Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy Flashcards
a region of the electromagnetic
spectrum covering the range from just above the
visible (7.8 𝑥 10−7) to approximately 10−4 m.
Infrared (IR)
Frequencies are given in wavenumbers rather than in
spectroscopic method used for
identifying pure organic and inorganic compounds. With the
exception of some homonuclear molecules, all molecular
species absorb infrared radiation.
Infrared Spectroscopy
What are the advantages of IR spectroscopy?
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Sample preparation
- Sensitive and time saving
- It’s versatility
- Easy for interpretation
Why does a molecule absorb some wavelengths of IR radiation?
A pair of atoms joined by a covalent bond
can be thought of as being like balls on the
end of a vibrating spring. The bond can
vibrate with different amounts of energy at a
frequency that depends on the masses of the
atoms and the strength of the bond.
Why does a molecule absorb some wavelengths of IR radiation?
At room temperature, most bonds will vibrate
with the lowest possible amount of energy. But
if radiation of the right frequency is supplied,
the bond can absorb energy and vibrate with
greater amplitude
is an instrument that uses infrared radiation to obtain a complete spectrum of the analyte for qualitative
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
identifies chemical bonds in a molecule by
producing an infrared absorption spectrum.
Advantages of FTIR
- High sensitivity, resolution and speed of data
acquisition - All wavelengths are detected and measured
simultaneously using Michelson interferometer that can
be recorded as an interferogram and subsequently
decoded by Fourier transform which is a mathematical
operation that is conveniently carried out by the
computer. - The measured spectrum is complete with different
display options (%T, A, zoom, peak, height, and peak
Parts of an Infrared Spectrum:
- Wavenumber
- Transmittance
- Peaks
- Functional Group Region
- Fingerprint Region
tells us about the very particular energy of infrared light.
percentage of a [articular wavenumber that reaches the
means that IR light that corresponds to that
wavenumber is not being absorbed by the sample.
100% transmittance
shows that the IR light of the particular wavenumber is not making
through to the detector and is being absorbed by the sample.
region where most of the information is used to interpret the IR spectrum (4000 – 1500 𝑐𝑚−1)
Functional Group Region
serves as a unique fingerprint of a compound that we can
use to compare with a fingerprint of a known substance in a database. This region
important in finding an exact match of the sample. (1500 - 400 𝑐𝑚−1)
Fingerprint Region
Two major instruments used to measure IR absorption
- Dispersive spectrometer
- It was introduced in the mid-1940s.
- It provided the robust instrumentation
required for the extensive application of
this technique
Dispersive spectrometer
Dispersive spectrometer components
- source of radiation
- monochromator
- detector