Information Technology Flashcards
Which IT personnel roles
should always be segregated?
- Operators
- Programmers
- Librarians
What are the duties of a systems analyst?
- Designs or purchases IT system
- Responsible for flowcharts
- Liaison between Users and Programmers
- Note: Think IT Manager
What is the primary duty of
a Systems Administrator?
Controls database access.
What are the duties of a
Systems Programmer?
Writes, Updates, Maintains, & Tests
software systems and compilers
Which duties should a Systems Programmer NOT have?
To maximize internal control, a Systems Programmer
- should NOT have application programming duties/abilities
- or be an Operator on the system.
What are the duties of a Systems Operator?
- Schedules and Monitors Jobs
- Runs IT Help Desk
What duties should a System Operator NOT have?
For internal control purposes, they should not be a Programmer on the system.
If it is not possible to segregate duties in an IT System, what actions should be taken to compensate for internal control purposes?
- Include Computer Logs
- Control Group should review the logs
What is the purpose of a Management Information System (MIS)?
To assist with decision making.
What is an Accounting Information System (AIS)?
A type of Management Information System (MIS)
that processes accounting transactions.
What are the characteristics of an Executive Information System (EIS)?
- Specialized for Company Executive needs
- Assists with Strategy Only
- No Decision-Making Capabilities
What are the characteristics of an Expert System (ES)?
Computer uses reasoning
No human interpretation needed
What are the characteristics of a Decision Support System (DSS)?
- Computer provides data
- Gives Interactive Support
- Human interpretation needed
What are the characteristics of an Ad Hoc computer report?
- User initiates the report.
- The report is created upon demand.
When are Exception reports generated?
Exception reports are produced when
- Edit Tests
- Check Digits
- or Self-Checking Digits
identify a problem
What is a query?
A type of Ad Hoc report, initiated by a user.
What is End-User Computing?
The User develops and executes their own application.
What is the primary benefit of E-commerce?
E-commerce makes business transactions easier.
What are the risks of E-commerce?
- Compromised data or theft
- Less paper trail for auditors.
What are the benefits of
Electronic Data Interchange?
- Uses globally-accepted standards
- Efficient
What is a File Server?
A file server stores shared programs and documents.
What is the purpose of a Database?
Located on a File Server
allows users to share documents.
What is the purpose of a LAN (Local Area Network)?
It connects computers in close proximity.
What is the purpose of a WAN (Wide Area Network)?
It connects computers that are far apart.
What are the characteristics of a VAN (Value-Added Network)?
- Privately-owned Network
- Serves as 3rd Party Between 2 Companies
- Routes EDI Transactions
- Accepts wide range of Protocols
- Very Costly
What is the purpose of a Firewall?
Prevents unauthorized access to a network.
What are the characteristics of a virus?
- Takes over a computer
- Needs a host program to run
What are the characteristics of a computer worm?
- Takes over multiple computers
- Doesn’t need a host program to run