Inhaled Anesthetics Flashcards
Nitrous Oxide (chart)
Molecular weight: 44
Odor: sweet
Blood:gas partition coefficient: 0.46
MAC c 100 O2: 104
Halothane (chart)
Molecular Weight: 197 Boiling Point: 50.2 Vapor Pressure: 244 Odor: Organic Not stable in soda lime Requires a preservative Blood: gas partition coefficient - 2.54 (Most soluble in blood) MAC c 100% O2: 0.75 MAC c 60-70% N2O: 0.29
Enflurane (chart)
Molecular Weight: 184 Boiling Point: 56.5 Vapor Pressure: 172 Odor: Ethereal Blood:gas partition coefficient: 1.9 MAC c 100% O2: 1.63 MAC c 60-70% N20: 0.57
Isoflurane (chart)
Molecular weight: 184 Boiling Point: 48.5 Vapor Pressure: 240 Odor: Ethereal Blood:gas partition coefficient - 1.46 MAC c 100% O2: 1.17 MAC c 60-70% Nitrous: 0.5
Desflurane (chart)
Molecular Weight: 168 Boiling Point: 22.8 Vapor Pressure: 669 Odor: Ethereal Blood:gas partition coefficient 0 0.42 MAC c 100% O2: 6.6 MAC c 60-70% N2O: 2.83
Sevoflurane (chart)
Molecular Weight: 200 Boiling Point: 58.5 Vapor Pressure: 170 Odor: Ethereal Not stable in soda lime Blood:gas partition coefficient - 0.69 MAC c 100% O2: 1.8 MAC c 60-70% N2O: 0.66
Partial pressure
Dalton’s Law is the total pressures of a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures each gas would exert if it were present alone
- We want to get inhaled anesthetics to the brain
Minute Ventilation
Sum of all exhaled gas volume in 1 minute
Minute ventilation =Tidal volume x Breaths/min
= 5 L/min
Alveolar Ventilation
Volume of inspired gases actually taking part in gas exchange in 1 minute
(Tidal Volume - Dead Space) x Breaths per min
Dead Space
Basically any volume of inspired breath which dose not enter the gas exchange areas of the lungs is dead space.
Anatomic Dead Space
The breath entering the mouth, pharynx, and tracheobronchial tree but does not enter into the alveoli
Alveolar Dead Space
the portion of a breath that enters alveoli which are ventilated but not perfused
AKA West Zone’s 1
Alveolar Partial Pressure (PA)
determined by input (delivery) of inhaled anesthetic into alveoli minus uptake (loss) of drug from alveoli into arterial blood
Determinants of PA
alveolar ventilation anesthetic breathing system solubility CO Alveolar to Venous Partial Pressure Differences
Concentration Effect
The higher the inspired concentration of anesthetic agent, the more rapid the relative rise in alveolar concentration of the agent
Machine -> alveoli -> blood -> brain
Second Gas Effect
The ability of the large volume uptake of one gas (first gas) to accelerate
We use Nitrous to do this
More applicable to a gas with a higher blood:gas partition coefficient
Partition coefficient
reflects the relative capacity of each phase to accept anesthetic; is temperature dependent
Blood:gas solubility
- states how soluble an anesthetic is in blood
- inversely related to induction time
- less soluble the gas is in blood = quicker induction of anesthesia
Tissue:Blood Partition Coefficient
Determines uptake of anesthetic into tissues and time necessary for equilibration of tissues with Pa
Concerns lean tissues (muscles, vessel rich organs) affinity for a given anesthetic agent
Predicts emergence times from anesthesia
Lower ratios indicate the gas is relatively insoluble in tissues thus emergence will be more rapid
Stage I of Anesthesia
Begins with induction of anesthesia
Ends with loss of consciousness (no eye-lid reflex)
Still can sense pain
Stage II of Anesthesia
Delirium Excitement
Uninhibited excitation
Pupils dilated, divergent gaze
Potentially dangerous response to noxious stimuli: Breath holding Muscular rigidity Vomiting Laryngospasm
Stage III of Anesthesia
Surgical Anesthesia
Centralized gaze with constriction of pupils
Regular respirations
Anesthesia depth is sufficient for noxious stimuli when the noxious stimuli dose not cause increase sympathetic response
Stage IV of Anesthesia
Stay away from this stage. It is TOO DEEP
- Apnea
- Non reactive dilated pupils
- Hypotension resulting in complete CV collapse if not monitored closely
Cardiac Output’s effect on Anesthesia
- carries away either more or less anesthetic from alveoli
Increased: more rapid uptake—slowed induction
Decreased: speeds rate of rise in PA—less uptake—quicker induction
Recovery from Anesthesia
- In soluble anesthestics: Duration of administration prolongs emergence
- Exhaled gases will be rebreathed unless fresh gas flow rate is increased
- rate of decrease in Pbr is relative to the decrease in PA
EEG Effects and Inhaled Anesthetics
MAC < 0.4 = same in all gases
Equal to 0.4 MAC = voltage shifts from posterior to anterior portions of the brain