Influences On Marketing Obj Flashcards
What is the broad objective of the marketing department
Increase sales
What is the 1st marketing objective
• sales volume = amount of units you sell
What is the second marketing obj
• Sales value = monetary value of the sales
What is the third marketing objectives
• sales growth = increasing % of sales volume or value of a period of time
What is the 4th marketing obj
• increase market share
What is the 5th marketing obj
• increasing market growth = entire market grow = sales increase
What is the 6th and last market obj
• brand loyalty = PED decrease = customers less sensitive to price ^ = ^ revenue
Give an example of an internal influence on marketing obj
• mission statement/ corp obj
What is the2nd internal influence of marketing obj
• the functional areas
- finance department = resource/ finance constraints = cheaper alternatives e.g social media
- operations = unable to produce to large capacity = switch from sales growth to brand loyalty to ^ prices on level of units the business is able to produce
- HR = skilled labour?
Give examples of external environmental
- competition = ^ marketing
- market conditions = boom (sales growth) / recession (stabilise market share)
- consumer incomes (push brand loyalty) / IR ( cheaper to have consumer debt, frivolous spending = B.L)
- demographic, env, ethical