Infra Flashcards
Wayne mcgregor from the royal ballet
Date of first performance
13 November 2008
Dance style
Contemporary ballet
Infra the Latin word for below and shows a port arias of life beneath the surface
Choreographic international
Seeing belief the surface of things
6male 6 female
Long sleeve black and grey shirts loose Black and grey pants tight Sometimes no pants Tight fitting white short sleeve tshirt Sometime topless Grey shorts with black pants
What does costume show
Simple colours show simple emotions
No pant s shows half and half. Represents the underneath emotions
Similar outfits for each gender show equality and how everyone is equal i society
About dancers in beginning
1 male starts on stage
Another joins from back of stage male- comes out of drakes - some like to reveal emotions
Another 2 males joking
A male and female then join
Lighting at the start and multimedia
Starts dark with 3 big white sidelights - uses side lights so multimedia isn’t affects
People walking back and forth- amount of people on multimedia reflects amount of people on stage
Staring in darkness shows the dark city
White lights shows people purity
The multimedia isn’t a clear image to show people have unclear emotions
Motif in sections 1
A man in black shirt leans forward and lunges! Stands back up and the lunges and stands up and faces the front - lunging shows the person is keeping low and hiding
Man In grey tshirt do3s a turn,kicks legs,split jump, brings leg and arms up and holds - holding of leg shows he is truing to keep still and hide
Man running quickly on back of stage - running away from prop,f
Music in section 1
Starts in silence - everything is hidden
Gradually found sound comes in;talking,high pitches sounds like computers, voices- secrets
Music appears quietly in background combined with found sound - exposing emotions and secrets
Quiet soft and gentle,flows with movement
Frantic movement, calm music - running away from people and outside
Devices during duet section
Unison- female swings arm over males back, male recaches down, grabs feet and lifts them up
Complemtary- female spins to left while male kicks to left
Counterpoint - male spins female around, female puts leg through male into split
Directions - duets do same diet but in different directions
Lighting and music in duet section
Lighting changes to 6 white boxes
High pitch violin, lower pitch double base
Repeating same rhythm
Links in duet section
Links to 7/7nlondon bombings
Counterpoint shows chaos of the situation loemin London
High pitch violin represents tension before attack
6 duets coming tot her shows London coming together after stacks
Slow music could represent deaths
Motifs in ensemble section
Solo- stands in point and looks around then lifts each leg up at a time and comes down - looking for people,
Puts arms in front of face - she liking herself and emotions
Duet- man holds on top women’s arms , drags her back backs while she is kicking legs
Trio - men hold women, throw her into air, she twists and they catch her
Relationships in ensemble sections
Solo dancer rolls on floor and stands up them kicks her leg - hiding on floor. While duet dancer male holds women while she turns them she leans forward
Unison-men hold women by waist, she turns in pointe, he then lowers her to ground and she lies on floor - hiding and doesn’t want to be seen or died 7/7 bombings
Complemtary- solo does a turn while duets do a turn
Multimedia in ensemble section
More people walking across and mirror people of stage
People now walking in groups - supporting each other
Music in ensemble section
Sound of trains and muttering
Music is faster
Same tune repeats - everything is ongoing until something shocking suddenly happens
Violins and double bass piano helps keep speed
Music builds ups-climax and suddenly stops
Final section
Changes o blue light that curves round back of stage x sadness
Music gets quieter and slower
Solo an duet
No violins only piano
Girl stood on stage crying while others walk behind her -can’t keep in emotions
Violin comes back
Curtain comes down on duet and music suddenly tops