Inglise keele väljendid Flashcards
Pikalt kõik päevad
All day long
Väljas oli väga märg
It was very wet outside
Vesi tuli läbi katuseaugu
Water was coming in through the hole in the roof
Tema kodu ees
In front of his home
Ta jooksis rõõmustades ümber postiljoni
He ran for joy around the postman
Teatri vastas
Opposite the theatre
Ta lahkus oma väiksest kodust vara järgmisel hommikul ja alustas teed linna
He left his little home early the next morning and started off to town
Ta avas oma vihmararju ja pani selle tagurpidi vee peale
He opened his umbrella and put in upside down on the water
Vihmavari viis ta üle jõe
Umbrella carried him across the river
Ta ei kartnud kassi
He was not afraid of the cat
Mouse trap
Ta saba jäi lõksu sisse
His tail was in the trap