Informacidki sustavi Flashcards
Što je sustav?
Sve što čini najmanje dva dijela koji su pritom medusobno ovisni i povezani materijalom, energijom, informacijom ili sličnom idejom.
Sustav se može definirati kao S={E, R, F}, gdje su E elementi, R struktura, a F funkcija.
Što predstavljaju oznake E, R i F u definiciji sustava?
- E - elementi
- R - struktura
- F - funkcija
Ove oznake pomažu u razdvajanju komponenti sustava.
Što je podsustav?
Funkcionalna cjelina unutar sustava.
Podsustav može biti opisan kao PS = {E, R, F}, slično kao i sustav.
Koje su osnovne komponente sustava?
- Input
- Environment
- Subsystem
- Interrelationship
- System
- Boundary
- Output
Ove komponente pomažu u definiranju funkcionalnosti i odnosa unutar sustava.
Definirajte pojam ‘interrelationship’ unutar sustava.
Odnos između komponenti sustava koje su međusobno povezane.
Ovi odnosi mogu uključivati protok informacija, resursa ili energije.
Što se podrazumijeva pod ‘boundary’ sustava?
Granica koja odvaja sustav od okoline.
Granice su važne za razumijevanje što je unutar sustava, a što izvan njega.
Ispunite prazninu: Sustav se može opisati kao S={____, R, F}.
E označava elemente sustava.
Da li je svaki sustav sastavljen od podsustava?
Podsustavi su integralni dijelovi složenijih sustava.
What does IS stand for?
Information Systems
What is the primary focus of Information Systems?
Management of information
True or False: IS is only about technology.
List the key components of Information Systems.
- Organizations
- Information
- Systems
- Management
- Technology
Fill in the blank: IS is _____ od tehnologije.
Što čini Informacijski sustav (IS)?
Skup ljudi i opreme povezanih aktivnostima
Uključuje ulaz, obradu, pohranjivanje i distribuciju podataka i informacija.
Koji su osnovni dijelovi Informacijskog sustava?
Korisnici, hardver, softver, organizacija, mreža, životni ciklus
Ovi dijelovi surađuju u prikupljanju i obradi informacija.
Koji je krajnji cilj Informacijskog sustava?
Generiranje informacija u različitim problemskim situacijama
Cilj je također raditi na različitim razinama organiziranosti objektnog sustava.
Što uključuje proces ulaza u Informacijski sustav?
Prikupljanje, obrada, pohranjivanje i distribucija podataka i informacija
Ovi procesi su ključni za funkcionalnost IS-a.
Koja načela treba uzeti u obzir pri radu Informacijskog sustava?
Temeljna ekonomska načela
Ova načela pomažu u optimizaciji resursa unutar sustava.
Definirajte pohranjivanje podataka u kontekstu Informacijskog sustava.
Proces čuvanja podataka za kasniju obradu i distribuciju
Pohranjivanje je ključno za osiguranje dostupnosti informacija.
True or False: Informacijski sustav se sastoji samo od hardvera.
IS uključuje i ljude, softver, organizaciju i mrežu.
Fill in the blank: Informacijski sustav čine ‘skup ljudi i opreme’ povezanih aktivnostima _______.
prikupljanja, obrade, pohranjivanja i distribucije podataka i informacija.
What does Poslovni Informacijski sustav (PIS) refer to?
Model poslovne tehnologije organizacijskog sustava
PIS je ključan za postizanje ciljeva organizacijskog sustava.
What are the three main stages in the processing of data within a PIS?
- Input
- Obrada
- Output
Ove faze uključuju prikupljanje, obradu i prezentaciju informacija.
What is the output of a Poslovni Informacijski sustav?
Obrađeni i organizirani podaci
Ovi podaci se koriste za donošenje odluka unutar organizacije.
What is a key function of PIS?
Priprema informacijske podloge za donošenje poslovnih odluka
PIS pomaže menadžerima da donesu informirane odluke.
True or False: Every organizational system has its own informational system that supports achieving organizational goals.
Informacijski sustavi su ključni za efikasno funkcioniranje organizacija.
Fill in the blank: PIS je važan za _______ informacija.
Dokumentiranje informacija je bitan aspekt upravljanja podacima.
What does IS stand for in a business context?
Information System
Refers to a coordinated system for collecting, storing, and processing data.
Name three types of stakeholders in a business environment.
- Stockholders
- Customers
- Competitors
Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have an interest in the success of a business.
What role do regulatory agencies play in business?
They provide oversight and ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
Regulatory agencies can impact how businesses operate.
Fill in the blank: Suppliers provide _______ to a business.
Inputs can include materials, components, or services that are necessary for production.
What is the primary function of processing in an information system?
To classify, arrange, and calculate data.
Processing transforms input data into meaningful information.
True or False: Feedback is an essential part of the information system.
Feedback helps organizations improve processes and decision-making.
What is the output of an information system?
The results or information generated after processing inputs.
Outputs can be reports, documents, or data analysis.
What are the components of the business environment?
- Regulatory Agencies
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Competitors
These components interact and influence how a business operates.
Fill in the blank: The organization must adapt to its _______ to remain competitive.
The environment includes all external factors affecting the organization.
What is the significance of classifying data in an information system?
It allows for better organization and retrieval of information.
Classification helps in managing large volumes of data effectively.
What is the primary focus of value chain analysis in business?
To enhance business value through efficient information management
This involves understanding how various activities contribute to the firm’s profitability and strategic position.
What are the key components of the value chain?
- Data Collection
- Storage
- Transformation into Business Systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Dissemination
- Business Processes
- Planning
- Information Processing Activities
- Customer Knowledge Management
- Coordinating Management
- Controlling Management
- Modeling and Decision Making Management Activities
Each component plays a crucial role in creating value for the business.
Fill in the blank: The value chain aims to improve _____ through strategic management of business processes.
[business value]
True or False: Supply Chain Management is part of the value chain.
What is the relationship between firm profitability and the value chain?
Firm profitability is enhanced by effective management of the value chain activities
This includes optimizing each component of the value chain to maximize value creation.
What does Customer Knowledge Management focus on within the value chain?
It focuses on understanding and managing customer information to improve business processes and decision making
This is crucial for tailoring services and products to meet customer needs.
What is the role of Planning in the value chain?
To align business activities with strategic objectives to maximize efficiency and effectiveness
Planning ensures that resources are allocated appropriately across the value chain.
Što je modeliranje?
Prikaz stvarnosti odredenog aspekta
Modeliranje se koristi za razumijevanje i analizu složenih sustava.
Koja je dilema vezana uz modeliranje?
Precizno griješiti ili otprilike u pravu
Ova dilema se odnosi na to koliko detaljno ili točno trebamo pristupiti modeliranju.
Zašto nismo stvoreni za komplicirani okoliš?
Jer broj i mekoća varijabli otežavaju razumijevanje složenih sustava
Ovaj koncept implicira da jednostavnost može pomoći u boljem razumijevanju.
Koje su domene u kontekstu modeliranja?
Domena učionice i domena stvarnog života
Ove domene ilustriraju razlike između teorijske i praktične primjene modela.
Koje su svrhe modela?
- Apstrakcija
- Aproksimacija složenog sustava
- Namjenski
- Sagledavanje elemenata/ međusobne ovisnosti
- Eksperimentiranje
- Delegiranje odluka
Ove svrhe omogućuju bolje razumijevanje i upravljanje složenim sustavima.
Što modeliramo u kontekstu automatskog pilota?
Odabrane segmente očitog i ono što znamo
Na kojem principu se temelji naš unutarnji računalni model?
Na principu Russellove kokoši i 1001 dana
Što znači ‘ono što vidimo nije nužno ono što jeste’?
Znam što vidim i vidim što znam
Što radimo s jasno definiranim izvorima neizvjesnosti?
Rudarimo po jasno definiranim izvorima neizvjesnosti
Koji je cilj povezivanja devet točaka?
Četiri prave linije
Fill in the blank: Naše unutarnje _______ se odnosi na automatski pilot.
True or False: Modeliranje uključuje samo ono što je očito.
Koje izvore neizvjesnosti lakše dosjećamo?
Ono kojih se lakše dosjetiti
What is the difference between organizacijski and informacijski sustav?
Organizacijski sustav focuses on the structure and processes of an organization, while informacijski sustav deals with the collection, processing, and dissemination of information.
Define društvo.
Društvo refers to a society or community of individuals who share common interests and norms.
What is strateško odlučivanje?
Strateško odlučivanje involves making long-term decisions that shape the direction and goals of an organization.
What does taktičko upravljanje entail?
Taktičko upravljanje involves short to medium-term decision-making focused on implementing strategies and managing resources effectively.
What is operativno izvodenje?
Operativno izvodenje refers to the execution of daily operations and tasks within an organization.
What role does konkurencija play in a market?
Konkurencija drives innovation, influences pricing, and affects the overall dynamics of the market.
Fill in the blank: Poremećaji can significantly impact _______.
[market stability]
What is meant by tržište?
Tržište refers to a marketplace where goods and services are exchanged between buyers and sellers.
What is the primary function of PIS?
Priprema informacijske podloge za donošenje poslovnih odluka
What are the properties of information?
- Kvaliteta (točna, potpuna, primjerena, pravovremena)
- Količina/kvantiteta
- Vrijednost u vremenu
What are the main processes involved in PIS?
- Prikupljanje podataka
- Obrada podataka
- Pohrana podataka
- Ispostavljanje informacija
Fill in the blank: The value of information is considered a _______.
[vremenski promjenjiva veličina]
What area does PIS cover in terms of forecasting?
[područje predviđanja]
What area does PIS relate to in real time?
[područje realnog (stvarnog) vremena]
What area does PIS address regarding obsolescence?
[područje zastarijevanja]
What are the stages of the life cycle of an information system?
- Inicijalizacija
- Ekspanzija
- Konsolidacija
- Zrelost
These stages represent the phases through which an information system evolves.
What does ‘kvalitete’ refer to in the context of an information system?
Mjerilo A
‘Kvalitete’ translates to ‘quality’ and relates to the standards or criteria used to evaluate the information system.
What is the term for the beginning stage of an information system’s life cycle?
‘Inicijalizacija’ means initialization, which is the first stage where the system is set up.
In the life cycle of an information system, what follows the ‘inicijalizacija’ stage?
‘Ekspanzija’ refers to the expansion stage where the system is developed further.
Fill in the blank: The stage of an information system where it becomes stable is called _______.
‘Konsolidacija’ translates to consolidation, indicating a phase of stabilization.
What is the final stage of the life cycle of an information system?
‘Zrelost’ means maturity, the stage where the system is fully developed and operational.
True or False: ‘Infleksija’ is a stage in the life cycle of an information system.
‘Infleksija’ translates to ‘inflection’ and does not represent a stage in the life cycle.
What key concept is associated with measuring the quality of an information system?
Mjerilo A
‘Mjerilo A’ is a specific standard or metric used to assess the quality of the system.
What does the term ‘vrijeme’ imply in the context of the information system life cycle?
‘Vrijeme’ translates to ‘time’, indicating the duration and timing aspects of the life cycle.
What are the main phases of the life cycle of an Information System (IS)?
The main phases are:
* Inicijalizacija
* Ekspanzija
* Konsolidacija
* Zrelost
Fill in the blank: The first phase of the life cycle of an IS is called _______.
What is the last phase of the life cycle of an Information System?
Define ‘infleksija’ in the context of the IS life cycle.
Infleksija refers to a point of significant change or transition in the life cycle.
What does ‘mjerilo A’ refer to in the context of the IS life cycle?
Mjerilo A refers to a measure of quality within the life cycle.
What is meant by ‘vrijeme’ in relation to the life cycle of an IS?
Vrijeme refers to the duration and timing of each phase in the life cycle.
True or False: The IS life cycle includes only three phases.
Što je PIS?
Mjesto PIS-a
PIS se odnosi na Poslovni Informacijski Sustav.
Što obuhvaća informacijski sustav?
Informacijski sustav obuhvaća tehnologiju, ljude i procese za prikupljanje, obradu, pohranu i distribuciju informacija.
Definirajte informacijski tok.
Informacijski tok je kretanje podataka unutar sustava.
Što podrazumijeva upravljanje poslovnim sustavom?
Upravljanje poslovnim sustavom uključuje planiranje, organiziranje, vođenje i kontrolu poslovnih aktivnosti.
Što je izvođenje poslovnog procesa?
Izvođenje poslovnog procesa je niz aktivnosti koje se provode za postizanje određenog cilja unutar organizacije.
Što je upravljački tok?
Upravljački tok je proces donošenja odluka i upravljanja resursima unutar organizacije.
Definirajte materijalni tok.
Materijalni tok je fizičko kretanje materijala i proizvoda unutar poslovnog sustava.
What is the primary purpose of an Information System (IS)?
To provide a business system with the information necessary for conducting business processes.
This includes managing business processes and establishing communication within the system and with the environment.
What are the characteristics that information must possess according to Mesarić (2012)?
- Accuracy
- Timeliness
- Completeness
- Reliability
These characteristics ensure that information is useful for decision-making.
Fill in the blank: Information must be _______ to be free from errors.
Fill in the blank: Information must be delivered in a timely manner, referred to as _______.
Fill in the blank: Information must be _______ to be considered whole and not partial.
Fill in the blank: Information must have a non-contradictory significance for the decision-maker, known as _______.
True or False: Information can be considered reliable if it contains contradictory meanings.
Što su funkcionalni informacijski sustavi?
Sustavi koji se dijele prema specifičnim funkcijama unutar organizacije
Primjeri uključuju računovodstveni, financijski, marketing, upravljanje ljudskim resursima i proizvodni informacijski sustav.
Koji su primjeri funkcionalnih informacijskih sustava?
- Računovodstveni IS (RIS)
- Financijski IS (FIS)
- Marketing IS (MIS)
- IS upravljanja ljudskim resursima (HRIS)
- Proizvodni IS (PiS)
Ovi sustavi služe specifičnim potrebama različitih odjela unutar organizacije.
Koje su glavne kategorije informacijskih sustava prema podršci?
- Transakcijski IS
- Management IS (MIS)
- Sustavi za potporu odlučivanju (DSS)
- Izvršni IS (EIS)
- Ekspertni sustavi (ES)
Ove kategorije pomažu u različitim aspektima upravljanja i donošenja odluka.
Koji informacijski sustav se koristi za podršku donošenju odluka?
Sustavi za potporu odlučivanju (DSS)
DSS pomažu menadžerima u analizi podataka i donošenju informiranih odluka.
Što je izvršni informacijski sustav (EIS)?
Sustav koji pomaže višem menadžmentu u donošenju strateških odluka
EIS pruža sažetke i analize ključnih informacija.
Koji informacijski sustav se koristi za obradu svakodnevnih transakcija?
Transakcijski IS
Ovi sustavi omogućuju efikasno upravljanje poslovnim transakcijama.
Što je expertni sustav (ES)?
Sustav koji koristi znanje stručnjaka za rješavanje problema u specifičnim područjima
ES često simulira ljudsku ekspertizu.
What are examples of business processes in Accounting Information Systems?
Ratio Analysis, Financial Forecasting, Payroll Processing
These processes help in managing financial data and ensuring accurate reporting.
What is a key function of Financial Information Systems?
Portfolio Management
This function involves managing investments and financial assets.
What does Human Resource Information Systems include?
Personnel Forecasting, Compensation Analysis, Employee Skill Inventory
These areas focus on managing employee data and forecasting staffing needs.
Fill in the blank: _______ is a process in Marketing Information Systems.
Order Processing
Order processing is essential for managing sales and customer orders.
What is a function of Operational Information Systems?
Cash Management, Inventory Management, Pricing and Sales Analysis
These functions are crucial for day-to-day operational efficiency.
True or False: Manufacturing Resource Planning is part of both Marketing and Operational Information Systems.
Manufacturing Resource Planning primarily falls under Operational Information Systems.
What type of analysis is included in Financial Information Systems?
Ratio Analysis
Ratio analysis is used to evaluate financial performance and stability.
Fill in the blank: _______ is a process involved in resource allocation within Human Resource Information Systems.
Advertising and Promotion Planning
This process helps in strategizing marketing efforts for recruitment.
What is the role of Sales Force Automation in Marketing Information Systems?
It streamlines sales processes and enhances productivity
Sales Force Automation tools help manage customer relationships and sales data.
What does Manufacturing Resource Utilization focus on?
Optimizing production processes and resource allocation
This is essential for improving efficiency in manufacturing.
What is the first step in the value chain according to Valacich and Schneider?
Inbound Logistics
This includes the processes related to receiving, storing, and disseminating inputs.
What role does Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems play in the value chain?
It supports operations by automating manufacturing processes.
This enhances efficiency and accuracy in production.
What is the purpose of the Employee Self-Service Portal?
To allow employees to manage their own HR-related tasks.
This can include accessing pay stubs, benefits, and personal information.
Fill in the blank: The _______ includes the processes involved in getting products to customers.
Outbound Logistics
This encompasses activities such as warehousing and transportation.
What does the Sales and Marketing component focus on in the value chain?
Promoting and selling products or services.
This includes advertising, sales strategy, and market research.
What is the key focus of Product R&D, Technology, and Systems Development?
Innovation and development of new products or improvements.
This is essential for maintaining competitive advantage.
True or False: General Administration is a primary activity in the value chain.
It is considered a support activity rather than a primary activity.
What is the function of the Customer Service Response System?
To address customer inquiries and issues effectively.
This system enhances customer satisfaction and retention.
Define the role of Computer-Aided Design Systems within the value chain.
To assist in designing products and systems.
This technology improves design accuracy and efficiency.
What is the significance of Financial Decision Support Systems?
To aid in making informed financial decisions.
These systems provide data analysis and forecasting tools.
List the main components identified in the value chain model.
- Inbound Logistics
- Operations
- Outbound Logistics
- Sales and Marketing
- Customer Service
- Support Activities
Support activities include HR management, technology development, and procurement.
What is the first layer of the PIS?
This refers to the executive layer in a PIS (Poslovni informacijski sustav).
What system is responsible for processing transactions in a PIS?
This system handles the execution and management of transactions.
What does PIS stand for?
Poslovni informacijski sustav
PIS translates to Business Information System.
What is the purpose of the UPRAVLJAČKI SLOJ in a PIS?
This layer supports management decision-making processes.
What is the function of the SURADNIČKI SLOJ in a PIS?
This layer facilitates communication and collaboration.
What is the main characteristic of batch data processing?
Matične datoteke se ažuriraju povremeno. Podaci se prikupljaju i zatim se povremeno obrađuju.
Postoji određeni vremenski razmak između pojave nekog podatka i njegove obrade.
What is the main characteristic of online data processing?
Matične datoteke se ažuriraju odmah nakon što su podaci prikupljeni.
Ovaj način omogućava trenutnu obradu podataka.
What determines which data processing method is better?
Ovisi o potrebama za obradom i distribucijom podataka i informacija te mogućnostima prikupljanja podataka u organizaciji.
Različite situacije zahtijevaju različite pristupe obradi podataka.
Fill in the blank: Batch obrada podataka znači da se matične datoteke ažuriraju _______.
True or False: Online obrada podataka omogućava trenutnu obradu podataka.
What is a transaction in the context of a database?
A unit of work with data in a database that must be completed in full or not at all.
What does ACID stand for in database transactions?
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.
Define Atomicity in relation to transactions.
Transactions are all or nothing.
What does Consistency ensure in a transaction?
Only valid data is saved.
Explain Isolation in the context of transactions.
Transactions do not affect each other.
What is meant by Durability in database transactions?
Written data will not be lost.
What are the main functions of a Transactional System?
Executes transactions, records them, creates documentation, and reports on business status.
Fill in the blank: A transaction must be completed as a _______.
True or False: The effects of a transaction can be lost.
Što predstavlja transakcijski IS za računovodstvo?
Sustav koji upravlja financijskim transakcijama
Transakcijski informacijski sustavi (IS) su ključni za praćenje i obradu financijskih informacija.
Koje su glavne komponente transakcijskog IS-a?
- Kupci
- Dobavljači
- Računovodstvo
- Financijsko knjigovodstvo
- Robno knjigovodstvo
- Dnevnik i glavna knjiga
- Plaće
Ove komponente omogućuju praćenje i upravljanje različitim aspektima poslovanja.
Što obuhvaća financijsko knjigovodstvo?
Evidentiranje i izvještavanje o financijskim transakcijama
Financijsko knjigovodstvo fokusira se na pripremu financijskih izvještaja koji odražavaju stanje poslovanja.
Definirajte robno knjigovodstvo.
Sustav za praćenje zaliha i transakcija vezanih uz robu
Robno knjigovodstvo pomaže u upravljanju zalihama i prodajnim aktivnostima.
Što su dnevnik i glavna knjiga?
Temeljni alati za evidentiranje financijskih transakcija
Dnevnik sadrži sve transakcije redoslijedom, dok glavna knjiga organizira te transakcije prema računima.
Koja je uloga plaća u računovodstvu?
Evidentiranje i obračunavanje isplata zaposlenicima
Plaće su ključne za upravljanje troškovima rada unutar poslovanja.
What are the two types of information categorized as external?
Strateške informacije and Taktičke informacije
Strateške informacije are future-oriented, while Taktičke informacije are mainly internal.
What is the primary focus of strateške informacije?
Future orientation
Strateške informacije are aimed at guiding the organization towards future goals.
What type of information is primarily internal and focuses on daily operations?
Operativne informacije
Operativne informacije are used for day-to-day management.
What kind of information is described as primarily internal and typically related to weekly and monthly activities?
Taktičke informacije
These are used for planning and coordination within the organization.
Fill in the blank: _______ informacije are mainly internal and focus on daily operations.
Operativne informacije are crucial for managing everyday tasks.
True or False: Strateške informacije are mainly focused on internal data.
Strateške informacije are future-oriented and can include external factors as well.
What are the three types of management mentioned?
- Strategic management
- Tactical management
- Operations management
These categories represent different levels of management within an organization.
What type of decisions are characterized as unstructured?
Decisions that are undefined, external, summarized, and infrequent
Unstructured decisions often involve complex scenarios with no clear guidelines.
What type of decisions are characterized as structured?
Decisions that are well defined, internal, detailed, historical, and frequent
Structured decisions typically follow established protocols or procedures.
What are the information requirements for unstructured decisions?
Undefined, external, summarized, future, infrequent, accuracy
These requirements highlight the need for flexibility in handling unstructured decision-making.
What are the information requirements for structured decisions?
Well defined, internal, detailed, historical, frequent
These requirements indicate a need for consistency and reliability in structured decision-making.
Fill in the blank: Strategic management, Tactical management, and _______ management.
Operations management focuses on the day-to-day activities within an organization.
True or False: Structured decisions are typically made based on historical data.
Structured decisions rely on established data and trends.
Što su upravljački zahtjevi u IS-U?
Upravljački zahtjevi u IS-U uključuju informacije za specifične potrebe menadžmenta.
Ovi zahtjevi omogućuju donošenje informiranih odluka.
Koje vrste izvješća su uključene u operacije?
- Detaljna izvješća
- Zbrojna izvješća
- Fiksni format / periodična izvješća
Ova izvješća pomažu u analizi performansi i donošenju odluka.
Koje vrste odluka su uključene u nestrukturirane odluke?
Nestrukturirane odluke uključuju ad-hoc upite i odluke koje zahtijevaju analizu specifičnih situacija.
Ove odluke često zahtijevaju kreativno razmišljanje.
Koje vrste odluka su povezane sa strukturiranim odlukama?
Strukturirane odluke koriste podatke iz okoline i interne podatke.
Ove odluke su obično rutinske i mogu se lako automatizirati.
Što znači EIS?
EIS označava Executive Information System.
Ovaj sustav pomaže menadžerima u bržem donošenju odluka pružajući ključne informacije.
Što je DSS?
DSS označava Decision Support System.
Ovaj sustav koristi podatke za podršku procesu donošenja odluka.
Što predstavlja MIS?
MIS označava Management Information System.
Ovaj sustav prikuplja, obrađuje i distribuira informacije menadžmentu.
Što su TPS?
TPS označava Transaction Processing Systems.
Ovi sustavi upravljaju transakcijama unutar organizacije.
Što znači ES?
ES označava Expert System.
Ovi sustavi koriste umjetnu inteligenciju za rješavanje specifičnih problema.
What are the three levels of information requirements for users?
Executive Level, Managerial Level, Operational Level
These levels represent different tiers of decision-making and information needs within an organization.
Who typically occupies the Operational Level in an organization?
Foremen and Supervisors
These individuals are responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently.
What is the primary goal of automating routine and repetitive activities?
Improve Organizational Efficiency
Automation helps streamline processes, reduce errors, and free up human resources for more complex tasks.
Fill in the blank: The Operational Level focuses on _______ and Supervisors.
Foremen and Supervisors play a critical role in managing operational tasks and staff.