Information Processing Flashcards
What is the info processing theory?
Info comes in, processed, then acted upon. Development doesn’t happen in stages.
Increased processing speed equals increased competence in __________
What is encoding?
the process by which info becomes memory
What is automaticity?
Ability to process info with little effort
What is strategy construction?
creation of new procedures for processing info.
Weschler intelligence tests revealed what?
Increased processing speed equals more confidence
What is metacognition?
Cognition about cognition
What is selective attention?
focusing on what is relevant and ignoring what isn’t
What is divided attention?
Concentrating on more than one activity at the same time.
What is sustained attention?
ability to maintain attention to a stimulus for a long time
What is executive attention?
action planning, allocating attn to goals, error detection and compensation.
What is joint attention?
2 people attending to the same object
Name an example of working memory.
repeating your phone number backwards
Fitting new experiences into things you already know…what is this theory called?
Schema theory
What is fuzzy trace theory
just getting the gist of a memory, not remembering the whole thing
Implicit memory tends to be more ________
Explicit memory tends to be more about ___________
consciously recalling facts.
Infantile amnesia is caused by what?
Prefrontal lobe immaturity
What is revisionist history?
change the reasoning of how something happened