normal and disease databases- present in patients with same phenotype is evidence for pathogenic- need to be careful of study method and only compare imbalances with the same genes e.g. decipher and pubmed. on the other hand presence in normal individuals >1% is evidence for being benign
What should be reported on a prenatal array?
- pathogenic variants relevant to the referral reason
- Neurosusceptibility loci associated with USS anomalies- reportable list included in BPG
- high penetrance neurosusceptibility loci with high penetrance
- deletion of certain cancer associated genes - SASI guidelines
- carrier status if relevant to family members e.g. DMD del in a female fetus so mother can be tested
do not report findings not linked to the abnormalities seen in the pregnancy
low penetrance neurosusceptibility genes
het dels of AR genes not linked to the USS abnormalities.
For complex result MDT with clinical genetics should be undertaken to discuss the results in terms of the pregnancy and presenting feature before reporting. On occasion parental samples may be requested to support results in interpretation.
What was the DDD project?
collaboration between the NHS and wellcome sanger institute
- array and trio exome of pateints with idiopathic LD
- identified 12 new disorders
- grew out of decipher database and aims to extend the reach of decipher to diagnoses a broader spectrum of disorders