Inför tenta Flashcards
Which of the following describes a functional requirement?
a) Users of the new system will make 50% fewer errors per working day than with the existing system.
b) Security administrator of the system should be able to view the transaction log of the firewall.
c) The system must be capable of restoring to the previous state within 0.27 seconds.
b) Security administrator of the system should be able to view the transaction log of the firewall.
Which of the following describes a non-functional requirement?
a) The system must have a user interface that is easily understandable.
b) Chief accountant should be able to view all money transfers to blacklisted companies.
c) The system must allow customers to select the preferred shipment option for the goods.
a) The system must have a user interface that is easily understandable.
What is a functional requirement?
Vad är ett funktionellt krav?
De tjänster och funktioner som systemet ska tillhandahålla användaren. Exempel på funktionella krav på ett system är möjlighet att registrera en betalning, kunna skriva ut en faktura, beräkna ett resultat etc
What is a Non-functional requirement?
Vad är ett icke funktionellt krav?
Krav som inte beskriver något som någon/något vill göra i/med systemet. Till exempel krav på prestanda, tillgänglighet mm
«include» & riktning
Används när man alltid ska göra det relaterade användningsfallet. Andvänds när ett andvändningsfall inkludera funktionaliteten av ett annat användningsfall
Ritas som sträkade pilar,
include pilen är riktad mot det användningsfallet som innehåller den funktionalitet som allitd ska göras
«extend» & riktning
Används när man inte allid ska göra det relaterade användningsfallet. Används när ett användningsfall utökar ett annat användningsfall
Ritas som sträkade pilar,
extend pilen utgår från det användningsfall som eventuellet ska göras i samband med det relaterade användningsdaller
Är en representation av verkliga konceptuella klasser, inte av programvarukomponenter.
Det som visas i en domänmodell är;
- Domänobjekt eller konceptuella klasser
- Associationer mellan konceptuella klasser
- Attribut för konceptuella klasser
Coupling / Koppling
Coupling är ett mått på hur sammanflätade olika moduler/komponenter är i ett mjukvarusystem (the linkage between modules). Låg coupling är bra.
Cohesion / Sammanhållning
Cohesion är ett mått på hur väl innehållet i en modul hänger ihop, hur fokuserad den är (the internal binding within a module). Hög cohesion är bra
Unified Software Development Process (USDP) aka Rational Unified Process (RUP) 9 processes
Business modeling
Analysis and design
Configuration and change management
Project management,
Which of the following is not a discipline in the Unified Software Development Process (USDP) aka Rational Unified Process (RUP)
a) Business Modelling
b) Use case modelling
c) Project Management
b) Use case modelling
Which of the following is not a component of Sequence Diagrams?
a) Loop frame
b) Message
c) Execution specification bar
d) Class
e) Object
d) Class
Which of the following is an association in Use Case diagrams?
a) Communication association
b) Exclude association
c) Composition association
d) Coordination association
a) Communication association
Which of the following statements is true?
a) A domain model should represent the information system design
b) A domain model should include use cases and actors.
c) A domain model should represent information that the use cases deal with.
c) A domain model should represent information that the use cases deal with.
Patterns in Object Oriented analysis and design are:
a) Good models that might be used for training and learning purposes when novel business problems need to be modelled.
b) Reusable solutions to reoccurring modelling problems.
c) A defined step in every iteration of the system development process
b) Reusable solutions to reoccurring modelling problems.
Kallas ibland för “hela-delar” eller “del av”, representerar relationer mellan klasser där en klass kan agera oberoende av den länkade klassen
(tom diamant)
Beskriver en relation mellan klasser som är beroende av varandra.
(fylld diamant)
To each use case we apply the so called Boss test in order to:
a) Check that the use case has appropriate size
b) Ensure management’s acceptance of requirements
c) Make sure that the closest superior has communicated the use case design to the developers
a) Check that the use case has appropriate size
Which of the following is not a usual text field in use case descriptions:
a) Primary actor
b) Pre-conditions
c) Expressions
d) Scope
c) Expressions
Use Case Descriptions (Användingsfallbeskrivingar)
Omfång / Scope
Nivå / Level
Huvudaktör / Primary actor
Intressenter /
Stakeholders / interests list
Startförutsättning / Preconditions
Sluttillstånd / Success guarantee / Postconditions
Huvudflöde / Main success scenario/ Basic path
Alternativflöden / Extension / Alternative path
Specialkrav / Special requirements
Tekniska och data-relaterade aspekter / Techology and data variations list
Frekvens och regelbundenhet / Frequency of occurrence
Övrigt / Miscellaneous
Which of the following is a practice of eXtreme Programming (XP):
a) Refactoring
b) Use case driven development
c) Scrum
a) Refactoring
Which of the following statements is true?
a) Requirements are the same as models
b) Requirements are something that the users need in order to achieve an objective
c) Requirements are something that everybody wants
b) Requirements are something that the users need in order to achieve an objective
Requirement “Security administrator of the system should be able to view the transaction log of the firewall” is a:
a) functional requirement
b) non-functional requirement
c) pattern
a) functional requirement
Which of the following is NOT a software development methodology
a) Rational Unified Process
b) eXtreme Programming
c) Agile
d) DevOps
c) Agile
Which of the following is NOT a discipline in the Unified Software Development Process (USDP) aka Rational Unified Process (RUP)?
a) Business Intelligence
b) Requirements
c) Test
a) Business Intelligence
Which of the following is a construct of Activity Diagrams?
a) Track
b) Class
c) Job
d) Join
d) Join
Which of the following statements is true?
a) A domain model should define operations of classes
b) A domain model should represent information that the user needs
c) A domain model should model database structure
b) A domain model should represent information that the user needs
Patterns in Object Oriented analysis and design:
a) create business problems
b) are something that can be used instead of Class Diagrams
c) document reusable solutions to reoccurring problems
c) document reusable solutions to reoccurring problems
We can use one of the following tests to assess if a use case is of appropriate size and granularity
a) Class Diagram Test
b) Elementary Business Process Test
c) Activity Diagram Test
d) Writing Test
b) Elementary Business Process Test
Each use case:
a) Should have a description
b) Should be short
c) Should be written in English
a) Should have a description