Informal letters Flashcards
Debo quitarme el sombrero ante usted…
I must tip my hat to you for…
Un millón de gracias por
Thanks a million for your
Eres un salvavidas por tu ayuda con
You are a lifesaver for your help with
Odio pedírtelo pero, podría hacharme una mano con
I hate to ask but could you lend me a hand with …
Tomar el toro por los cuernos
Take the bull by the horns
Feeling uncomfortable in a specific situation
Fish out of water
In the same difficult situation
In the same boat
Tirar la toalla
Throw in the towel
Tengo los dedos cruzados
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that…
Mover el cielo y la tierra
To move heaven and earth
Start performing better
Step up your game
Sin aburrirte con…
Without boring you with all the details
A modo de disculpa
By the way of an apology
Para colmo
To top it off
No asistir a
Bailing on