Information Technology Flashcards
what is the data repository that stores unstructured data?
data lake.
what is Encryption?
Encryption is transforming data, called plaintext, into unreadable gibberish, called ciphertext. Both a key and an algorithm are used to encrypt and decrypt text. To encrypt a document, the data is divided into blocks the same length as the key. The length of a key is made of a string of binary digits. The longer the key, the less likely someone can break the encryption code.
Internally encrypted passwords
nternally encrypted passwords are a form of access control designed to prevent unauthorized access by use of a utility program to identify passwords.
Machine learning (ML)
Machine learning (ML) is a current application of artificial intelligence based around the idea that we should be able to give machines access to data and let them learn for themselves. The algorithms that have driven successful machine learning depend on an approach called deep learning, which uses neural networks.
five core information assurance principles
Security Availability Processing integrity Confidentiality Privacy
Cryptographic device
Cryptographic devices protect data in transmission over communication lines.
The “who” in data governance includes:
The “who” in data governance includes the data governance committee, the chief data officer (CDO), data stewards, and data owners as well as employees that create data while performing their job (not all of the employees).
fail-soft protection
The capability to continue processing at all sites except a nonfunctioning one
Executive support system
An executive information system provides executives with information to make strategic plans, control the company, monitor business conditions, and identify business problems and opportunities.
Public-switched networks
Public-switched networks are open to the general public and offer the lowest level of security.
attribute of a relational database
In a relational database:
a- primary key uniquely identifies a specific row in a table.
b- Other non-key attributes in each table store important information about that entity.
c- A foreign key is an attribute in one table and a primary key in another.
Electronic vaulting
Electronic vaulting is the process of electronically transmitting and storing backups of programs and data at a remote data storage facility.
Electronic data interchange, or EDI
EDI, is the use of computerized communication to exchange business data electronically in order to process transactions. Encryption is transforming data into unreadable gibberish to be sent electronically. This data is then decrypted and read at its destination.Software applications that encrypt data are more vulnerable to security risks than a hardware device performing the same function.
An integrated test facility
An integrated test facility allows an auditor to introduce test data (simulated files) into an actual processing run to test the processing of that data. This provides evidence about operating effectiveness of the software.
private key encryption
A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data.
cybersecurity VS cyber resilience
The main aim of cybersecurity is to protect information technology and systems, whereas cyber resilience focuses more on business delivery to keep business goals intact rather than the IT systems.
data lake
data lake is a large data repository that stores unstructured data
data repository,
also known as data library or data archive, can be defined as a place that holds data, makes data available for use, and organizes data in a logical manner to be mined for data reporting, sharing, and analysis.