influences on business activity Flashcards
how does technology assist different parts of a business?
For administration - to write letters emails and to keep records of transactions and accounts
For communication - to inform stakeholders of the needs an progress of business activity
For recruitment - of workers by linking administration to communicate with possible recruits.
Stock control - to know what stocks are available and to co - operate with others in order to purchase stock.
What are the benefits of using technology in a business?
It makes businesses more efficient to cut costs, increase sales and achieve greater profits.
It is constantly changing which means businesses need to respond to sales.
What is CAD?
computer aided design -
products are designed using computer software that can generate 3D images of the finished product.
Details can be stored online and can be easily transferred with others involved in the production process.
What is CAM?
computer aided manufacturing -
Using computerized machines in the production process meaning that there is little human input in the production process (automation)
Robotics development has also led to human-like machines controlling machines.
What are the benefits of using CAD and CAM?
CAD speeds up design by using computers to produce drawings of finished goods
Alternative designs can be considered
Money saved as there is no need to build models nor finished goods.
Less waste is formed.
Fewer workers are needed in the production process and so costs are cut.
What are the disadvantages of using CAD and CAM?
CAD and CAM are expensive to set up - CAD needs powerful computers and sophisticated software.
CAM requires expensive robotics.
They require trained expensive engineers and technicians.
Training costs will be high.
How do businesses communicate with customers?
social media
Ethical businesses would -
promote their goods so that customers are treated honestly and fairly.
provide goods and services that are in quality with the price being paid.
not include harmful materials, substances or ingredients
in their products.
Be aware of the concerns of consumers regarding the treatment of animals.
what is business ethics?
Business ethics refers to whether a business decision is thought to be morally right or wrong.
An ethical decision is though to be morally right.
Benefits of being ethical to a business -
Many customers are attracted to ethical products - Sales are likely to increase.
Treating employees fairly motivates them to work harder to which the business benefits as they have better customer service.
Customers may be willing to pay higher prices for ethically sourced products.
suppliers who are treated ethically would be more stable as they will be able to fulfill more orders, being paid on time.
less likely to experience negative publicity with ethical concepts.
Disadvantages of being ethical to a business -
materials and labour will be more expensive when ethical policies are adopted. This will increase costs and if they cannot be absorbed by higher prices it will reduce profits.
Lapses in the ethical image of a business may harm the business.
what are some of the advantages of a business using technology to sell their products?
Storage of goods is cheaper - they can be stored in warehouses on less expensive industrial estates.
Smaller businesses can enter the market more easily.
customer service training is not needed, so less skilled and less expensive workers can be employed.
No need to travel to shops, saving time and money.
Goods can be returned if they are unsuitable.
Price of goods can be lower as it is absorbed by the little expenses.
what are some of the disadvantages of a business using technology to sell their products?
potentially expensive set up costs;
* Website development
* Warehouses updated for efficient dispatch of goods
* Stock control technology may need to be updated
harder customer communication - less customer communication levels
Goods need to be delivered to individual customers rather than in bulk to outlets.
The return of unwanted goods need to be organised and monitored.
Security measures need to be introduced to prevent cyber-attacks.
Goods that look good online may not be so good in real life.
Quality cannot be determined online.
Unsuccessful deliveries need to be rescheduled
Trust issues - people may not want to enter personal details: may not trust the website or their goods.
Contacting a business online or by telephone can be difficult- difficulties getting hold of the business.
What is sustainability?
sustainability refers to using methods of production that can be continued in the long term without damage to the environment, or depletion of natural resources.
How can businesses become more sustainable?
Using renewable energy
Using bio-degradable packaging
Introducing recycling schemes to prevent the continuous use of the material.
Using water more efficiently
Adopting fairtrade products which rely on less intensive methods, which are less harmful to the environment.
Minimising waste by removing non-essential packaging of products.
what are exports?
Exports are goods and services that are produced in one country and sold in another.
what are imports?
Imports are goods and services that are bought from producers overseas.
What is meant by the term globalisation?
Globalisation is the trend for markets to become worldwide in scope.
What is a multinational company/transnational corporations?
A multi national company produces goods and services in more than one country.
what is a supply chain?
A supply chain is the various processes involved in producing a product and distributing it to buyers.
Name the three components of the supply chain.
stock control
Name the five employment laws
contracts should be given to employees within two months of starting work. This covers pay, place of work, Working hours, pensions and so on.
Workers cannot be treated differently from other workers with regards to age, disability, gender, martial status, race, religion or sexual orientation.
Different types of workers doing the same job must be paid at same rates. Employees have the right to a minimum wage and the business has to adhere to the minimum hourly rates of pay workers must receive.
Workers cannot lose their job without a good reason.
Workers are entitled to be safe at work so injury or threats to their health are minimised.
Why are employment laws put into place?
Employment laws are put into place so that employees are protected from the unfair actions of their employers.
Why are consumer laws put into place?
Consumer laws are put into place so that consumers are protected from the actions of businesses when they purchase goods and services from them.