Influenza Flashcards
sudden onset flu
- chilliness, throbbing pulses
- restlessness from anxiety
acute flu with restlessness, thirst, anxiety
- chilliness, burning better heat
- profuse burning corrosive discharges
- sudden onset
- violent sneezing
- debility
- spasmodic cough with desire to vomit
- runny eyes with photophobia
Acute flu with delirium, weakness and sleepiness
- hoarseness with very rapid pulse and palpitation
- seeks open window
- sense of suffocation
- constriction of chest
- low fever
- septic conditions
- great muscular soreness
- putrid pneumonia
develops like gelsemium but without the sleepiness
- dull mentally, don’t want to be disturbed
- irritable if disturbed
- speaking annoys them
- distressed and dispondent
- worried about their condition, about their business
- difficult to please
Collapse, icy coldness
- cold surface of body, tongue, breath
- congestive chill
- complete prostration of vital force, weak pulse
- chilly but desire to be uncovered
- first stage of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing
- pain is better while thinking about it
chilliness, anemic, weak
- worse of alternating days
- desire for limbs to stretch, move, but very weary
- sensitive to touch, motion and cold air
-coryza with severe bone pain
-weak pulse, bones sore as if broken
-chill preceded by thirst
-very restless, can’t keep still but not relieved by motion
-hoarseness worse in the morning
-flu during warm mild weather
coated tongue
-great heat but no perspiration
- poor reaction after influenza
- can be used preventatively in the autumn
- mental dullness
- acute coryza
- influenza with latent TB infection
note this is a nasal smear of a pt with influenza so contains several organisms
- prostration, fatigue
- dizzy, drowsy, dull
- slow pulse, mental apathy
- muscular weakness, relaxation and lack of contraction
- sensitive to falling barometer (dampness brings on flu)
- no thirst
- worse in evening
- empty or oppression in pit of stomach
- acute flu that develops slowly
profuse, offensive sweat
- foul mouth
- offensive salivation
- no relief from sweating
- colds extend to chest
Fever with violent pulsations and intense restlessness
- rapid pulse
- either high temp with slow pulse or the opposite
- very chilly
- headache with restlessness
- bed feels hard, feels bruised in low back and legs
- better beginning to move, so rocks or wriggles for relief
- copious clear urine with fever
Stiff, lame and bruised on first moving -better continued motion until they get weak and must rest -illness from cold damp weather -anxiety and fear worse at night -restless, intense fever -thirst -weeps without knowing why chilly better heat
Rhus Tox
- flu in children that is indistinguishable from whooping cough
- spasmodic cough after flu and after whooping cough
- cough with every cold
- tickling behind sternum causes constant hacking cough
- worse lying down at night
- must sit up in bed
- burning soreness in R chest through to R shoulder
-influenzal bronchitis
-symptoms similar to TB, debility, cough, poor appetite etc
-itchy ears and palms
acute cough thats irritating and tickling
Tuberculinum aviare