Influencing Behaviour via Social Media Flashcards
What is eWOM?
Electronic word of mouth
It impacts on consumer attitudes/behaviours it is public and quick and can be done any time in viewed by anyone at any time
How to brand/service providers give out information
Via their own social media pages
What are influencers?
There in between regular users and brands
Polished advertising from a peer
What is the elaboration likelihood model
It is a model of this suasion that describes two ways of processing stimuli the differentially influence or impact on attitude change
What are the two processes within elaboration likelihood model
Central route
Peripheral route
What is the central route of persuasion?
Provides good quality arguments
Appealing to someone’s logic and reason
Initiates deep processing
It develops lasting change
What is the peripheral route of persuasion?
Leveraging surface features that appeal to superficial processing and grab attention
Less effortful shallow processing
Only creates the temporary change that is that susceptible to counter persuasion
What is click bait
Sensational headlines to attract the audience to click through to further content
Relates to the cognitive phenomenon of the curiosity gap. We want to fill-in unknown gaps in knowledge
What is the guide to making a click bait heading
Number + trigger word + adjective + keyword + promise = clickbait heading
What does click bait lead to
Negative effects on perceptions of source credibility
What do people consider before they like something
Content appreciation if they genuinely enjoy the content displayed
There are other factors to:
Friends (who is posting and what do you think of them?)
Audience (the effect of your like on the viewer)
Reputation (does liking help or harm your image)
Appropriateness (is liking this content suitable)
Support ( liking to encourage support or endorse someone on their behaviour)
Do others like it (what is the number of existing likes already)
What is the bandwagon heuristic?
People base their perceptions and behaviours on the reactions of others
How are shares particularly persuasive (Kim, 2018)
They found the participants that looked at something with a higher amount of shares were rated as having more influence on participants and others
High likes lead to the perception of a high influence on others but not on themselves
What is self branding
Posting highly curated content to present a certain image of yourself which is an explicit form of selective self preservation
What is selective self presentation
It involves expressing oneself in ways that create a desired impression
What is the most crucial factor for persuasion
Leads to a lower resistance to the message
Is attractiveness important to persuasion attempts
There are three forms:
Similarity: resemblance between the message source and the recipient
Familiarity: knowledge of the source through repeated exposure
Likeability: affection for the source. The more we like someone the more we want to help or comply with their requests
Follower/following ratio influences?
Females have a lower likeability for accounts with highly uneven follower/following ratios
What makes a good Instagram post?
Wide, full body shots
Camera at eye level
Main visual elements in the centre
Warm colours and black
Themes on Instagram?
Particular style applied to all images to create consistency. Subject, colour or contrast choice.
Sequencing on Instagram?
Describes establishment of a pattern for feed. Similar photos alternated in a systematic way
What do sequencing and themes create
Creates a consistent image
Disclosures can impact on advertising recognition and disclosure memory can potentially have flow on effects for viewer attitude
What are the 6 principles of persuasion?
Consensus (see multiple others displaying the same behaviour)
Commitment (strive to maintain consistent beliefs and act in accordance)
What is the IAM (information adoption model)?
Explains how people are affected by the information on technology communication platforms.
4 components:
- Argument quality
- Source credibility
- Information usefulness
- Information adoption
What percentage of marketers found influencer marketing campaigns effective?
What is advertising irritation?
Describes how advertising an annoy, offend and manipulate customers or divert their attention away from worthy goals
Why does brand awareness influence persuasion?
Can serve as a heuristic cue or shortcut in decision making
What factors influence decision quality?
When the topic is personally relevant to the person
When there is little distraction in the environment
When the recipient has the knowledge needed to process the message