: Information Procesing Flashcards
What was Atkinson and Shiffrin’s theory about information processing called multi store model-1968?
Stimulus- sensory memory- attention-short term memory- transfer and retrieval
How has the multi store model evolved?
‘Short Term Memory’ replaced with ‘Working Memory’- emphasis on consciously processing information.
- Constrained by the number and the processes carried out simultaneously (Baddeley, 1992).
What limitations are there to information processing?
- Broad:
- Attentional limitations
- Processing Limitations (123 x456)/ 78
What did Brainerd (1983) argue?
- Encoding limitations- failing to encode the crucial information (add instead of multiply)
- Computational limitations- may not have the appropriate strategies in LTM.
- Retrieval limitations- can’t retrieve the right strategy from LTM.
- Storage limitations-forgetting what to do next.
- Work space limitations- forgetting the subtotals along the way.
Give an example of psychology as a science?
Brainerd’s Tokens in a bag /probability study (1983)
Explain encoding strategies
• Rehearsal:
• Not just rehearsing but HOW we rehears matters
• Organisation
• Grouping/ categorising (many vs few)
• Elaboration
• Associations (active vs static)
These strategies can be TAUGHT to younger children
Explain retrieval strategies
- During retrieval your brain replays a pattern of neural activity.
- Strength of neural pathway determines how quickly we remember.
- Direct- your name?
- Hierarchical – triggers a process.
- Is there any point? Socrates phone number
- Bilingual adults, remember early life events when asked in first language!
What do older children have?
- Greater cognitive capacity
- More knowledge to create more effective links
- More strategies to apply
- Better understanding of which strategies will be most effective (METACOGNITION: reflecting, knowing and thinking about thinking)
- Awareness of capacity- I can’t do that
- Awareness of strategies- Which when?